Chapter 2



I shook my head as I looked down at my niece. "Trinity, you shouldn't do that. Your mother is going to kill me if she finds out I let you jump on the trampoline without the nets around it." I glared at her when she didn't listen to me and went on. What can I expect from a two-year-old?

When she was close enough, I grabbed her and put her down on the grass. It was clean so it didn't matter that she didn't have any shoes on. "Nooooo!" Trinity yelled and thrashed around. "Plwease! I want it." She threw her head back and began wailing.

Just then Camila walked in. "What's going on?" She asked as she saw Trinity. I looked at her pleading to help me. She chuckled and then took Trinity from me and walked inside the house to calm her down. "How about we get some apple juice?"

"Okay!" Trinity instantly stopped wailing.

I walked in after them to see Camila cleaning up Trinity. I walked over to Camila and hugged her from behind. "Thanks, babe. I don't know what I would've done without you." Camila chuckled and nodded. "You would've died without me." She laughed and then walked out of my arms to hand Trinity her sippy cup. "So what are we doing today? Tessa is away and we have to babysit, I was thinking we can go to an amusement park and spend the day there."

"Sounds like a plan. It was getting boring here anyway." I replied and winked at her. I kissed her lips and then walked to my room to change. Camila Obverch was my girlfriend of three years. We met at a party and we also had some mutual friends. Her dad, Frank Obverch, was one of the biggest fashion designers and he loved me, like a son. When we first met he was intimidating but after a while, he started to accept me. After about half a year, we were like father and son. Did I forget to mention that the internet blew up with the news that Camila and I were dating? Now that I did, let's move on.

Anyway, back to Camila. She was the most amazing and irritating woman I've met. She was playing 'hard to get', but when we met again because of Tessa's wedding dress she was kind of shocked. I knew she was interested in me but she didn't show it. I asked her out, like thirty times, and she said no every time. Then one day, when I was ready to give up, she showed up at my work and asked me on a date. I immediately said yes and that was the beginning of our relationship.

I won't say it was all good because we had our arguments but we always made up. Sometimes it was my fault and sometimes it was her's. We always said sorry and made up with amazing sex. Sometimes I think she was the love of my life, which would be great because my parents and my older sister love her already. My little brother, Callan, I am not sure of but it doesn't matter anyway because he was studying abroad. "Baby are you ready?" I heard Camila call from the living room.

"Yeah, just give me a minute," I called out from the bedroom. I quickly changed from my shirt to a t-shirt and blue jeans. I brushed my hair and my trimmed beard before walking out. "Now, let's begin the fun in this boring life." We both laughed at my joke, cause I am funny.


I put my head down on my desk. "I don't want to do this anymore," I whined to my assistant, Alexandra Willians, who rolled her eyes at me.

"You have to finish that, Sir. It's important." She spoke as she worked on her laptop.

"I have ten more pages of this document to read, and I am very bored," I whined and drummed my fingers on the desk. "And then there are more papers to go."

"Well, you are the CEO. It's in your job description to look over legal documents and sign deals with other companies that are beneficial to your company." Her monotone voice was getting to me. "Speaking of which, your new restaurant with Ms. Stanley has been going well. The opening day is this Friday."

"So I am required to go there." I sighed. She nodded and then went back to work. I had no other shit to do so I went back to reading the shit long documents. I couldn't wait to go home to Camila's home-cooked meals. I didn't know she was an amazing cook until our third date. Just thinking about going home makes me homesick.

I shook my head to focus, I couldn't have any distractions or I would've made mistakes and I couldn't afford to do that. Not when I was so close to closing a deal with another rivaling company. I took a deep breath and exhaled and then started to read again.

It was almost eleven but the time I got home. I typed in the code for the door and walked into the building. Just then a young man rushed past me. He looked like he was in a hurry and wasn't paying attention because he bumped into me. "Sorry," he apologized. The man had some similar build as me but a little shorter. I couldn't really see his face because it was a bit dark.

"It's all good." I smiled at him and then went on my way to my home.

I pressed the floor number to my studio apartment and waited. When it dinged I quickly got off and walked to the door. I typed in another code for it to unlock the door. "Babe, I am home!" I called happily as I entered our studio apartment, it was pretty big with three rooms and two bathrooms. The living room had the best view as did the kitchen and dining room.

"I'm in the bathroom baby. Let me wash up so we could eat." I heard Camila yell from the bedroom bathroom. "Okay," I answered back and used the other bathroom to freshen up and change into my boxers and shorts. Camila was used to me eating dinner without a shirt.

"How was your day?" She asked once she walked out of the bathroom with her nightgown.

"Good, boring, the usual. What about you?" I asked as I sat down and Camila got the plates. The food was already on the table.

"I had a good day. The necklace I ordered came in today. Also, I've been feeling a bit tired." She answered.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

"Yeah, it's nothing. Probably just work." She replied. Camila was a model for her father's company and she rarely stayed home but that month she took days off work to spend time with me. It was nice of her.

"Okay. If it's something, let me know." I stared at her until she nodded. After we ate, we watched an episode of Glee, and then went to bed after brushing our teeth. That was just me, Camila had to do her whole night routine. We both laid down and I spooned her. She was just so comfortable in my arms, but something didn't feel right.

Maybe it was the faint scent of another man on my pillowcase.