
Edward went to his descendant's carriage and opened the door.

Four heads, three male and one female, turned to look at him.

"Good afternoon, my name is Edward Lyore," Edward introduced himself.

"Hello there. Father did say there'd be another Lyore here."

A tall, cheerful boy stood up to shake Edward's hand.

"I'm Alfred. The three around me are twins Connor and Ciara Raine and that's Albert Forde."

Everyone shook hands.

"Isn't it strange that all of us are related somehow," Albert said.

"Well, everyone in the world is distantly related," Ciara whispered, her face turning red as she spoke.

"I think the Forde family became their own Dynasty in the 1200s and the Raine family in the 1500s," Alfred explained.

"Yeah, but you're related to every Duke of Somerset, whereas we were probably spawned from the distant cousin of that Duke," Connor analysed.

The four discussed how closely they were related while Edward just leaned on the door and watched, amused.

He did take note of Alfred's status though.

[Name: Alfred Lyore

Bloodline: Lyore Bloodline (1/20)]

Evidently, he was one of the talented descendants.

After a while, Edward headed back to Ron and Harry's carriage, and chilled until they reached Hogwarts.

Eventually, they arrived at a little row of houses with a bridge just above the train. A large man with unkept hair and beard led the group to a river of boats as the children followed him in a line, like ducks.

Harry, Ron and Edward all got on a boat together and sailed towards the vast castle.

Getting closer, Edward could see how breathtaking the grand structure was as it towered over the boats that approached. Bright flame sparkled in every window of the castle as if there was always light.

Leaving the boats behind, the children excitedly rushed towards the castle but slowed down when they reached the stone stairs as they felt Filch's beady eyes on them.

At the top of the stairs, a sharp woman with a dark emerald robe watched them with eagle eyes through her glasses. She explained to them the sorting, houses and house cup albeit not without being interrupted by a plump boy and his toad.

As soon as she left, a sneering voice came across the room.

"It's true then? What they're saying on the train. Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts," the smug blonde haired boy came towards the trio with his nose up.

The scene played out as it did in the books and movies - the same snarky remarks and snide comments - except for when it came to Edward.

"And you, do you feel the same as him?"

Harry had just rejected Draco's friendship and was asking if he felt the same.

"I do, thank you very much."

Edward stared blankly into Malfoy's eyes, piercing the very depths of his being. Malfoy stumbled backwards as he looked at Edward, breaking out into a cold sweat.

Funnily enough, McGonagall hadn't showed up just after Harry rejected Draco, only after Draco fell to the floor. She stared suspiciously at Edward before bringing everyone into the Great Hall.

A collective gasp could be heard when the first years entered the hall as they stared at the floating candles, magnificently sculpted animals and the fake stormy sky.

It truly was beautiful.

"Not as beautiful as my Cathedral," Edward murmured beneath his breath.

Annoying as ever, the sorting hat sung its stupid song and Edward just waited until his turn to be sorted.

He did pay attention to Albert and Alfred's sorting though as he saw Albert being sorted into Ravenclaw and Alfred into Gryffindor.

"Edward Lyore," McGonagall called.

Edward walked towards the stage and sat down at the chair beside McGonagall. She placed the worn hat on his head.

It started to shift around before looking confused.

"Where to put you? For the first time, I really don't know. Where do you want to go?"

This was probably due to his ridiculous Occulemency powers: the hat couldn't read his thoughts and personality.

"Gryffindor," he whispered.

"Then it'll have to be... Gryffindor!" the hat announced as the Gryffindor table cheered.

At the table, many Gryffindors shook his hand and patted him on the back.

The only notable thing after that was that Ciara was sorted into Ravenclaw with Albert.

Dumbledore did his speech and during that Edward analysed him.

[Name: Dumbledore

Strength: 5

Dexterity: 5

Constitution: 5

Spirit: 6

Intelligence: 421]

He was about as powerful as he had expected.

After all the excitement, the prefects guided the first years to their common room and, once there, Edward just placed his briefcase under his bed after taking 'The History of Magic' out.

About half an hour passed; Edward was still reading in his bed while the others chatted downstairs and played games together.

All of a sudden, Neville rushed up to the bedroom.

"Edward, Mrs McGonagall wants you to go with her. Do you know what it's about?"

Edward frowned.

"No. No I don't."

Edward headed into the main room where he saw McGonagall waiting and everyone else looking at him silently.

"Come with me," she commanded sternly.

Edward followed as she led him through the castle to a large owl statue; Edward stood next to it.

"This is where I leave you. Sherbet Lemons."

The owl statue spun around and moved upward, revealing that it was a flight of stairs.

At the top, Edward got off and wandered into Dumbledore's office.

The room was cluttered with strange bronze, silver and golden items inside of iron cupboards. Various other strange items were littered across the room.

Right at the centre was bookshelves with mysterious and ancient tomes and books with strange names and material. Behind the mahogany desk was a large spinning globe.

Seemingly out of nowhere, Dumbledore walked in, smiling at Edward.

"How was your first day young Edward?"

"It was good," Edward replied bluntly.

"Ahhhh, you want me to get to the point?" Dumbledore chuckled.

"I heard from Ollivander that you didn't retrieve a wand from his store."

Dumbledore spoke in a low tone as he studied Edward's every movement and reaction.

"That's because I have a family heirloom," Edward replied without batting an eyelid.

"May I see this heirloom?" Dumbledore continued to press him for information.

Edward reached into his pocket and pulled out a magnificently crafted wand. As Dumbledore inspected it, his face slowly became more and more shocked.

"T-this wand! Where did you get it?" Dumbledore gasped.

"It was created by Saint Edward's himself."

Beginning to calm down, Dumbledore frowned.

"I don't recall Saint Edward ever using a wand."

He glared at Edward suspiciously.

'Shit. I'll sort that out.'

Edward quickly nipped back in time to one of his Irish battles and displayed the prowess of the wand before returning to the present.

"It was created by Saint Edward's himself," Edward repeated himself, unknown to Dumbledore.

"Yes. I recall reading of this. Reportedly, he only used it in one battle due to its immense power and the fact that he already had enough strength without it."

Dumbledore stroked his beard, pondering how to handle the situation.

"I'm afraid I'll have to confiscate the wand for now, it's far too powerful for a child."

Dumbledore had relaxed and said this with no malicious intent or hidden agenda. He genuinely wanted to protect his student.

"Please mail it back to my parents," Edward requested.

"As you wish. You can return to your common room now. Get some rest."

Dumbledore dismissed him, but as Edward left, he sat down heavily on his chair, massaging his temple.

'That wand was 10 times as powerful as the Elder Wand. What would happen if Tom got his hands on something like that.'

Dumbledore thought of the many terrifying possibilities.

'I need to be wary of that boy. Even when I tried to read his mind for evil, I couldn't.'