
"He really won"

"My eyes are not deceiving me"

Once everyone saw how Chris won the battle, they were all surprised.

Although the man seemed fine on the outside, his ribs were broken and his lower nerves were severed in such a way that he would only be able to show the effects later, unless high-level medical equipment from the planet is used to regenerate his nerves. I believe that man can walk again.

"Not bad, it's rare to see someone with such a sense of battle" said the man next to the mayor.

"What do you mean?" asked the mayor.

"His opponent surpassed him in terms of power if he had met head-on he wouldn't have been able to win, so he focused on defending so he could repel his opponent and make him drop his guard, and lead him into a dead end with the hellish flames , he had always planned to use the infernal flames to exhaust his opponent and leave him helpless, what he didn't expect is that he would use the wind as a feint to take him to the corner and land the final blow, the users of the attribute of light and darkness are very rare even among all the planets under our control do not exceed 100 of them" said the man.

When everyone heard this, they nodded their heads and calmed down after all Chris possessed a rare attribute like darkness, everyone knew how dangerous this element was so it was normal for him to have this kind of advantageous ability against martial artists.

What everyone forgot is that only until today Chris had used the power of darkness in battle, since he usually used wind or lightning, so seeing him use darkness made everyone present dissatisfied and they attributed his victory to his rare attribute, forgetting the fact that he was able to withstand the first few attacks with his wind barrier.

"This is succinctly true proof" Chris said as he looked at the examiner who was the judge of the match.

The examiner didn't say anything and I directed his gaze to the people on the podium especially looking at the magistrate who had an even darker face, seeing everyone's assent he said.

"Since the opponent has left the combat area, the victory goes to the student Chris"

At that time no one said anything, but everyone nodded as no one wanted to make a fuss for two reasons.

The first is that John tries to get even with them, and the second is that due to the 7 days of hard stay in the forest most of them had experienced great difficulties, plus the previous fight in space that shook the entire solar system, causing them to be attacked by magical creatures from all sides, no one wanted to extend their stay in this place any longer and return home.

"Since there is no one left to check their scores we will call this event over, since the winning group has decided they can take their rewards, the school always allows the winners to choose if they want to exchange the resources for the equivalent points" said the examiner explaining the benefits to the winning group.

Since resources didn't work in Chris's body, and Lily could always ask Chris for resources both by choosing the credits, only Aurora who still needed them chose them.

Once all the formalities were finished, the people dispersed to return to their homes.

"Lillia returns with Aurora I still have things to do"

Seeing Chris's serious expression, Lillia didn't say anything she knew he would tell her if she needed to know something or she would tell him another time.

Once Chris said goodbye to Lillia and checked that there was no one around him, he took a different path and went to a place where no one could see him, when he was going to disappear, he noticed that some people were following him, when he checked he saw that it was John and many of his minions.

At that moment he disappeared and appeared behind them, but nobody noticed him since he was invisible.

"Boss is over here"

"Where is it I don't see it"

"He must be close, sure he felt us and he ran away scared"

While the idiots were arguing Chris looked at them from the side and said "This idiot is very lucky if he wasn't hurt I would have killed him by now"

In his life Chris has killed so many cretins like John that he thought they were becoming an endangered species, but like a plague more always appear, but it doesn't mean he let it go, at that moment Chris released a little of his magical power in soil.

"Boss I think he's around here"

At that very moment when everyone gathered in one place, the floor suddenly broke and they fell into a hole more than 50 meters deep.

"What, how did the floor break?"

"Why is it so deep"

"There should be a way out"

As everyone screamed from the pain of the fall, Chris released his magic into the sky generating rain clouds and soon it started to rain.

"That rain?"

"The weather wasn't supposed to be clear"

"Somebody Let's Save"

*Break* Suddenly lightning hits a tree and it collapses, the top of the tree fell specifically into the hole covering it preventing anyone from noticing the huge hole.

Just when this happened, cries of despair began to be heard near the tree.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that that that that that that that that that which is this is Tartarus, but it's not that bad either" Chris scoffed, unable to contain his laughter.

As he scoffed at the wretched John squirming in the hole, Chris thought (This won't kill them, but at least no one will find them for a couple of hours).

After punishing the group of idiots Chris released the boundary from him and 6 wings came out from his back and headed to the central area of ​​the forest.

Once he got to a good area, he released his perception magic and started checking the forest area by area.

When he released his aura throughout the forest, when he banished Ren from the planet, he felt a strange response that resonated with him for a moment, if his assumptions are correct there must be something of value in the forest.

After finding the mystical lake, giving a new treasure a chance wasn't a bad idea.

When he was going to change the area, he suddenly noticed a small hill made of rocks, his magical perception did not notice it despite being right in front of him, if he had seen it from another angle, he probably would not have noticed.

Upon closer inspection of the hill, he noticed a small cave big enough for a person to pass through.

Retracting his wings, Chris entered the cave, following the path, unlike the bear's nest, which was a labyrinth, the path was straight and there was no curve.

When I got to the end what I found was an underground temple about 100 meters around, probably the size of the hill, looking at the ceiling I noticed that you could see the sky and the outside as if it were an open field surrounded by walls made of stone, the hill is probably a one-sided cover that can only be seen from the inside.

Upon reviewing the temple Chris noticed that it was arranged as a sealing pattern with 7 points where there seems to be a pedestal where a gem can be placed on each of these as the key, the temple was probably a matrix.

Once he checked the matrix, Chris noticed that he had the power to repel even ancient beings he wasn't sure if a god could even break it, after that he noticed some writings on the wall in front of the temple they said.

"Seven keys to seven doors,

seven doors for seven tests,

seven trials for seven rewards"

This was written in a rare elvish language, next to the writing was a corpse with a gem in his hand and a piece of old paper.

Picking up the old scroll he could see that most of it was blank, only one part showed the coordinates that led to a red gem and another that led to this place, the rest was completely blank.

"Whoever made this map and formation is a bastard who only likes to screw people"

After Chris picked up the gem as he did so he heard a voice that came to his head.

"You're right the one who did this was a real bastard"

"Who are you?" Chris asked the mysterious voice, after talking to the conscience of the universe, he hardly cared anymore about the voices appearing out of nowhere in his head, although a normal person would think he was going crazy.

"I have no name, to introduce myself" answered the voice.

"What are you?" Chris asked again.

"I don't know the bastard who made the matrix called me a spirit"

"Why are you here?" Chris.

"The matrix bastard sealed me in this matrix"

"Why did I seal you?" Chris,

"I do not know"

"What happens if you put the gem on the pedestal?" Chris asked the important question this time.

"A monster will appear and try to kill you"

"If I defeat the monster what will happen?" Chris.

"The seal that has me sealed will be broken and I will be free"

Based on what this spirit says, it is likely that the person who left this matrix is ​​a summoner and apparently must be of a very high level to be able to seal spirits intelligently.

Summoners are weird people as they are a profession that doesn't cultivate Mana instead, they use the spiritual power of the spirits they hire.

Summoners among all the specializations that a person can use to become stronger, summoners are the rarest as they require the power of the spirits, they contract more than the power itself, the closest thing to summoners are tamers.

But there is a big difference between contracted beasts and contracted spirits, the beasts require resources to grow, while the spirits as they are attached to one feed off one's aura and grow with it so they don't require any resources for their growth, but its rate of growth is much slower.

Another difference is that the beasts, unless one makes a very powerful contract, can betray the master, unlike the spirits that once they are contracted, they will accompany the master until the day of his death.

And the most important difference is that the spirits of the summoners are extremely rare beings, it is much easier to find rare treasures than to see a spirit, although there is ritual magic to summon them it requires many precious resources that are quite expensive, such as catalysts for summoning, which doesn't make it very accessible for everyone to perform the ritual, but the biggest reason people don't perform summoning magic is mostly because the spirit can refuse to be summoned by avoiding being summoned and canceling the summoning. summon, unlike tamers can take any magical creature on either side.

These are some of the differences, there are many more, but these are the most important.