Star City, Orphanage XX.

Returning back to the room, the boy had returned after organizing his priorities.

What was left for him to do is to think about finding a partner to practice the asura devastation technique, since this technique is a bit peculiar since it has an imminent danger from the moment it is practiced, to solve this problem it is necessary to a partner who will form a blood pact where he will offer his blood essence on a regular basis to relieve the pressure of cultivating the technique and as a reward he will do the same by also giving him his blood essence which will allow the blood essence of the two people constantly circulate between their bodies in this way one will be able to practice the technique and the other person, since he receives blood essence that contains asura power, so that the person's body is tempered and the energy becomes each time purest without the need for the other party to make an effort.

But who should be his partner after all, the technique will provide him with many benefits of his effort and once chosen he will not be able to change it until he reaches the mystical realm where he can form more blood pacts, while thinking the voice of a half-asleep girl called him behind?

"Chris, why aren't you asleep yet?"

Turning around, a half-asleep 3-year-old girl wiped her eyes, while she yawned as if she was going to fall asleep at any moment.

The girl had long platinum blonde hair that covered her back and light purple eyes, the name of this girl is Lillia, when samsara brought him here there was already a basket with a newborn girl just like him so he left them together.

When the people from the orphanage realized this and found them a short time later, finding them like this they thought they were twin brothers, after inspecting them they realized that the boy was older by a few minutes than the girl, that's why they were raised as brothers until they were two years old where medical examinations were carried out that are carried out on the children of the orphanage every 5 years and they realized that they were not blood brothers.

Knowing this since the children were still young and that he did not recover his memories, their relationship did not really change and they remained the same.

Today upon regaining his knowledge of his previous life and seeing the girl, astonishment could be seen in the boy's sapphire blue eyes thanks to the tests from a year ago he knew that the girl was a vampire one of the many demon races.

But now that he regained consciousness of her and seeing her again, he realized that the girl really was a hybrid race between a vampire and an angel.

The angels also called the winged race are one of the many races in the universe and this is because they come from Heaven, an upper world at the same level as the immortal world or its opposite underworld.

Heaven, as well as the underworld, despite being superior worlds, what makes these two worlds special compared to the others is that heaven is connected to paradise and the underworld to hell.

Hell and paradise are connected by purgatory, these 3 places are similar to samsara, where people's souls go after they die, unlike immortals and gods who go directly to samsara to be able to reincarnate as a mortal again all the other beings who did not reach these two kingdoms will be judged in purgatory to see if they will enter paradise to enjoy the greatest happiness by being good people until their souls dissipate or they will enter hell where they will experience their worst nightmares and torments until his soul also dissipates.

Samsara, purgatory, paradise and hell, these special spaces are other dimensions that are a fundamental part not only of the universe but also of the kingdom of God since it is in charge of judging people after they die, they pose their own personality and consciousness to be able to carry out this duty.

Angels are divided into two types, normal angels and fallen angels, apart from the obvious difference in name and color of black and white wings, the main difference is the innate attribute that normal angels are born with wings. white since they have the attribute of light representing life and creation, and fallen angels are born with black wings because they have the attribute of darkness representing death and destruction, connected to the laws of order and chaos.

The attribute with which they are born is hereditary, but there are cases where an angel falls and becomes a fallen angel for having committed a crime against heaven and is expelled.

But the girl in front of him is both an angel and a vampire. What surprised him the most is that she was born with the light attribute of the angelic race but also has the dark attribute, allowing her to have both attributes. He was so shocked that he didn't he could help but mutter to himself.

"For the day to come when those elitist bloodsuckers and those arrogant pigeons who value the purity of their blood and race to have a descendant is something I never thought to see"

The girl, unable to hear the murmur, pouted and asked.

"What are you saying besides the older sister Nana from the orphanage who takes care of us she said that she is rude to stare for a long time"

The older sister the girl mentioned is one of the middle-aged teachers who volunteer to teach the children.

After being reprimanded by the girl, Chris didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the irony of the moment.

But now that Lillia was in front of him, the problem of a partner of his was solved.