
Wear not Want not

"Miss Elise," the old stable hand groaned jokingly as Elise brought back Reginald sweaty from his run through the fields. "Why must you add to my workload today of all mornings." 

"I am sorry Gerard," Elise laughed. "Do you need me to stay and brush him down I really don't mind."

"No miss," Gerard smiled at her patting her arm affectionetly. "I think you would best be getting into the house. The lady of the house be looking for you. You know it's strange day to be going on a ride early morn. I mean no disrespecting but with the news of the big ball we got last month and with it being later this week on friday no less."

"Friday," Elise nearly choked on her breath of air. "It can't be that soon. I only heard about it last week."

"Miss," Gerard laughed again a hearty laugh that used to bring her spirits up now gave her a burst of anxiety enough to make her stomach turn. "It has been known by the house for nearly three months and I know some who knew of it six months in advance to get the right seamstress for their gowns. There is no time in a week for such a large amount of people to gather or to acquire the proper attire. Miss, I may not know much about parties and balls but I do know that they are months in the making and this week it's all the misses can talk about. They haven't been out riding nearly two months this wednesday."

"I I mean I need….I can't…" Elise stammered taking a step back. 

"Miss Elise," Gerard took a step towards her a look of concern crossing his face. "Are you feeling unwell from your ride? Heat can be dangerous."

"No," Elise swallowed hard shaking her head. "I am fine really, just realizing I forgot something is all."

"Right well," Gerard motioned to the great house in the distance. "I believe duty awaits miss."

"Right of course," Elise blinked rapidly before turning and hurrying away through the barn doors a million thoughts running through her head. 

Brushing what she could off of her skirts she ran up to the doors of the house opening them to see a flurry of activity. 

"We always do things so last minute!" Emmaline screeched loudly running bast Elise with a handful of glittery ribbons streaming behind her. "I can't imagine what we will look like so haberdashed together"

"That's not even a word and you know it," Kiana's voice called out from another room in turn. "You can't say big words to appear more knowledgeable if you don't know how to use them. It makes you look stupider."

"You can't speak to me like that it's unconventionally impolite," Emmaline whined out. "Mother, Kiana can't speak to me like that as I am the eldest."

"Girls," Adaline spoke harshly. "I will have no more talking until your fittings are done and the seamstress out. Pretty mouths are shut mouths girls remember that. Especially at the ball. We will get you married rich yet."

Elise tried to sneak past them all to the stairs leading to the attic room but was caught by Adaline herself. Glaring down at her from her tall stature Elise had never felt so small and ugly. Gripping her left arm with her hand she kept herself from instinctively covering her face. 

"Where have you been?" Adaline's voice grew low and demanding. A sign her true anger was coming through. "I have searched the house and barn all morning. We need you to do your daily chores. I care for you, feed you, clothe you, and you must pay for these things in turn like anybody else."

"Yes, Ma'am," Elise whispered looking down at Adeline's shoes. "I will not make the same mistake twice."

"I should think not," Adaline scoffed at her. "You know what is to be done if you do."

Elise shrunk back into herself holding her arm tight enough she left crescent moon shaped wounds in her arm where her nails dug in. 

"Yes," Elise spoke softly closing her eyes against memories of dark rooms and flashes of painful boiling water being poured down her naked back and forced into her mouth. An attempt to clean the filth from inside and out Adaline had said. 

"You always seem to forget and talk back," Adaline laughed darkly. "Today you are different, more submissive it would seem. It will do you good to keep this small manner."

Elise couldn't think of any biting retorts her mind focused on one thing. The princes ball and how to come up with a dress for it so last minute as it were.

"I have a famous seamstress doing the last fitting for my girls see that you are hidden away somewhere else before she leaves. I will not be the talk of the ball for the likes of you being spotted in my home."

Elise could only nod as she scurried away from her and went up the stairs to her small dusty attic bedroom. The stifling heat from the summer days made the air thick enough to chew it seemed, but it did not take a thought in her mind. All she could think about what the dress and mask that she would need for the ball. Touching her face gingerly she groaned.

 Not only would she need a dress that was a specific color she would also need a larger mask than most. One that would at least cover her scars on the left side of her face but still look feminine and light. 

Biting her lip she looked around her room. Maybe it was best if she didn't go at all. 

"I will be drawn to you I am sure of it," Remembering his deep voice sent another pleasant shiver down Elise's spine. "We met with water wear blue and I will find you. I promise we will meet again." 

Shaking her head she groaned laying on the straw mattress in the corner of the room she coughed as dust flew up and gathered around her. There was no 'not going to the ball.' She wanted...no she needed to see him again. More so to hear him speak. To understand more his opinion on...anything....everything. She wanted to be in his presence to be heard by him and understood as a person with thoughts and feelings and not just an ugly vessel. 

Gathering up what little money she had acquired over the years from dropped street coins and odd jobs at the market she grabbed her clock throwing it over her shoulders and dropping the hood low over her face covering it in shadow. Leaning out her window she grasped hold of a tree that conveniently grew alongside the house as if long ago it knew she would need its assistance for her many escapes from her tower room. 

Gathering up her skirts she quickly scurried down the branches and safely jumped to the ground. Smiling up at her window she laughed. It never grew tiresome knowing an escape from her life here was never too far away. It was a suffocating life but having a way out of it helped her survive it better than most would in her place she felt. 

Turning away she began the long walk to the square where the bustle of activity and other last minute arrangements were sure to be happening all in a hurry to prepare for the ball. Elise smiled thinking she would soon join in the busy throng and go unnoticed in everyone's haste hopefully enough that she might acquire a few yards of blue fabric for a simple gown that she could go home and secretly sew herself. 

It wouldn't be the most spectacular dress but with a few trinkets left behind from her stepsisters extravagant gowns she might be able to make something passable for a commoners dress. That was all she needed. That and a bit of clay to make her mask. It was all coming together rather well she thought. What could possibly go wrong?