Just as Chris and Visia got ready, they disappeared leaving many cuts of light in the environment, most of the cuts gave off the element of fire and some were frosty.


"That sword is too hot, using mystic range weapons can be dangerous, don't you think so" Chris said as he dodged the cuts while keeping an eye on the spear that Visia still hadn't used since he could tell it was also a mystic range weapon.

"Says the person whose weapon is platinum rank, but hasn't suffered the slightest chip after so many trades, a weapon with the ability of indestructibility is very rare to find, but that won't be enough" Visia replied to the previous provocation.

While exchanging blows, Chris noticed that something was wrong with the tempest blades, their energy was very restless, as if being pressed by someone else's weapon was prompting her to advance to diamond rank, Chris had used 3 God Crystals mystic to reinforce this weapon but it did not suffer any progress since the only way to advance was through the pressure of combat, seeing this opportunity Chris decided to take advantage of it and much more Prana began to flow into the weapon giving it the last push.


Visia who had also noticed this was excited since her opponent's weapon was 4 ranks below hers, preventing her opponent from showing her full potential so she also decided to increase the pressure suffered by the blades. of storm


The storm blades, seeing how the Prana that resided increased, while the pressure became stronger, could not withstand more and broke into the diamond range, at that moment its shape began to change, in the blades that were the same they began to appearing runes one showed the symbols of fire while the other those of ice, while on the long hilt it showed the runic signs of water.

At that moment the new ability of the tempest blades appeared in Chris's mind, he opened distance between himself and Visia by taking it with both hands the tempest blades split in two, while Chris held each blade as if it were one. double grip.

"So that's her new ability but what else can she do?" Visia.

"You can still do much more" Chris.

At that very moment the blades ignited in fire and ice as Chris swung them around causing the blades or mage to stretch out covering more distance, attacking from multiple angles.

Visia being attacked with such a powerful long-distance attack in such an unpredictable manner could see how she was slowly being dragged into a dead end of an attrition battle she knew she would lose at this rate, she could see that her opponent was only in the third rank of the divine realm, but her power was very dense and pure without the slightest impurity, in addition to this she had a tyrannical body capable of withstanding her power making her on par with her that lowered her power to the fifth rank of the mystic realm using an artifact that Amaterasu-sama gave him, but the worst of all is that this guy had an abnormal recovery capacity making him perfect for attrition fights, while attacking he was in charge of keeping his distance so as not to let her attack.

"Looks like I don't have a choice" Visia sighed as she was cornered.

At that very moment Visia opened up even more distance than she had originally, as her weaponry left her original form as she entered the transformation state she had before the battle.

"What are you trying to do?"

At that moment Chris stopped her attacks and returned the tempest blades to her original form having a bad feeling.

"An indestructible weapon is very precious, but it has a weakness that happens when its energy runs out" Visia asked.

When Chris heard the question, he pouted because he knew the answer. Once the weapon was exhausted, he would return to his owner's body to recover. Thinking about this, his expression became even more serious.

At this time Visia put away her Katana and throws, but a scarlet red bow appeared in her hands, the power of this bow was not inferior to the previous two weapons, but it released a very ominous feeling.

"It's time to end this game don't you think so" Visia said calmly as if she expected Chris to agree with her.

"BURN" Visia.

Once those words were said, the bow in Visia hands began to change taking a more dignified form as if it were the weapon of some myth in the age of the gods, while the image of a phoenix materialized behind Visia back.

"Ignition Status" Chris yelled in amazement.

When Chris saw this, he knew what Visia was trying to do she wanted to use the weapon's strongest ability while going into the power-up state to finish him off.


Since Visia was going all out Chris wouldn't hold back and released the power up state of the tempest blades while spinning the blades the image of a black bear appeared while creating a whirlwind like barrier around her and for extra protection Chris, I place the asura barrier on his body.

"It's over"


At that moment Visia released the arrow as it combined with the phoenix turning the entire area where the arrow passed into a purgatory of flames, at that very moment in the center of the room a whirlwind of fire and ice was colliding with a fiery phoenix intended to see who seats first.


Due to the difference in the grade of the weapons, the whirlwind was losing power little by little, getting weaker and weaker.

"Once I said it's over" Visia who already had the victory began to charge a second arrow it was not a skill of the weapon like the previous arrow but since the bow was in its ignition state each normal arrow had a power not less than one attack super charged.

"Who says that it's over, I still have more than one card up my sleeve to know" Chris.

The tempest blades were already at their limit and would soon return to the interior of Chris's body, so he didn't hesitate anymore and took out his newly acquired weapon which he named inferno, after finishing the refinement of the sword Chris asked his name to the titan, he said he didn't have any, so Chris who didn't want to think too much simply called the sword Inferno.


At that very moment the inferno that was already releasing incredible heat upon entering its ignition state took on a much more majestic form, while the fire that covered its blade became so intense that the flames that covered the entire area suffocated and died. They turned off, as if all the oxygen in the environment was used as fuel, returning the place to a vacuum.


While an ancient Titan appeared behind Chris, this was not an illusion but the body of the titan itself, but due to the fusion with the mystical god crystal, its aura had become much more impressive being just one step away from entering. to the mystical realm.

"I told you it wasn't over yet" Chris.

At that moment Chris swung inferno towards the phoenix, when the titan four blades of flame appeared in his arms and simultaneously attacked the phoenix sending it flying towards Visia.

"Like hell he has another indestructible weapon and this one is even more powerful than the previous one" Visia was surprised.

At this moment Chris was thinking how to end this fight in the next move, after all he used up a lot of time and energy at the beginning of the fight pushing Visia into a corner with the tempest blades and now he has ignited twice exhausting her even more. stamina, Visia unexpectedly thought the same as she knew that with the power of the heavy sword Chris was using, she wouldn't be able to take many attacks before being defeated and that the ignition of the arc drains much more energy than average weapons.

At that moment Visia stopped the ignition of the bow and exchanged it for her Katana.


Once she said this, his blood-red sword began to release an aura of the same color, flooding the entire room with an aura of slaughter that was not inferred to the fire of purgatory.

"How about we finish this with the next exchange" Visia proposed.

"You read my mind" Chris.

At that moment the two began to gather the power in their swords when Chris heard a voice in her mind.

"I'll help too" Agni.

"Agni what are you trying to do" Chris.

"Just trust me" Agni.

At that moment Agni materialized around Chris as he began to merge with him causing Chris's body to be filled with pure Fire energy, his body seemed crystalline as his wings turned scarlet, while a colorless flame with blood-colored silhouettes washed over him. covered and spread by his sword.

"What is this fire?" Chris asked.

"This fire was created from your power and mine with the help of the gem as a source of energy for its creation" Agni explained.

When Kaguya told him that for the evolution of the divine body of Mana it had to merge with two divine elements, the sage had a headache how to create the fire of hell and the flames of genesis that were divine elements, but he never did it and only he used a replica with magic because this creation process consumes a lot of power which he did not have, but knowing that he could use the god crystals as a source of energy this problem that tormented him disappeared, in the past there were people who thought in using external energy, but all the means they used ended in failure, what was never done is for a person's contracted spirit to take the energy and supply it to their master during the process, in addition to the fact that the god crystals that was one of the highest quality things even in the god realm.

"What do you think this new essence flame should be called?" Agni.

"I feel my power coming from him, plus there is also the power of nothingness such fire of nihility" Chris.

"I like is a good name a fire that can nullify and consume everything" Agni.

(n.t: when I say nihility, I mean nothing, but the first one sounds better so I'll leave it that way).

"Our merger won't last long so it ends quickly" Agni reminded.

"Understood" Chris.

When Visia saw how Chris merged with a spirit, she was not discouraged, but her emotion grew and she poured every drop of her power into the sword, which inadvertently destroyed the object that limited her power, returning to the realm of the eternal, if not. If it were a sealed place, the laws would have already expelled Visia from this place.


"Let's get this over with" Visia.

At that moment Visia made the first move closing the distance between the two in a second due to the release of her powers, it was impossible for Chris to face her.


But suddenly a stormy and frightening aura of a conqueror came out from Chris body, when Visia unintentionally released her powers, the excitement and pressure made Chris release his deity power as well and counterattacked with everything he had sending Visia to fly causing several injuries while his weapons were destroyed.