Earth – Star City.

In a splendid villa that is surrounded by 4 hills with a large mansion in the middle, which has a lake in front of the mansion with a path leading from the entrance gate that connects to the lake that is surrounded by a garden, despite Since the mansion seems isolated from the front door of the wall that surrounds the entire villa, the underground garage has an exit near the door, so you don't have to cross the lake or the garden to get to the mansion's entrance.

At the back of the villa on the middle hill, small patios had been built with matrices that gather the natural energy of the environment and conserve it in the air thanks to this and that the matrix was placed as if it were a decoration of the dense energy of the environment made beautiful looking flowers and plants surround the patios.

In one of the courtyards a young man sitting cross-legged in the center was meditating as he absorbed the energy around him.

"My wounds have already recovered with my current strength should be enough to defeat the kijin but their weapons are still a danger what do you think Kaguya should do" Chris asked in his mind as he spoke to Kaguya who was in the gem on his neck.

"Your strength is absurd that a rank 3 divine realm has the power that rivals a rank 5 mystic realm is not something that even in the GR happens you know that right" Kaguya.

"I know that my power is very rare, my past self at best could only fight with people in the fifth divine rank, with my base power and that's only two ranks above and for that I had to use all means I had at hand to achieve it" Chris.

"When I met the kijin back then he was very proper and didn't use his power for intimidation he probably won't use all the means at his hand in your fight due to your low realm and your concern with his weapons would probably be incensed" Kaguya.

It's already been a week since he found Kaguya's soul and learned the place of the two keys in this time, Chris has managed to recover from all his injuries and finished the process of absorbing the virgin essence he got from Kira thanks to the crystal of mystic god hanging from his neck this energy was refined even faster and was able to break through rank 3.

"Tomorrow we will go to the hill where the matrix is ​​and I will release the first seal so that I can hire the first spirit, although it is not certain that he will use the ignition state of his weapon I want to have a countermeasure in case the worst happens in the chaos most desperate" Chris.

"You are too cautious, but it is better to prepare for everything instead of going with nothing in mind" Kaguya.

"Chris I've always had this question about you that I haven't been able to understand" Kaguya.

"What thing?" Chris.

"It's about your magic power it's different from all the other guys I know but it hasn't developed any characteristics why is that" Kaguya.

"What do you mean by a feature?" Chris asks

"According to the type of powers that one has, magical power is classified into various types normal, element, order or chaos, yours because you have all the natural laws in your power, these types merged and created a new one that is the type Cursed/Celestial that you named, but regardless of the type that one has the magic power is still magic power a characteristic is different as one grows and develops based on how one's power changes and mutates to obtain that characteristic, for example is the power of Lillia and Kira in the case of Lillia due to the technique that you gave her power that is of the chaos type she gained the aura of the apocalypse, while Kira her power is of the order type, while due to to his race he obtained a small strand of the dragon aura or in my case it is like the combination of the two since I am a moon maiden and the technique that I practice is that of the moon god my magic power that is elemental has the aura of the moon" explained K Needle for Chris to understand.

"I'm not sure" Chris said and released a bit of his power in his hand concentrating it to observe it in detail and check what Kaguya said, not only that, but he compared them with the aspects of Lillia and Kira's powers.

"Perhaps your statement is not as correct as you think Kaguya" Chris.

"What do you mean?" Kaguya asked.

"The reason why you can't find a characteristic is because in my possession I already have more than one, such as the power desire characteristics of the asura gods that corresponds to gods of war, rage and destruction plus there are elemental characteristics of each element I control, but the biggest reason why you can't feel anything is due to the main characteristic of all that constitutes my power which is the power of nihility that's why you can't feel any characteristic" Chris replied.

As Kaguya explained the characteristics of the power, Chris remembered that the old man said the same thing once, but in a different way.

At that time, he asked him how it is that one knows what kind of God a person is when ascending, he replied that it was due to the mutation of one's power at the rate of his growth which took the form of a small gem inside of one when one becomes a god, now with Kaguya explanation he understood that this god title appointment is given based on the characteristic of his power, based on what he saw he could become a god of destruction or a god of war easily.

When Kaguya heard this, she concentrated on investigating Chris's power and seeing these characteristics since they were linked by the necklace was easy for her, realizing that what Chris said was true she was amazed, but when I try to review that power in more detail a Tyrannical pressure repelled her leaving her dizzy for a while.

"Well, we'd better go to bed tomorrow will be a busy day" Chris.

"Be careful something is coming" Kaguya yelled.

As Chris got up and was about to transport to her bedroom the scream of Kaguya voice sounded in her mind.

At that very instant her power that was as peaceful as a crystal-clear lake burst like a tidal wave into floods covering the entire planet, while her hair changed color and 6 wings came out of her sword.

At that very moment he spread his aura in various parts of the planet to make a mess so that no one could trace the place where he originated, even concentrated a little of his power in the center of the city to confuse people.

After that Chris looked at an area of ​​the sky that was close to him and spoke.

"If you're going to make a ruckus entering the planet even the cloaking bracelet won't be able to hide your presence you know that right, Mana"

In that very instant that Chris said those words the area where he shouldn't have anyone appeared a beautiful woman who was not to infer Kaguya.

If Kaguya was a beauty that could be defined as a holy maiden who cleanses sins, the woman in front of Chris was a charm demon who incited the creation of sins.

Recalling how this girl had been with him for most of his life and how even though she sealed his heart back then she still hadn't left his side, Chris understood that she might still be worried about it, since despite her long relationship with him. separation was too still as she was usually more alive when she lunged at him.

At that moment Chris closed the distance and hugged Mana.

"Don't worry I'm back to doing what it was when we were little and my heart was released so you don't have to worry" Chris.


Once Chris said these words, Mana's eyes burst like waterfalls as little sobs came out of her, no matter how physically strong she was, the concerns of the woman's heart always existed.

When Mana left the planet Caelesti, the lady had informed her that Chris had finally released the seal on her heart after many years, this made her very happy. She did not doubt the lady's word, but her uneasiness did not disappear no matter what. did, only now that he saw it with his own eyes his restlessness disappeared once and for all and relax his heart, seeing that the emotions that Chris could not show before had returned.