A Warrior's counsel

"Rarsu, are you alright?!"

After leading Isamu out of the shop for him to leave, Gray and Selena went upstairs immediately upon hearing Rarsu screaming. They barged inside the room out of concern, hoping that everything is okay.

With his composure finally regained and the sparrow departed, the Druid was able to come up with an excuse. "Yes, I'm fine. Some… insects merely disturbed me. Out of frustration, I simply shouted while exterminating it. So, there's nothing to be worried about. You should head on down to the living room as I said earlier. I'll be there in about a few hours for the start of your tutelage. If you're feeling hungry, you may grab something to eat at the kitchen which is also located downstairs. It's hard to miss."

"If you say so." Gray is not exactly convinced but seeing the somewhat brooding expression of the lizardling, he decided not to pry. The elf nods in agreement as he and Selena complied with Rarsu's orders and head on downstairs once again.

Rarsu then sighs deeply and thought. 'I should not let my emotions get the better of me. It's best not to dally any further and tutor the Paragon, right after I finished writing a letter to the headmaster regarding the current situation.'

With no more distractions to divert his attention, Rarsu proceeded to his desk and took out a parchment with a quill pen and ink to do so.


Meanwhile at the office of Guild Master at the Warrior's Guild, Isamu relays the Rarsu's message to Malic as the latter was seen to be beyond shocked in response.

"The fateful arrival shall mark the beginning of despair's shadow," Malic uttered the words that were passed on to him by the cat-folk. He then slammed his desk in a fit of total surprise. "Are you sure that you are not jesting Isamu!? That these words came solely from Rarsu!?"

"Yes, sir," Isamu replies without a shred of falseness. "The druid instructed me in person to deliver the message to you."

Malic's expression turn distressed at this revelation. "Then a terrible crisis might befall unto us all. Tell me the truth and only the truth, Isamu, what do you know about the current situation involving the words that you have just said to me?"

"Not much really." The cat-folk answered honestly. "All I know is that my elven friend, the one that I talked to you about during our last meeting, is in fact, the Paragon."

"T-the Paragon." Malic stutters in his tone as his eyes widen in utmost bewilderment. "You mean the legendary hero stated in the Grimoire!?"

"The one and only, sir," Isamu responds.

"Hmm." Malic rubs his chin in thinking. "If your friend really is the Paragon, then did he display any particular qualities that are out of the realm of normality?"

"For one, he straight away fainted at the temple yesterday when we were praying," Isamu responds while crossing his arms.

"Yes, I overheard some of the locals and guild members talking about how an elf suddenly passed out at the holy place." Malic nods in acknowledgment. "It may sound eerie for the others who strongly believe in the affair of religion. After all, it's not every day that such a peculiar case happens in this town. Logically speaking, we can simply conclude that he was not feeling well at that time. So, what does this have to do with him being the Paragon then?"

"Well, it took him a whole day for him to regain his consciousness." Isamu answers. "He told us that during the time when he passed out, he was summoned in Agnothar, the Divine plane of Agveyr himself."

Indeed, upon hearing such a phenomenon, Malic could not help but be filled with astonishment.

"T-truly?!!" Malic's responded with disbelief. "Records throughout history state that the Paragon is a being that is beloved by gods of both sides. If what the elf claims are true, then there must be something, a blessing or boon perhaps, granted solely by the Divine of the plane that he was summoned."

"A boon," Isamu said in wonder. "Yes, Gray mentioned that he was indeed granted one by Agveyr, a skill that allows him to be capable of assuming a Warrior's strength despite being a Mage. I believe he calls it the ."

And yet again, Malic's surprise exploded to levels far beyond reach as his composure seemed to have shattered at that moment.

"T-the ." Malic controls his breathing in an attempt to regain some composure. "I have been indulged about that particular topic some time ago when the Headmaster of Arkanos University visited this town. A magic that is said to grant remarkable physical prowess to anyone gifted with the magical arts. But the magic is assumed to be extinct, lost since the era of old, thus fading into mere folk tales and legends."

"It's remarkable, I can tell you that, sir." Isamu grins excitedly. "I even had the first pleasure of testing out his strength in person when Rarsu suggested a match of arm-wrestling to confirm if what Gray claims is true. Long story short, I was completely beaten by him as he pummeled my arms into the floor without even breaking a sweat. He explained that the Intelligence attribute is the deciding factor instead of the Strength attribute in situations that involve one's test of physical capabilities."

"I see." Malic nods in understanding. "Aside from that aspect, anything else that you witness that can be considered eccentric?"

"Yes," Isamu replied. "Rarsu also mentions that Gray possesses the Divine artifact of the goddess Wynather, the ."

"Then it's true, he actually is the Paragon of the legends," Malic said with a grim look. "If that's the case, then we must be vigilant at all times from this point forward. I'll also be sending word to my trusted colleagues in high places regarding this dire matter. So, where is the Paragon now?"

"At Rarsu's place where he'll be in an apprenticeship under the druid." Isamu answers.

"Good, the elf needs all the knowledge that he can get, if he hopes to combat the forces of darkness." Malic nods in approval. As he was about to dismiss the cat-folk, a thought struck into him as he questions.

"Tell me Isamu, how long do you know the Paragon?"

Isamu wonders as to why the Guild Master asks a question of such nature. Despite his slight confusion, he answers. "Around a week or so when I first met him during my last mission,"

"And in that period, did you get along with him? Do you consider him as a friend then?" Malic asks with a serious expression.

"Yes, sir!!" Isamu responded with enthusiasm. "Despite our short time together, I can already sense a kindred spirit within him. Our chats during our travels before arriving at this town, his awe-inspiring feat of saving Oakwood, and of course the time when we had our drinks at the Fighter's Retreat the other night, hahaha!!! That was an unforgettable moment indeed. So, yes I consider him as a friend."

Malic simply nods favorably at his statement. "If that's the case, then do continue to get along with him. A Paragon's burden is rather heavy and can only be lightened by the support of his friends and comrades. As what I have perceived from the course of history, a Paragon is still a mortal being like us, capable of actions both good and evil either in the fulfillment of his prophecy or outside of its boundaries. As such, it is up to us to aid him in his glorious path and ensure that he won't fall into the vile temptations of corruption, pulling him out from the abyssal darkness as we direct him once more into the light."

Isamu opted to remain quiet as he simply nods in response, trying to take the words deeply in his essence.

"What is your end goal, Isamu?" Malic suddenly asks seemingly out of the topic as he eyed the cat-folk with a soul-piercing gaze. "I remember the days when you were still a young Runt, about you declaring being a hero of justice for the people when Shael and I brought you in here personally as per your father's request years ago. You wish to save lives left and right as you boldly asserted your intentions to the whole guild. Tell me, has that been changed? For the past days, I notice your… laxness and dispassion, wallowing yourself in drunken solitude at the tavern almost every night."

"Of course not, sir!!!" Isamu instantly retorted. "It's just that, I don't have much of an opportunity to do so, with so many of my fellow guild members competing and scrounging for contracts. That's why I plan on rising to the ranks of the guild so that I can partake even more dangerous exclusive contracts to rid the more sinister threats of this land."

"Always with the guild and excuses, Isamu." Malic shook his head with a frown. "If you truly wish to fulfill your goal, then you must explore other opportunities as well, think outside the box. Don't limit yourself in one field and focus on possibilities that are far beyond the horizon."

"Then, what am I supposed to do, Guild Master?" Isamu pleaded in a low voice.

"That's for you to find out. It is a path that you should be forging on your own free will without anyone's interference." Malic simply said with a fatherly tone. "Now, if there's nothing else, you are free to go. With the Paragon's arrival, I should not delay any further and do my part. Also, thank you for bringing up such vital information to me."

Isamu simply nods in acknowledgment as he respectfully bows down and turns to his back to leave the office, contemplating the advice being imparted to him by Malic.

At his desk, Malic turns behind him as he stares at the window, showcasing Chadena's majestic splendor in a bird's eye view.

'I hope my advice would serve as a motivation for the young boy.' Malic simply thought with a solemn smile. 'If he's anything like you, old friend, then I have faith that he'll make a decision that'll truly aspire to be the best he can be, just like how you always wanted for him.'