First day of Apprenticeship

After the situation with Selena is finally clarified, Rarsu claps his hand to garner the soul-siblings' attention.

"Alright, now that everything is settled, follow me into the basement so that we can officially begin the apprenticeship," Rarsu said as he gestured for the both of them to do so.

Gray and Selena complied as the three proceeded to went down.

After a short while, they arrived at the said place, more specifically, at the open area where Gray was acquainted with the Soul Transfusion ritual that transpired a few days ago.

The elf could only shiver nervously upon recollecting the unbearable pain that he has endured during the mentioned ritual.

At this time though, Gray notices that the Magic Circle is now nowhere to be seen. Instead, there are humanoid dummies made out of wood that are arranged in an orderly manner in front of them that are most likely set-up in preparation for what Rarsu has in store for him.

"This is where you'll be spending most of the time in honing your magical capacity." Rarsu starts to brief the elf in his training regime. "As well as other things that a Mage such as yourself must possess in your ever-growing arsenal. Things such as Alchemy, Enchanting, and perhaps, Sentmaturgy if you are up for it. At night, you'll be secluding inside in my personal library located upstairs where you will be required to read various fundamentals and topics about magic. Normally, an apprenticeship lasts for about a year or two, depending on how well the apprentice's progress is."

"Wait, a year?" Gray was taken aback by how long he is going to serve under the lizardling.

"That's the recommended period if one wishes to learn magic efficiently, in the University standard that is." Rarsu answers. "You look like someone smart and capable enough though. I won't be surprised if you managed to complete my designated course that is going to last for three months, the period that I estimated in your training completion."

"Hmm, are you sure about that?" Gray asks with a little bit of doubt despite feeling relieved that his training time is being cut significantly. "I'm not sure if compressing a year-long lesson plan into three months is a good idea."

"Heh, I have faith that you can manage it," Rarsu smirks. "Besides, you look more of a hands-on type rather than someone who delves in theory, so we'll be skipping some of the irrelevant theoretical parts that offer no benefits other than book smarts. Really, those snots at the University should consider revising their lesson plan, such a shame. Anyways, a few of my previous apprentices, the spectacular ones, managed to complete the course even less than what I have intended for them."

Rarsu then took out a piece of paper from his Inventory and handed it to the elf.

"Starting tomorrow, you will be strictly adhering to the schedule that I designated to you. If you truly wish to become skilled in the magical arts, then I suggest following it, for your sake too."

Gray nods as he read mentally the schedule laid out for him.

5:00 am to 5:30 am – Breakfast and Personal Hygiene.

5:30 am to 6:15 am – Magic exercises.

6:20 am to 8:20 am – Magic fundamentals and training.

8:30 am to 10:30 am – Alchemy.

10:45 am to 12:15 pm – Enchanting.

12:15 pm to 1:00 pm – Lunch Break.

1:00 pm to 3:00 pm – Magic Circles and its application.

3:10 pm to 5:10 pm – Sentmaturgy or more Magic fundamentals and training.

5:10 pm to 6:30 pm – Dinner and Personal Necessities.

6:30 pm to 10:00 pm – Self-study and review at the library.

10:00 pm to 5:00 am – Personal Rest.

"Hmm, this is kind of taxing." Gray frowns a bit at the plan. "So will this be every day?"

"Ideally, it must be," Rarsu spoke with his arms crossed. "But I'm willing to give you a single rest day of your choice, with the night before your chosen day being a free time as well, starting at 5:10 pm. Now which day it shall be?"

'Hmm, since I'll be probably meeting with Isamu at Sextus night every week at most, so I guess the day after that. Wait, what was the term for Sunday again?' Gray thought while rubbing his chin.

After a short recollecting, Gray finally remembers as he answers. "Septima."

"Very well." Rarsu agrees.

And with that, Gray's apprenticeship has officially begun as Rarsu began lecturing the elf.

"Now since this is the first day, let's start with some lecture," Rarsu said. "I will simply brief you about the fundamentals of magic and its application in the physical world for the rest of this day. Tell me, what do you know about the System?"

"Hmm." Gray ponders as he answers. "All I know is that it is the set of game-like mechanisms that aid us in our everyday lives. Mechanisms including the UI that helps us in verifying our Character, Inventory, Map, Skills, and the Journal."

"Yes, that's the common knowledge that every people of Silverhart possess." Rarsu nods. "Today, we will first tackle more regarding the subject matter of the System. Now, I want you to cast a basic starting spell and direct it at one of the dummies."

Gray nods as he instinctively conjures Arcane Energy in his hand. With it, he hurled an at the dummy, smashing it to pieces.

After a short while, the dummy assembles itself magically much to Gray's surprise.

'Huh, I guess these dummies serve as convenient objects where you can test out your spells without end.' Gray concluded in his thoughts.

"And now, you've got to wonder, how is it that you are able to cast a spell that very easily, especially the moment when you unleashed it for the very first time?" Rarsu asks. "You are also probably thinking along the lines that magic is going to be that easy at all times, I assumed."

"Now that you mention it, yeah." Gray answers. "I always thought that magic is kind of simple, like how I just simply know how to channel the Arcane Energy and turning it into a volatile bolt of destruction."

'And also, how to feed.' The elf added in his thoughts.

"And that my dear apprentice is where you are wrong." The lizardling replied. "Before we dive into our main lesson about magic, you must first know about the mechanisms behind the System that we all possess."

Rarsu pauses for a while as he cleared his throat. "True mastery of magic requires dedication, study, and practice. What you merely cast is a spell that is pre-determined by the System. Upon reaching level 10, you are granted with the basic knowledge of your chosen class. Knowledge such as the class' traits, basics of magic casting and channeling, and a beginner set of skills, including the ones in your Discipline. The skills, the Tier 1 spells, are like free gifts granted by the System to provide some sort of incentive for the user to thrive and survive at the bare minimum. At least that's what some of the scribes and priests speculate. So, spells that are Tier 2 or higher can only be acquired by learning it through studying and practice. Of course, you still need to spend the required ability points though in learning a new skill."

'Well, that sucks.' Gray thought with slight annoyance. 'So, this world does not exactly adhere to the shortcuts and advantages that most video game protagonists possess.'

One thing that came in mind to the Elf is Skyrim, where the Dragonborn unrealistically is capable of learning new spells suddenly by a fucking click of the spell tome.

Yup, Gray has to work his fucking ass off in his conquest to power.

Well, at least he was provided with the basics by the System, so it's still somehow good. The basics certainly will help him in his endeavor of learning more advanced spells in the future.

"So, that explains why I just seemed to have the knowledge of casting my spells," Gray said in realization. "I guess it's all thanks to the System then. I definitely find it weird about how I was able to know all that stuff despite having no prior knowledge or experience about the basics of being a Mage."

"Yes." Rarsu nods in agreement as he continues. "As historians delve throughout the subject matter in the course of history, they merely conclude that the System is a powerful sentient being with a subtle mind of its own, granted by the System Goddess of this world, Sylvia. It is considered that the System a flexible one, capable of adjusting thoroughly to match the affairs that circulate around the user. Like for example, if you learn a new skill by studying its fundamentals at a book or better yet, creating a new one on your own then the System will make the necessary procedures and integrate the said skill to itself for the user's convenience. The action also includes but is not limited to: the granting of XP, the Attribute checks of a specific action, and a whole lot more."

"Wow, that sounds kind of interesting." Gray comments with his attention piqued throughout the lecture. "And how about the Quests though? Does the System always grant a Quest whenever someone asks me for a request?"

"Most of the time, yes." Rarsu answers. "But as I said earlier, the System has a mind of its own. As what researchers have observed, the System is the one that determines if such a request is plausible to be a Quest. The Quest can range from simple ones such as fetch this, fetch that, to slaying a powerful monster in the woods. Of course, the System with its own free will may also grant you a Quest based on your current situation. Like for example, if you woke up and suddenly find yourself lost in the woods, then you will most probably receive a Quest saying to find your way out."

"And how about the Character Creation?" Gray asks. "When I first arrived in Silverhart, it was Sylvia herself who gave me the opportunity to be a part of this world."

"Ah, so you did meet the System Goddess," Rarsu said with utmost intrigued. "Character Creation is an exclusive feature for Paragons such as yourself as told by your predecessors throughout history. It is a way to easily help you in integrating into this world by bestowing you the starting skill sets necessary in your future exploits."

"I see." Gray simply nods in acknowledgment. "So, did Sylvia summoned me in this world?"

"Hmm, maybe." Rarsu answers. "Records throughout some reliable sources mention that the Paragon is summoned by one of the Gods, both Divine and Demonic. Hopefully, it's not the latter though as the God that has summoned you is said to have something that is quite similar to you in personality. This means that most Evil Paragons are associated with a Demonic God. At least, that's what your predecessors have mentioned in the books."

'So, Sylvia most definitely knows that I'm the Paragon but why didn't she tell me the moment when I arrived?' Gray thought with a frown. 'And based on the context of her speech when we first met, she seemed to not know who summoned me here in the first place. Or maybe she is lying? That goddess sure is skeptical to my unliking.'

Nevertheless, Gray simply nods in response as he understood the gist of everything at what Rarsu imparted to him.

"That's certainly enlightening." Gray smiles in appreciation. "Thank you, Rarsu."

"It's my pleasure." Rarsu nods in acknowledgment. "And by the way..."

"It's Master to you, my dear Apprentice." The lizardling said in a strict tone.

And with that, Gray's Apprenticeship goes on smoothly as Rarsu proceeds in lecturing the young elf about magic.