Back at the living room inside the Walcot Manor, the gang talked once more with Stephania regarding their next action that the former will undertake.
"Well, we have plans on leaving today, my lady." Gray disclosed his intentions to Stephania. "Are you going to be okay here? We could stay for another day if you want and we're not much in a hurry at heading on to Flocaster."
"I appreciate your concern, Baron Gray." Lady Stephania smiled and assured the elf. "But I'll be fine from here. The captain promised that he will send out more patrols and increase village security in addition to bringing some of the guards to be stationed here inside the Manor. You don't have to worry about me anymore and proceed with whatever business that you wish to conduct. After all, you've done more than enough in rescuing me from the depraved hands of the kidnapper, and I don't want to trouble you any longer."