Before You Read

This novel is meant to just be a sort of wish-fufillment power fantasy. There will be a story but it's mainly about a guy going to different franchises and just enjoying it. The main character is meant to be completely overpowered and near unbeatable because he's just going to other worlds to have fun, he's not on a quest to become the strongest or anything.

You'll find that there will be a lot of time skips and glossing over some details. That's because I want to write this novel quickly and for fun; when I was writing my other novel, I found that I didn't have time to write detailed chapters but I didn't want to ruin the novel either.

It won't be that the characters have no development and the MC just goes round killing stuff, there will be development, just a lot of time skips too.

So, I'd appreciate it if you were considerate of these things.

Thank you.