*** ***

Lillia and Aurora left the lake a while ago as the 7-day period inside the forest would end today and they still didn't know how to get out of this place and reach the outside of the forest.


When they were about to go back to the lake to look for Chris the lake began to disappear at a visible rate, until nothing was left but an empty crater.

Before they could react, a boy with black hair and blue eyes appeared in front of the two girls who still hadn't recovered.

"What happened to the lake?" Lillia asked since she was the first to recover.

"The nucleus that formed the lake has moved from place that's why the lake disappeared" answered Chris with the truth, although his words made them understand something else, making Lillia and Aurora not understand his words.

"But but..."

Aurora wanted to ask where the lake went, but thinking of the wonderful benefits of the lake, she always knew that there should be a cost, if there were no cost, she probably wouldn't believe that everything that has happened is real and has only been dreaming all this time.

"Well, it's time to go…" Chris was about to finish his sentence, when an inferno of burning flames descended on the valley burning everything.

"What's this"

When Aurora saw these flames, she felt as if the scythe of the god of death was on her neck, which made her close her eyes, in the last 3 days she suffered the greatest agony of her life to be able to enter the 7th rank being one step away from becoming a saint, but being at death's door she felt as if all her efforts were in vain.

When a couple of seconds passed, she thought that she was already dead but surprisingly she could still feel her surroundings and had no damage as if what she saw was an illusion, opening her eyes she looked at Lillia by her side, she had an expression as if she didn't, She was in no danger as she looked up, happiness and pride could be seen on her face as if she was the one who stopped the attack just now.


When Aurora looked up what she saw made her reason as her sense of the common had disappeared, because what she saw she could not believe, despite seeing it right in front of her, it was more believable to think that she was already dead and What I saw was a hallucination in the dream of death.

There was Chris levitating above them while a special energy covered his body, Aurora knew that this energy was the weapons of the saints, her father had many saints as followers so in his life he had seen more weapons than he could recognize, but none of them have the power to withstand an attack at the level of a mystical realm, Aurora knew how strong the previous attack was since when she was a child her father took her to a competition in the capital and there she saw mythical warriors fight each other Although it was only a demonstration, now that Aurora grew up and was more sensitive, she could understand the immensity of his strength, due to the strength hidden in his attack.


Before he could recover Chris' body released the massive aura of the divine realm, just closing his hand that was holding the flames made them dissipate, then he turned around and looked at the two girls and said "Lillia don't hold back anymore your powers and release them all, take Aurora from this place and get out don't wait for me and focus on running away"

When Chris said these words, he didn't wait for an answer and released 1% of Asura's power, causing his black hair to turn white, while his blue eye irises turned half blue and half red, split down the middle. , previously they turned red but due to the temperance in the lake and part of his powers was still inside Chris's body it was shown in his eyes, but his changes did not stop 6 white wings of a length of more than 10 meters came out of his back, accompanied by two horns protruding from his head.

When Aurora saw Chris's changes, she could only make her already fragile mind take another hit, only to see that the changes hadn't stopped as the weaponry on her body that was only in its activated state began to materialize, entering the state of manifestation forming an armor on his body.

The armor was jet black, a pair of black boots that were decorated with golden metal plates were formed with black pants which were decorated with some black metal plates that covered the entire lower part of his body up to his hips, on his hip was a black belt with golden plates, there was also a white robe that extended from his waist covering the lower part of his body to his ankles, this cape had a red top while the bottom was white. silver, on the upper part of his body a black armament was formed that covered his entire torso with plates similar to metal without sleeves, on his arms black gloves were formed that covered from his hands to below his shoulders, this formed plates of gold that covered the final part of the gloves as well as the wrists of his arms and his fingers, in himself separate a light armor to climb only covering the important parts without obstructing and the movement.

Due to the changes Chris underwent, the asura's blood red aura as well as the black aura of the weaponry combined into one making even his white wings darken a little.

The weaponry created by the immortal god was different from all others as the weaponry it formed did not start from the lowest rank but was god rank since its creation but this only makes refining it more difficult, in the 5 years since that he became a saint he could only manifest the 1 form and that was not the full form the energy only covered a small part of his body the size of his palm, so he could only cover his hand or the impact area where he would receive damage was What his incomplete weaponry could do, right now his weaponry can fully maintain the manifestation state due to taking most of the energy from the lake that the world tree used to attack him, just like his firstborn sword.

"Now go away" Chris said one last time.

When Lillia saw that Chris did not restrict her power, she released 3% of her Berserk power and her form changed while her weapons covered her body forming her armor, she also extended her 4 wings, grabbed Aurora who had not yet recovered and fled with everything she could. I had outside the forest.

"Alright, there's no one in the middle anymore, how about you introduce yourself dragon lord" Chris said relaxed towards the front as if he was talking to a good friend, that he hadn't seen in a long time.

At that time in the space emptied the figure of a blunt dragon similar to the Welsh dragon with a size of more than 10 stories tall covered with dark scales similar to a shiny black, but its base color could not be distinguished since the base color it changed with the contour of the light in 4 different shades without being able to distinguish its color well.

"Arrogant child even if your power increases 11 times a divine realm shouldn't show so high" said the dragon without being arrogant or servile as if it was only natural as he continued speaking "Give me the mystic core and I'll let you go"

"It's true that I have the core, but because I should give it to you even if you're a mystical being doesn't mean you can beat me" Chris replied as normal as the dragon.

When they came to the consensus that this problem couldn't be solved without first seeing who was stronger, the atmosphere changed from a calm and peaceful environment, into an oppressive one as if it was going to turn into a battlefield at any moment.

While the auras that came out of the body of the two began to increase in all directions.

*** Outskirts of the Star Forest ***

At this time, the powerhouses as well as the higher-ups of the city were gathered here, as they waited for the return of the trainees to see the results of the competition and look for new recruits, but from one moment to another, the aura of two Overlords in the mystical realm came from the central would of the forest.

"Mayor we have already sent messages to the capitals for the mystic warriors of the government to go to the place, they said they could be here in less than an hour until then we were asked to take precautions" said one of the men.

"Why two warriors of such a level, appeared out of nowhere without being detected, besides starting a battle in this place at this time" said the bewildered mayor.

"No need to worry even if they are mystical, it doesn't mean we can't treat them like what happened over 2 thousand years ago" said another man.

"I'm not worried about these warriors, what worries me is the casualties they will cause once their combat begins, the students are still in the forest" the mayor left.

"At this moment the only thing we can do is suppress the damage so that it is concentrated in the forest with the help of all the powers of the city" said an old man among the group

But before they could even move one of the two auras that hadn't moved erupted like a tsunami in floods causing their entire aura to spread across the entire planet causing people to stop breathing for a moment while their feet went weak. causing some to fall.

In the few seconds that this oppression lasted those with keener senses noted that this aura was pushing the other off the planet out of the atmosphere and into space.