
Rhea Ayers

Pronounciation: Ray-ah I-er-ths

Meaning: Rhea ( Greek-After Greek goddess-Flowing stream) Ayers ( Town Ayr in Scotland; named for the river which flows through-an Indo-European root meaning "water".)

Portrayer: Ariel Winter


Chastity Lamellae

Pronounciation: Ch-as-tit-ee Lah-mel

Meaning: Chastity ( Latin-Pure) Lamellae (Latin- A thin layer or membrane found in bone tissue; spots of a mushroom)

Portrayer: Ava Phillippe


Castor Flynt

Pronounciation: Kah-st-tor Ph-Lin-t

Meaning: Castor (Greek- Twin brother of Pollux (He who excels) and healer and preserver from disease.) Flynt (Unkown Origin (Maybe Anglo-Saxon- Derived from word flint, meaning stream or stream of fire.)

Portrayer: Toni Mafud


Queen Lilith Cepheus Flynt

Pronounciation: Lil-ith See-Fus Ph-Lin-t

Meaning: Lilith Cepheus (Hebrew, Meaning rock) Flynt (Unkown Origin (Maybe Anglo-Saxon- Derived from word flint, meaning stream or stream of fire.)

Portrayer: Aishwarya Rai


Zale Flynt

Pronounciation: Z- ale Ph-Lin-t

Meaning: Zale (Greek- Power of the Sea.) Flynt (Unkown Origin (Maybe Anglo-Saxon- Derived from word flint, meaning stream or stream of fire.)

Portrayer: Ben Dalhaus


King Aegir Flynt

Pronounciation: Aye-ger Ph-Lin-t

Meaning: Aegir (Norse-God of the Ocean.) Flynt (Unkown Origin (Maybe Anglo-Saxon- Derived from word flint, meaning stream or stream of fire.)
