The important lesson of Gratitude

Vakrean and his platoon of warriors set their gazes at the new Paragon with fear in their eyes upon what he just said to them.

They braced themselves, thinking that they are going to receive a punishment that might be overwhelming for them, evident by the elf's sinister reaction and coupled by the support given to him by the War God, their lordship, Agveyr.

But instead and much to their utmost bewilderment, they suddenly heard the Paragon laughing to his heart's content, all maliciousness that was radiating around him has seemed to have disappeared. His laugh is akin to a child that has witnessed something quite amusing in a pranking delight.

"Hahaha!!!" Gray laughs wholeheartedly as the entire occupants of the building who are witnessing the event all share looks of confusion at the Paragon's expression. "You should have seen the fucking looks on your faces!!! They're hilarious!!!"

The warriors and guards at the vicinity all mumbled towards one another in a whispering fashion, wondering if the Paragon has gone mad.

Agveyr merely is intrigued as he continues to observe the affair being played out.

After a short while, Gray ceased his laughter as satisfaction is revealed in his appearance.

"For starters," Gray said to clarify the extremely shock emotions being displayed by the platoon. "Your hysterical expressions are punishment enough for me. I was certainly delighted when you guys were sweating profusely with grim expectations, haha!! Anyways, there's no need for bloodshed or conflict today. My satisfaction has been piqued, so yes, you guys can now go free."

[+5 GOOD]

[+9 CHAOS]

As a result of his gained morality points from his endeavors, a notification instantly pops out in front of his eyes.

[A morally good person with a free spirit. You are the embodiment of both freedom and benevolence, seeking the virtue of total goodness while in the pursuit of thrill and excitement for whatever interest that stimulates your fascination. You are now Chaotic Good.]

'Huh.' Gray thought with surprise. 'I guess it's about time.'

Opening his Character option, the elf decided to check how many Morality points he accumulated until this eventful day.

(+) ----(+45) ------ (-)

(+) -------- (-30) ----- (-)

After verifying his Morality that was presented, Gray dismissed the UI, seeing that he is still currently in the spotlight in the hallways of the throne room.

Vakrean's eyes widen as he peers up at Gray with sheer wonder. "You mean we won't be receiving any sort of penalty or retribution from you?"

"Of course." Gray grins in response. "As I said earlier, you guys are free to go. I'm not that petty as to be offended by something like that."

'Even if I became a victim by a long time running gag in the gaming community.' The elf mentally cried.

"I find no benefit whatsoever in punishing fine warriors who simply have intentions that are nothing but good in the dedication of protecting this plane. Besides, you already apologized earlier and it's all just a misunderstanding, so I won't hold it out to you." The elf smiled friendlily as he held his hand out in a gesture for the dwarf to stand up.

Vakrean stares at him with deep appreciation in response, gladly accepting the gesture. "You almost gave us a heart attack, Paragon. I supposed we deserve such treatment after our rude way of welcoming you in this plane, hahaha. I'm honored that you are a man of reason, a quality that a Paragon must possess if he wishes to stand triumph in a darkness that still has yet to be unveiled."

"Hmm, interesting." They all heard Agveyr commenting as he went back to his throne and delights himself at the feeding being provided by his servants. "Well played, Paragon. Despite being for your self-interest, one can see that you are capable of psychological warfare, evident by you playing tricks into them in the realization of their mental strength that has been crumbled caused by the prospect of punishment."

"Well, to be honest, I just love a good prank every once in a while." Gray beams sheepishly while scratching his hair. "And it's been so long since my last. Seeing such a wonderful opportunity, I just can't resist the prospect of having some laughs for the sake of entertainment, hahaha."

"I see." Agveyr simply nods. "Well, as long as it does not constitute any harm, then I suppose that it's okay."

Then the War God faces the platoon, his superior gaze causing them to flinch in response. "It appears that you have been absolved from any harsh punishments thanks to the playful yet benevolent nature that the Paragon has displayed here."

"Yes, our lordship." Vakrean answers on behalf of his platoon. "Even if he did play on us, he never intends to cause any harm despite what we unlawfully did. His pranking on us is justifiable and we can only thank him for being merciful to us all. As such, he's the Paragon that we truly need in these dark times to come."

"Indeed." Agveyr nods in agreement to the dwarf's reply and looks at Gray. "You hear that Paragon? You have remarkably gained the platoon's favor due to your actions. Such is the almighty power of Gratitude, a powerful tool that if used correctly, can very well shape the tides of war into your favor. With it, you can gain allies who will follow your bidding willingly with the best of their abilities as bound by their utmost recognition to you. I treat my subordinates like my precious brothers and sisters at arms, evident by how devoted they truly are to me by showing their sincere angered look when you spoke disrespectfully to me earlier when I stabbed you. Maybe one day, you'll find yourself some allies who will be devoted to you just like how they are to me. That mortal is what separates an inspiring leader from a shrewd tyrant where the latter's organization and chain of command's stability are based solely out of fear with a fragile alliance that can shatter at any moment. Few Paragons have followed the latter's mentality, only to get back to them in an eventful and unexpected way with the harsh reality of betrayal and revolt from their supposed to be allies. I hope that you heed and take my advice at heart mortal, for you will need it in the future days to come."

Gray nods in acknowledgment as he understood where the god's logic behind his recent actions. But then his eyes seem to have come into a realization.

"So, wait. Does this mean that what you did, of you granting me the authority to administer a form of punishment to the platoon is all just a way to teach me some sort of lesson about Gratitude?"

"Heh, such a sharp mind you exceptionally possess," Agveyr said with utmost intrigued. "You are correct, Paragon. Your arrival, the platoon attacking without their knowledge about you, I intentionally set it up for all of this to happen, all to confer a pearl of valuable wisdom to you. And speaking of which..."

Agveyr faces the platoon once again with an apologetic look. "I apologize for such inconveniences brothers and sisters at arms. For your troubles, I will be providing a deserving compensation for your group, that I promised in my divine name."

The platoon was indeed flabbergasted by the revelation being revealed to them, an act that was devised calculatedly by the god without them knowing at all.

But upon hearing the word 'compensation', their reactions suddenly shifted to excitement as every warrior knows that everything that is granted by the almighty God of War is something that is truly beneficial and noteworthy.

It can be a weapon from his personal armory, a promotion, a boon, a feast dedicated to them.

The remarkable possibilities are endless.

"It's of no concern your lordship." Vakrean instantly replies with deep reverence on his voice. "As usual, we stand in awe at your divine and eternal wisdom. It's a great honor to be a part of your arrangement in providing the Paragon the necessary mindset for the success in his future endeavors."

The Divine simply nods with a smile at the favorable response of the dwarf.

"And as for you, Paragon." Agveyr sets his eyes on the elf. "I believe that my boon of is more than enough as compensation for being a vital player in my prestigious scheme."

"Sheesh, you are even more of a prankster than I am." Gray remarks as Agveyr merely chuckles playfully in response. He then shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly. "At least everything ended well I suppose."

"And with that said, I believe that our business here has officially concluded." The War God said with a smirk. "Good luck with your journey, mortal. I sincerely hope that you use my gift wisely and remember the lesson that I have imparted unto you."

"Wait," Gray said, halting the god's actions. "I have a question."

"Speak." Agveyr allows it.

"This ritual of summoning me, the Covenant of Souls I believed that you mentioned." The elf states with a questioning look. "Who summoned me in this world? And why me?"

Agveyr nods, understanding the Paragon's uncertainty. "The ritual is rather secretive, even among us gods. After all, the summoner, also a god, is the one who holds the most influence on you. As such, he or she does not want to compromise his or her identity in an effort to also protect themselves and you against his or her enemies. But for who god it is? That I don't hold the knowledge sadly. You'll know in the future once you meet him or her."

"I see." Gray simply answers.

"Now, any more questions?" Agveyr asks.

After thinking for some time, Gray shook his head in response, allowing Agveyr to do his part of recalling him.

With a snap of Agveyr's godly fingers, Gray's soul was sent back to the mortal plane as he disappeared within everyone's sights.

"With him being the Paragon." Agveyr made his final note.

"Things are bound to get interesting in the mortal plane."