The Villager

After leaving the forest, Gray is now seen to be around a small clearing once again, walking around without a specific direction, hoping that fate is kind enough for him to end up in civilization where he could devise a solid plan of how he is going to properly integrate himself into this fantasy world.

While he was on his feet, The Elf also opted to continue reading the Codex that was granted as a reward on his previous quest, studying the game's mechanics to learn more about what Silverhart has to offer.

"Let's see," Gray said as he read the contents loudly. "Items are divided into 5 tiers, each with their corresponding color of the text."

Common – White

Uncommon – Green

Epic – Blue

Legendary – Violet

Godly – Yellow

"P-please help me."

As he was reading, Gray's attention caught the sound of the plea for help that he just heard from around the corner as he secured the Codex inside his Inventory.

Scanning around his surroundings, Gray eventually caught sight of a dying human male leaning on the trunk of a huge tree.

Gray immediately rushes to the man's location to aid him.

Now seeing the critical condition of the man, Gray's eyes widen with concern at seeing his clothes rip apart. There are multiple lacerations and cuts sported all over his body, caused most likely by the Rabid Rabbits, seeing that he has still not ventured that far from the forest.

Gray also notes how critically low his status bar is.


Lvl 7:

Health: 3 / 620

Stamina: 100 / 340

Mana: 30 / 30

"A-an Elf." The man stuttered on his tone as he desperately clings to what little health that he has. "P-please save me."

"Shh, don't talk." Gray gently supports the man's head as he puts out a Minor Health Potion from his inventory, hoping that it will do the trick. "I'm not sure if this will ease the pain but take this potion for the time being."

Gray assisted the man in allowing him to drink the potion.

The effects were indeed immediate as the injuries suddenly disappear, causing the Villager to instantly feel rejuvenated as he slowly got up back at his two feet.

"Thank you, sir Elf." The man expressed his deepest gratitude with a sincere bow. "I am indeed eternally grateful for your kindness."

"Meh, it's nothing." Gray smiled as he waves his right hand in a dismissing manner. "It's the natural thing to do."

While this was ongoing, a subtle notification appeared on the upper left corner of his sight.

[+5 GOOD]

'Huh, neat.' Gray thought, having a pleasant feeling at seeing his Morality being boosted due to his unselfish action.

"If there is anything, anything that I can do for you sir Elf, I would be honored to repay such benevolence." The Villager said with extreme enthusiasm, happy to fulfill anything that Gray needs.

'Hmm.' Gray thought of how this Villager can be useful to him in his predicament.

If there is a villager, then most likely there is a village nearby, which means civilization and a place where he could stop by for a rest.

"Is there a village or town around here?" Gray asks the man.

"Yes, sir Elf." The Villager answered joyfully. "As a matter of fact, it is only about a thousand steps away from this location. Would you like me to show you the way?"

"Yes please." Gray nodded as the Villager gestured for the Elf to follow him.

With him agreeing with the Villager's suggestion, a System Text Box pops out from in front, which only he can see, seeing as the Villager seemed to be unaware of it.

[The Villager whose life that you have save offered to assist you in your plight by escorting you into his village.]

- Follow the Villager guiding you to the Village.

- None.

- +1000 XP, Become Friends with the Villagers of Oakwood.


The Elf instantly presses YES for obvious reasons.

As they now made their way to the Village, the Villager opted to make some small conversation with his savior.

"Oh, where are my manners." The Villager said as he began introducing himself. "My name is Eric Mills, a humble Villager from the small village of Oakwood. May I know the name of the one who save me?"

As Gray finds out about the man's name, the Villager text on the man's status slowly shifts as it turns into his real name.

Eric Mills

Lvl 7:

Health: 205 / 620

Stamina: 101 / 340

Mana: 30 / 30

'I see.' Gray thought about this newly discovered revelation. 'It seems that I won't be finding out a person's name that easily without asking the individual, unlike most of the games where their name is automatically revealed. This definitely increases the immersion of this world. If what Syliva said during Character Creation is true, regarding other people having similar systems as I am, then most likely they too can see my basic status as well.'

"Gray, Gray Allister." The Elf answered.

"Ah, Sir Gray then." The Villager now known as Eric responded with a gleeful nod.

'I wonder though.' Gray added on his pile of questions inside his thoughts. 'Does the same apply to my class? Let's find out.'

While they continue with their walk, Gray asks Eric a question to see if his hunch is correct.

"Eric," Gray uttered the man's name. "A quick question, what do you think my class is?"

"Well..." Eric sounded unsure as he looks up at where Gray's basic status is shown, even more so as to why the Elf asks a question of such nature. "I know that you are a Mage seeing as you are clad with a robe and equipped with a Mage Staff on the back, but other than that, I'm not certain as to what specific Mage Class you currently are Sir Gray. Why do you ask?"

'Yep, that confirms it.' Gray nodded in understanding. 'Perhaps like the name, Classes of a certain individual won't just magically reveal itself easily unless said individual chooses to do so, except the Silverhartian maybe. This ought to be interesting.'

"Oh, it's nothing." Gray smiles, not exactly sure if he should be revealing his class since he still does not know if an Arcanist is someone that is revered like a Paladin or feared like a Warlock by the common folk. He just doesn't want to take any chances for now.

"I just want to see if your eyesight is alright since you were injured very badly just recently."




"Oh, I'm glad for you worrying about me, Sir Gray. My eyesight is perfectly in good condition." Eric seemed to be convinced by the Elf's concern. After all, Gray has saved him from death, so he'll respect his privacy.

And with that said, the two continued on their walk as they made their way to the Oakwood Village.