I Love You

"Where have you been?" Emma asked Xion as the man walked closer to her.

She reached out a hand and the man took it. Xion came to Emma's side and together they watched the view from the floor-to-ceiling window. For a moment, none of them said anything.

Emma was curious to know where Xion went, but she didn't want to force him to immediately reply to her question. She thought he might have his own reasons to go and didn't want to share with her what it was. It's okay too.

"I went somewhere," Xion suddenly said after a few moments. He smiled faintly at the flying leaves that fell from the tree outside their window, and he let out a pleased sigh. "I need to do it before I join the others on the battlefield."

"Ahh…" Emma nodded. "I wish I can join you all. Perhaps… Therius would really stop if he saw me."

"No, he won't," Xion shook his head. "Think about Livia. You should stay here and protect her."