Passing of a month

It's been around a month since Isamu started work at the farm, and life has been going pretty good for him.

The cat-folk has finally adjusted into the life of agriculture.

For the past few weeks, Isamu learns all about the intricacy of farm work, such as tending to the fields, harvesting different kinds of crops, taking care of the livestock, plowing the land in preparation for sowing the seeds, and many more.

Fortunately for the cat-folk, Septima is a labor-free day, where farmers get the time to rest. Mindful of how to keep a population from being resentful, thus leading to rebellion, the government also enforced Mandatory frequent holidays.

As a result, Isamu gets to go to the Fighter's Retreat every Sextus night to meet up with Gray for some drinking. The two talked about their own time as they regale each of their tales.

Isamu could only feel slightly jealous about his elven friend since the Gray was getting the most out of his apprenticeship while the cat-folk is merely doing some farm work as per the agreement to be trained by the orc , Krothu.

Despite his feeling, as mentioned earlier about the matter, a part of Isamu tells him that farming is not that bad.

Even if this was merely intended to be a compliance of some sort, an agreement initiated by Krothu for him to agree with Isamu's training, the profession kind of grew into the cat-folk as he finds it fulfilling.

The cat-folk, throughout his ventures of the agriculture trade, has learned to appreciate the honest work of the peasants that provide food and crops to the market in Chadena.

Not to mention, the farmers themselves are a kind and friendly bunch, willing to help with one another as they fulfill the work of the day. Meaning, Isamu was able to adjust rather quickly and seamlessly integrates himself within their social hierarchy as the farmers consider him as one of their own.

Overall, it was a new and enlightening experience for Isamu, as he came to value the profession and the people involved.

Today, just like any other sunny day that the farmers are accustomed to, Isamu's task is quite different this time as he was assigned to milk the cow located outside of the barn. The cow's head is secured with a halter as the lead end is tied near a fence to prevent the animal from wandering off.

"Heh, you sure are healthy and strong, girl." Isamu praises the cow's health as the animal produces the right amount of fresh milk from her udders. "I'm sure your milk is going to be of excellent quality and will yield delicious butter and cheese."

While the cat-folk was doing the chore with enthusiasm, he heard a giggle right beside him as he turns to the source of the sound.

Isamu is not alone in this task, as the girl, Sarah accompanied him. She is performing the same job as well, milking a cow of her own right beside him.

"Hmm, what's so funny, Sarah?" Isamu blinks in confusion.

"Hehe, complimenting a cow?" Sarah could only chuckle as she finds Isamu's action a bit hilarious. "And I thought I was the strange one of the bunch."

Isamu merely shook his head as he answers her. "Every being regardless of race, gender, and class deserves a noteworthy compliment when they truly deserve it. And yes, animals or beasts are included. My father once told me that animals could sense a person's intentions that are within. As such, showing nothing but kindness and gratitude to the cow that provides us with milk is the right thing to do."

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The cow that Isamu was milking uttered a loud moo in response like it was reacting to the cat-folk's statement.

"Sheesh, I was only kidding around, Isamu, no need to be overly serious, hehe." Sarah chuckles sheepishly in response while blushing with slight embarrassment. Then, she opted to shift the topic a bit to converse more with the cat-folk. "Your father, huh. He must be a really good man."

"Yes, yes he is." Isamu could not help but smile as he reminisces his old man. Although one could see that his smile has an aura of agony in it as he slowly looks down to the ground.

"Hey, you alright?" Sarah, this time, looks at him in concern.

"I'm fine," Isamu assures the human girl. "Just remembering about… things."

As Sarah was about to question Isamu at what he meant, both of them were suddenly interrupted by Bren as he called them out.

"Hey, you two, it's already lunch break!!!" The old man made his presence known right behind the two cow milkers.

"Coming!!" Sarah yelled in response as she stood up from her stool with Isamu lagging.

As the two youngsters joined with Bren, the old farmer could not help but tease the both of them.

"I can't help but notice how awfully close you two are for the past month." Bren eyed them with sly, most notably at Sarah, as he faces the young girl mischievously. "No wonder you have been rejecting the romantic advances from the various young men from town. It appears that your preferences are… outside the boundaries of the racial norm. No offense, of course, hahaha."

"What?!!… no!!" Sarah's face completely reddens like the color of the ripe tomatoes that were harvested not so long ago. "W-what nonsense are you babbling about old man?!! We're just friends, and nothing is going on between us!!"

Isamu reacts as well, albeit calmly, in contrast to the human girl's reaction. A small blush also assumes in his face, but he does not make his awkwardness about the matter too obvious.

"Haha, of course, whatever you say, lass," Bren smirks at the young girl's comical reaction. He then turns his gaze at Isamu as he taps the cat-folk's shoulders. "She can be a pain in the ass at times, but she's a good girl. Take care of her, alright?"

Isamu could only nod calmly in response, not even bothering to deny the older man's statement as it'll only open more teasing remarks coming from him.

After the teasing, Bren gave his final smirk as he joins with the farmers taking their lunch at a nice open spot near Krothu's manor.

"D-don't listen to him, Isamu." Sarah stutters in her speech, unbecoming of her outgoing personality as she denies the old farmer's statements. "Elder Bren merely enjoys making fun of the youth like us for his amusement."

'Heh, she's actually cuter when acting all shy and girly.' Were the cat-folk's thoughts about the girl's current situation.

Despite his thoughts of attraction about the girl, Isamu merely shrugs his shoulders in response, not wanting to embarrass her any further as he gestures for them to join with the lunch as well.

Sarah happily nods as she allows Isamu to go first, staring at his back with a mesmerizing gleam on her hazel-colored eyes.


Lunch is served with bread and vegetable soup in a cooking pot to accommodate enormous portions for the farmers to eat.

While lunch is ongoing, Krothu emerges outside of his manor, causing all the farmers to acknowledge his presence with them standing up in an instant.

"I have an announcement to make." The orc said loudly for everyone to hear as the farmers all listen attentively to what the orc is going to say. "I have some business related to the guild. As such, I'll be leaving this afternoon and won't be back sometime until tomorrow at noon. In the meantime, Bren here will be in charge of you all."

"What will you be doing in the guild, Baron Krothu, sir?" Bren asks on behalf of the farmers.

"The senior members of the guild tomorrow will be sparring against one another to showcase the whole guild a thing or two in some tricks about combat." Krothu shook his head in annoyance. "As much as I want to refuse, Malic insisted that I come, saying that I already missed the event two times, and doing a third might earn me a bad reputation to the guild."

"Wait, that's tomorrow?!" Isamu reacted shockingly from the crowd. "Damn, I'm going to miss the Guild Master's legendary combat techniques."

"Tough luck for you, then." Krothu simply comments with a smirk. "Anyways, you folks continue the good job that you are doing, and I look forward to the fruits of your harvest."

"Will do, sir." Bren bows down with respect as all farmers shortly followed after.

After Krothu's announcement, he then went back inside the manor to make his preparations in departing to the town area.

The farmers then all went back to their respective tasks after finishing their lunch.

Somewhere in the background, a farmer with his face hidden with a hood ponders with a profound look, rubbing his chin while leaning against a nearby tree as he considered the announcement that was given by Krothu.

'With the orc gone, now is the perfect opportunity to act.' The 'farmer' thought as he joins with his fellow workers, blending into their social circle like it was all too natural for him.