
Before Gray is going to push through with his diabolical plan of eradicating every rabbit in the vicinity, his eyes immediately wonder about the spots where their corpses were once were.

It seems that they are replaced by some sort of white crystals scattered on the ground.

Curious about this new phenomenon, Gray approaches the crystals. As he touched one of them, a small text box suddenly appeared beside it, with the contents of the box being a list of items.




Take all?

"Take all indeed." Gray smiles at himself as he clicks the said question, bringing all the listed items in his inventory.

If he's not mistaken, then this is actually the loot that was dropped by the deceased rabbit.

"If I'm not wrong, it appears that the bodies of any being are turned into some sort of crystal upon death." Gray nods in conclusion. "And also, I can activate the said crystal in order to take their loot. Huh, neat."

Seeing as a weapon is one of the items that he got from the dead rabbit, Gray immediately goes into his inventory in order to check it out.

By his will alone, the Inventory screen appeared right in his very eyes. The UI also seems to be beginner-friendly since the items are categorized conveniently into 8 sections. They are namely; Weapons, Armors, Potions, Ingredients, Food, Materials, Junk, and Quest Items. The items inside of each section are arranged into a list where one can access their desired item easily in any situation. The downside of this feature though is that you can only store items within the carry limit. Currently, Gray's carry limit is at 8.5 / 200, having the at 0.5 and the at 8.0.

"That's a bummer." Gray frowns at the Carry Limit feature. "I guess storing millions of items is out of the question."

No use in antagonizing even further about the matter, Gray proceeds to check the new weapon that he recently has gotten from the loot.

(Common Weapon)

Lvl Requirements: None.

Damage: 72

Enchantments: None.

Item Description:

A magical staff given to Mages who wish to take their first step in their journey.

Note about Mage Staffs: Damage type is based solely on the Mage's Element as the Magical energy flows within the staff, empowering the weapon and allows shooting of basic projectiles without consequences to Mana. Non Mages wielding the staff will basically just be a wooden stick for them.

After reading the weapon's description, Gray is eager to test out his new staff. He channeled his Arcane Energy instinctively into the weapon as he points it at the ground. Then in a very short while, a blast of Arcane Energy was shot at a high speed, causing a small impact.

"I guess this is the Mage's main weapon," Gray said. "Just like a Warrior's normal basic swing of his sword, it is definitely the equivalent of it."

Now finished with his tinkering of the Inventory, Gray also looted the other 3 crystals of the dead rabbit, receiving a fair amount of Gold Coins, 3 Health Potions, and 3 Rabbit meats in total.

"Hmm, what's this?"

Done with all his looting, Gray suddenly saw an exclamation mark blinking on the Skill Icon of his Upper left.

Curious, Gray naturally wills the UI of the Skills to appear, greeting him with 2 different icons that seem to be showcasing a set of different skills inside.

"I see you have finally opened the Skill icon mortal. Let me give you a brief explanation of the subject matter. The 2 icons that you see represent the Exclusive Skill Tree of your class or more commonly known in this world as . Normally, a class has 3 but some of them like the Arcanist only gets 2. Each houses a specific set of skills that entirely based on your preferences or how you are going to play this class to your liking. Make your choice wisely mortal for you will be able to choose only one . Of course, that is not there is to it all and I'm sure it will ruin all the fun if I'm going to keep spoon-feeding you all the time right?"

Gray, absolutely not a noob in MMORPG, with years of experience in that genre, understood the Goddess' tutorial given to him.

When the Notification screen finally disappeared, Gray sat down on the ground in a relaxing manner seeing as there are no rabbits around that will be annoying him anytime soon.

After all, there is no time limit being dictated on his Quest, so he might as well go easy before resuming his rabbit onslaught.

With that, he began reading each of the while analyzing each of their pros and cons.


"Only the vilest of Arcanists can ever hope of achieving the true destructive mastery of the Arcane!!"

The Arcanist brings forth only destruction and mayhem at everything within his path with no consideration of the consequences. He is the bringer of doom, a ticking time bomb who vanquishes anyone who dares oppose him with a flick of his destructive spells. As such he takes a sick pleasure on feeding to grow more powerful, succumbing himself to the addicting power in his quest to Absolute Dominance.

Discipline traits:

- Increases the feeding health threshold to 10%. Additionally, you may feed on any normal beings on full health at 10 levels lower instead.

- Your spells deal 30% more damage but at the cost of increased hunger rate by 20%.

- Gain Evil and Chaos points 30% more, while Good and Order points are gained 30% less.

"Wow." Even if this class is obviously tailored for Evil, sadistic players, the boy could not help but be in awe at the dark explanation and the undeniable benefits that this Discipline has to offer.

Gray dismisses the first Discipline, going for the next one.


"Unlike Destruction, utter Tranquility also boasts a powerful league of its own. Even if the Hunger will consume us, let this not curve us in our path to everlasting power."

The Arcanist tempers himself with a resolve to tame his ever-growing Arcanaphilia. He specializes in a particular set of spells for both offense and support that sustain himself, his allies, and his soul, bringing a state of magic enlightenment. Unlike his destructive counterpart, his magic has a certain grace and at the same time also deadly. Instead of catastrophic devastation in his path, the Arcanist makes quick work of his adversaries in a clean and efficient manner.

Discipline Traits:

- Once per day, you may meditate to prostrate yourself with all the past feedings that you made, doubling their permanent effects for the next combat encounter. Lasts for the whole duration of single combat. (Only applies to Mana Bonuses).

- Your spells costs 20% less.

- Your Hunger rate is decreased by 15%.

"This is also a good choice, especially for players roleplaying into a good guy but evil players may also choose this since utter destruction is just frankly unnecessary in my opinion," Gray said to himself with a nod. The boy knows all too well that is what seems to be the maybe good version of the class. "The is very powerful indeed if used wisely. Although, the of the discipline is also quite tempting, which allows me easier feedings. Still, the reduced hunger is nice though. But the increased spell damage on the other hand."

After some considerable pondering, Gray stood up from his spot. With a determined look, the boy chooses-