
"Chadena is known as the Blade of Whitemoor, where aspiring fighters from all over the province gather to test their mettle and strength in the majestic citadel of the renowned Warrior's Guild. But should you find the time other than marveling the seasoned combatants in their friendly exchange of blows, there are stories to tell and songs to be heard in the grand mead hall of the Fighter's Retreat."

- Valerius Tiberius, Author of 'Adventurer's Guide to Whitemoor, 2nd Edition', 6th day of Ending's Cry, 1443.


Gray could only marvel in deep awe as he and Isamu finally enter the town of Chadena.

The Elf's eyes could not help but wonder all over the place while the two walks on the streets of the town, enjoying the bustling sights of the people walking around the area and bargaining with the merchants in their stalls at the marketplace as well as surveying the different establishments that cater to the citizen's various needs.

"Chadena is a fairly large town from what we are seeing right now. As such, it's divided into four districts, each with its distinct purpose." Gray heard Isamu speaking as they now find themselves in the marketplace as they walk. "This here is the Commerce district, the heart of the town, the area of trade where merchants and traders deal with their business among the townsfolk with their different merchandise. Business establishments such as the Blacksmith, General Goods, Jewelry Store, Butchery, and a whole lot more can be found here."

Gray nods in acknowledgment at what Isamu told him, appreciating the information being given to him.

Indeed, the Elf could see how prosperous the town is judging by the content looks of the people in his vicinity.

Chadena certainly is affluent and crowded with well-to-do people. The walls, streets and establishments are unquestionably well-maintained. The markets are thronged with various wanderers from different regions drawn by the availability of both goods and labor. The beautiful cadence of hammers and looms is an incredible testimony to the business of the artisan's workshops.

Speaking of the people, Gray's eyes also widen in pleasant surprise at now seeing different races from all over the land the more he and Isamu delve deeper into the parts of the town, going about with their affair as the people interact with one another in a harmonious setting.

Human, Dwarf, Cat-folk, Lizardling, Orcs, and of course, his race, Elf.

Gray witness all of them as he keeps their physical traits in mind, comparing them to the various RPG that he played in his past life.

'Wow!!' Gray could barely contain his enthusiasm at seeing in person the different mythical races that he could dream of as witnessed in the various video games and media in his past life. 'It's like every gamer's wet dream!! I still could not believe that I'm part of this fantasy wonder in which I could only dream of by playing RPG back on my time on Earth. Woah, is that a Lizardling!? They sure look like the Argonian race from the Elder Scrolls."

One could very well see the Elf's brighten expression as it was as clear as the day, not even attempting to mask his excitement about the intricate wonders of the mythical world. As such, Isamu merely chuckles at the Elf's awed expression, comparable to an eager child who has just set foot outside for the first time.

"Judging from your expression, you sure must be excited at visiting a human town, right?" The Cat-folk Champion inquires his Elven friend with a smile.

Gray's eyes widen in realization when Isamu snap him out of his momentary exhilaration, prompting the Elf to recompose himself as to not make him seem out of place and overly thrilled over something that's average in the eyes of the general public.

'Crap, I better learn how to control my emotions if I wish to blend in among the people.' The Elf thought as he crosses his arms calmly. 'Don't want anyone getting suspicious now, would we?'

"Yeah, hahaha." Gray then faces Isamu as he grins sheepishly. "It's my first time here in Whitemoor, after all. Now that my curiosity is piqued, I suppose we should proceed to the Warrior's Guild. I also happen to have a Quest involving in there."

Isamu nods in understanding, remembering the Elf mentioning about it during their travels after the incident in the Bandit Encampment. "Ah yes, the young human boy, Ethan. I did tell you that I know him since he too is a fellow member of the Guild. A good lad at heart, but can sometimes be too eager to prove himself. Anyways, you are to deliver a letter from his mother in Oakwood, if I recall correctly?"

"Yes," Gray responds. "Hopefully he's here in town and not doing any Quest for the Guild outside."

As they proceed to head their way to the Guild, Gray also witnessed a small number of guards patrolling around the area, obviously fulfilling their duties seriously as they are on the lookout for anything that might potentially disrupt the peace and order of the city.

Of course, no one is foolish enough to dare act openly in a crude manner, especially when the town is also monitored by the Warrior's Guild, in collaboration with the City Guards.

While on their march throughout the Town, Isamu also took the time to lecture Gray of the districts that they passed by.

They are now at a place surrounded by the numerous houses that are owned by the residents of the town.

"The Residential district is the area where the citizens of Chadena resides in their home. Some of the houses are made of wood, the ones own by the common folk. The rest is made of expensive brick stones, owned by the nobles or rich merchants."

Gray merely nods as they walk by numerous houses while on the road, making their trek to the direction where the Guild is. He could also see children playing tag around the area as they enjoy running around the streets.

The Elf merely smiles heartily at the scene, remembering playing the same game with Darlene and the other kids back at Oakwood.

After around an hour of navigating throughout the town, led by Isamu who clearly knows the ins and outs of the town's passage by heart, the two seemed to have finally arrived at their designated location as Isamu raised his hand in a gesture to stop at where they stand.

"Ah, we're here." The Cat-folk smirks widely as the pair now find themselves in front of an enormous and tall fortress surrounded by stone walls that make up a significant portion of the area. "This my friend, is the Warrior's Guild, home of the finest Warriors that Silverhart has to offer."

Indeed, Gray marvels at how tremendous the area is, no doubt a place for equipping Warriors the necessary skillset in real combat.

The fortress stood in its impressive colossal height, its size no doubt serving to accommodate many of the Guild Warriors staying inside. The fort is made solely out of stone, an ancient vibe resonating around its architectural outline as depicted by how old looking it is. Despite the clear passages of the lasting time being passed throughout history, the fortress remains strong and unyielding, a clear testament of perhaps the many events that the area has withstood that leads to the Guild of Warriors that is renowned in this current age.

"It's huge." The Elf blinks in a pleasant surprise at seeing the place. "And you guys live and train here?"

"Yes." The Cat-folk nods in enthusiasm. "This place is also my home, where my fellow Warriors and I train to hone and improve our skills in combat as well as to lookup for quests and answer calls of help from the good people to strive in making this land a better place to live."

With that said, Isamu motions Gray to follow him, as they both entered the place that is renowned for cultivating Warriors to their fullest potential.