New Quests

Theo saw Gray emerging out of the Archives as the latter heads downstairs to the former's direction.

"Welcome back, Champion." Theo greets the Elf with the utmost enthusiasm. "Was the Archives satisfactory to your needs?"

"Yes." Gray nods in agreement, satisfied indeed at the outcome of his self-study. "The collection of books inside truly helped me in filling up the knowledge that I lack."

"I'm glad to be of help then." Theo smiles at him. "Now that is all said and done, what are your plans after this?"

"For now, I'll be travelling to the nearest town, eventually making my way to the capital since I'm quite curious about this Arkanos University that I've heard about." Gray answers while crossing his arms.

[In your ever-glorious pursuit to the intricacy of higher magic, you decided to visit and investigate about Arkanos University that you read in the Archives a while ago.]

- Investigate Arkanos University in Everfall

- (???)

- University admittance, (???)


The Elf blinks in surprise at the system notification suddenly appearing when he states his intentions to Theo.

Despite feeling a bit astonished by this revelation, Gray naturally clicks the YES option, intrigue at the unknown rewards to be granted to him at the Quest's completion.

While conducting his reading earlier ago, Gray stumbles upon a particular book of the said University.

He was able to learn that Arkanos University is a prestigious institution that delves deeper into the study of magic and its fundamentals. Individuals aspiring to be Mages may seek education here as their starting point, provided they have the magical aptitude and a letter of recommendation from a powerful known mage.

Of course, those who are already full-fledged Mages are also welcome in the University for honing their magical arts even further and learning more advance spells as fit to whatever purpose they deem.

The University also dedicates itself to the collection, preservation, and distribution of any knowledge that is related to magic with an emphasis that all Silverhart's citizens would benefit from this knowledge.

Students and staffs of the University receive many benefits such as training, services, and education in the established laws regarding the proper usage of magic.

As such, if Gray could get access to the University, then he may be able to improve his Arcane abilities, potentially making himself even more powerful in the process.

Theo, also knowing about the University, nods in understanding of the Elf's intentions. "I see. If that is the case Champion, then may I suggest heading to Chadena as your first stop? Everfall from here takes about a month of travel by foot while Chadena is only about five days away. Once you have reached there, you may be able to make use of the carriage services to shorten your journey significantly, cutting the time by about a half or so."

[The Priest, Theo suggests that it would be best if you make your first stop into the town of Chadena before proceeding to Everfall. In Chadena, you are to seek the services of a carriage driver for a faster way of transportation into the capital.]

- Reach the town of Chadena and speak to a carriage driver.

- (???)

- 600 XP


At this point on, Gray is not anymore surprised by the notification as he merely presses YES, sending the Quest's information into his JOURNAL.

"Chadena, huh?" Gray rubs his chin in contemplation. "Yes, your advice is beneficial, and I'll head there, but there is a problem though."

"What is your predicament, Champion?" Theo asks in concern.

"I don't have a copy of the map of this Province. May I know where I can find one?" Gray questions him of where to obtain the said item.

"Say no more!!" Theo graciously obliges the Elf as he put out the item of interest from his own Inventory. "Here you go Champion, the map of Whitemoor Province."

"Wow." Gray's eyes widen in appreciation as Theo handed the map over to him. "Is it really alright for you to be just giving me this?"

"Of course." Theo smiles in response. "As a devout servant of Lady Wynather, my endeavours won't lead me much outside of the village as I serve the Goddess and my people. As such, it would be such a waste if the map would be rotting inside my Inventory for the rest of my life hahaha. Anyways, I'm sure it will be put to good use in your hands."

"Very well." Gray nods at the Priest's reasoning. "I truly am grateful for the gift. Thank you."


(Uncommon Item)

Item Description:

The map showing the entire geography of Whitemoor province.

Note: Upon receiving a map, any undiscovered locations will be automatically revealed as per depicted in the diagram which will be stored inside the MAP option of your UI, allowing smoother travels in your journey.

'Nice.' Gray smiles in pleasant surprise at this new information as he opens the MAP icon. Indeed, the blackened portion was cleared out in an instant, revealing the area as portrayed in the map that he received. 'This is so much convenient. With this, I'll never get lost from this point forward.'

"Is there anything else you need, Champion?" Theo inquires the Elf if he can be of any further assistance.

"No, I've got everything I need for my travels." Gray smiles with gratitude.

"Very well." Theo nods, returning with a smile of his own. "Do know that you'll always be welcome here in Oakwood."

"I appreciate it, Theo," Gray replies as he nods. "Thank you again."

After saying their final farewells, Gray finally made his exit to the Chantry, basking into the fresh, crisp air that the atmosphere of the village has to offer.

'I should make my way first to Eric and his family to announce my intentions.' Gray thought as he felt grateful for them in giving a room for him to stay last night.

But before he could proceed with his actions, a group of children suddenly gathered around him, led by none other than Eric's daughter, Darlene Mills.

"Hey, Mister Gray!!" Darlene yells cheerfully at him with the other kids looking at the Elf with sincere happy intent. "Come and play tag with us!!"

As he was about to answer the child, the System Notification appeared for the third time, signalling a brand-new Quest for him.

[Brave Heroes such as yourself are bound to attract innocent young children who are deeply captivated by your gallant actions (How cute, mortal). Tag, Hide and seek, anything to satisfy their whimsical, childish needs. (You're not such a devil for refusing these precious kids, are you mortal?)]

- Play tag with the Children for 10 minutes.

- None

- 50 XP


Gray could only twitch in utter annoyance at the condescending and unnecessary remarks of Sylvia.

But upon seeing Darlene looking at him with her adorable puppy eyes, Gray could not find the heart to refuse such cute look as he ultimately presses YES.

Besides, he's not exactly in a hurry that much, so his other Quests can wait.

[+4 GOOD]

"Sure, why not?" Gray instantly changes his demeanor, turning all smiles for the children to witness.

"Yay!!" Darlene and the other kids cheer at him. Then she immediately taps the Elf with a mischievous grin. "You go first Mister Gray, you're it!!!"

The resulting playful action causes the kids to run around the village square brightly, with Gray now being "it".

"Hehe, it's on kids." Gray's eyes blaze in deep passion as he dashes to whoever is unfortunate enough to be tagged by him.

And with that, the entire village could only gape in wonder at why an esteemed young adult such as the Champion himself is playing a childlike game happily with their children.