Boscage, the Garden District

It's a sunny afternoon as the heat of the glorious sun basks upon the town of Chadena where the townsfolk are shown to be with their own business in pulling themselves through the day.

Walking around the streets, Gray unquestionably is seen to be currently enjoying the sights, marveling at every establishment and the architectural displays being shown right in his very eyes.

'Hmm, now what to do?' The Arcanist thought as he ponders on what exactly is his next course of action now that he's all alone and free. 'I know I decided to just see the sights around here, but I have to be productive and at least get something out of this.'

As he contemplates such notions, an idea then suddenly struck within his mind as he then approaches one of the locals and questions him.

"Good day friend, is there some sort of shop or establishment for Mages around here?" Gray greeted the townsfolk kindly with a friendly smile. Of course, being in a town of Warriors, he's not exactly sure if there's even one available to cater to the needs of magic users.

Thankfully though, the townsfolk's response is favorable, his initial belief being disproven.

"Why yes, kind sir." The man obliges the Elf with the same gesture as he happily answers and pointed the direction. "It's somewhere in the western part of the town. The shop's name is Magus' Emporium and is beside the Temple of Agveyr at the Boscage."

"Boscage?" Gray could not help but ask, the terminology being new to him.

"Ah, you must be new here then." The man chuckles as he told Gray about the particular part of the town. "Boscage is one of the four districts of Chadena. It's the district where the botanical gardens and trees are marveled in its splendor glory of the delicate nature. It's a wonderful sight I tell you, where you are free to explore the place throughout the day and admire the trees, flowers, mushrooms, and other flora that enhance the serenity of the majestic courtyard."

"It must be a sight to see." Gray smiles at the man's explanation. "Yes, thank you for the valuable information my good man. I'll head over there immediately."

"My pleasure, sir." The townsfolk nods in a friendly gesture as he turns around to take his leave.

Heeding the man's direction, Gray proceeds to where he was pointed at.

After minutes of navigating himself throughout the town's roads and streets while at the same time, asking additional directions from the other townsfolk, the Arcanist finally finds himself at the district.

Just like the man mentioned in his description, it was a garden of exalted wonder that is located between the roads.

Although paling in comparison to Wynather's Divine plane of Estelthyr, the beauty of the scenery still upholds its grace and elegance that one can't take their eyes away from its heavenly grandeur. Even Gray himself, a mortal who has visited the said Divine Plane still finds the place breathtaking, a garden where the citizens of Chadena can truly relax as they relish upon its spiritual poise.

The Boscage is known as the Garden District of Chadena, a magnificent greenhouse-like area filled with different kinds of rich flora all over the area. Its shady trees are an inviting gesture during the sunny days, a relaxing spot where one may take a well-deserved break under its viridescent leaves after a day of hard work.

Upon strolling further inside the district, Gray could also witness the row of various flowers that attract the eyes of the beholder, a splendid sight indeed and a nice change of scenery from all the man-made constructions that are situated at the other districts.

Indeed, all of the worries of life can be temporarily forgotten at unwinding at the magnificence of its elegant features. In the middle of the district is a huge stunning fountain with a statue of a beautiful woman holding a water basin continuously makes the water flow, a piece of structural decoration that everyone is free to admire.

Gray could also see many people around the district, going about in their activities in a peaceful atmosphere as they happily chat with one another. Many children flock in the garden, indulging in their outdoor games as they enjoy themselves in the comfort of the green atmosphere.

Many birds perch in the trees and chirp in their melodious tones, a sound that's surely a lovely thing to hear, adding to the garden's ambiance.

Lost on nature's charm of the entire district, Gray could only chuckle at himself at almost forgetting why he was here in the first place.

"Wow." Gray could only utter in deep awe as he eyed the majestic scenery of the garden district. "I kind of thought that the man I first met earlier is exaggerating in his statement about the place, but as it turns out, it's actually true. This here absolutely is a sight that's breathtaking no doubt. Maybe there's a Druid of some sort maintaining the place?"

"You've got that right, *Hiss!!*"

"Woah!!" Gray's eyes widen as he jumps in reflex at the utmost shock and was taken aback by the sound of the hissing right behind him.

Turning his back, the Elf blinks in surprise, revealing to be a yellow-skinned male Lizardling with a smug look on his reptilian facial features. The man crosses his arms as his blue slit eyes gleamed in amusement at the funny expression that Gray has showcased.

Taking a closer inspection, the Lizardling is shown to be clad in a plain green hooded robe with a wooden staff strapped on his back.


Level 24

Health: 964 / 964

Stamina: 643 / 643

Mana: 3254 / 3254

'A Lizardling huh.' Gray thought as he regains his composure from his initial shock. 'Base on his status bar, the guy is most likely a Mage like me, given how high his Mana is compared to his other two stats. I saw one or two of his kind on my way here, so they're rare here in the city. Wonder what this guy wants with me?'

"Greetings fellow user of Magic." The Lizardling greeted him, seeing the Elf wearing a unique kind of robe as wells as a Mage staff also on his back. The Lizardling's elongated reptilian tongue protruded outside for Gray to see. "What brings you here to the town of Chadena? It's a rare sight of seeing Mages here in a city filled with Warriors after all, so forgive me for sounding too curious, hehe."

"I don't mind." Gray smiles at him in a welcoming manner. His curiosity then piqued since it's his first time having a conversation with a Lizardling, so he could not help but dive deeper into a conversation with a non-human like him. "Who are you?"

"Ah, yes, introductions." The Lizardling said with a nod of understanding. "My name is Rarsu Khougraox, the Druid that tends to the gardens as well as the owner of the Magus' Emporium."

'A Lizardling Druid?' Gray thought with slight wonder at the uniqueness that entitles in the combination of race and class. 'Now that's something you don't hear every day.'

"I'm Gray Allister." The Elf told him his name. Since the Lizardling revealed his class to him, he returns the gesture by doing the same out of respect. "And I'm an Arcanist."

As soon as the Elf revealed him his class, Rarsu's slit eyes suddenly widen with astonishment, his mouth turns agape at the sudden revelations.

Gray could not help but be worried, thinking that him revealing his sinister Mage Class might be a bad move.

The Elf's worries were subsided though as Rarsu, much to Gray's utmost surprise, suddenly approaches him very close, their faces inches away, with both of the Lizardling's hand on the Elf's shoulders.

Gray felt confused by the Lizardling's actions as he peered at the Druid's scaly face. Also add to the fact that their faces are in close proximity, much to the Elf's unliking.

"An Arcanist you say?" Rarsu questions Gray in clarification as the latter merely nods absentmindedly, seeing how close their faces are. Then the former released Gray from his grasp as he began to look up into the sky.

"Haha!! It seems that the Divine Arkanos has granted my favor today!!!" Rarsu yells with utmost joy with an expression of gratitude at the day sky as the locals in the vicinity could only stare at him like he has gone mad. "The God of Magic truly has given his blessings, in the form of an Elf, no less!!!"

Gray tilts his head in confusion as he asks. "Uh, what's going on?"

Rarsu recomposes himself as he controls his profuse breathing in an effort to calm down.

"My friend." The Lizardling Druid said with a wide toothy grin, baring his fangs for the Elf to see. "It would do me a great honor if you'll do me this simple little favor in this experiment of mine."

Gray cringes at how the Lizardling emphasizes the words, "simple" and "little" like he has some sort of ulterior motive.

[The Lizardling Druid that you just met, a man by the name of Rarsu, has a rather simple request in store for you. It may sound fishy, but who knows? You might get some benefit out of this. He is the gardener of the district as well as an owner of a Magic shop after all, so he must be trustworthy.]

- Fulfill Rarsu's favor.

- None

- (????), (???)


"One question before I accept this favor of yours." Gray inquires Rarsu with a serious look. "Will this experiment hurt in any way or worse, kill me?"

"Hurt, yes. Kill, no." The Lizardling merely stated. "I've sent the experimental reports to Arkanos University and they gave me the go signal for it, so you don't have to worry my friend. I'm quite confident about my abilities, so it will do you no lasting harm after. Besides, if things go the way they plan, then you will especially benefit from it, that I can assure you in Arkanos' divine name."

Gray considers it for a moment as he ponders on the consequences.

'Well, it wouldn't kill me, and the question marks on the Quest Rewards is quite intriguing. Alright then.'

With a deep breath, Gray clicks YES, accepting the Quest and finally agreeing with the Lizardling.

"Very well," Gray said as he accepts.

"Excellent, you'll definitely not regret this," Rarsu answers with a smile of gratitude. "Follow me to my shop and we'll talk more about the details."

Gray did what he's instructed and followed the Druid to his shop.

Hopefully, he won't regret the decision that he made.

Besides, they're in a city, so Gray is sure that the Lizardling won't act so crude and rash openly.