After leaving the illusory space and returning to nothing Chris followed ego's advice and managed to create 4 more divine sparks to save his life, he managed to form the Divine Sparks of the god of the sun, the moon, the storms and finally the powers of the god of the stars.

After this Chris had to go through a terrible refinement process where both his soul and body underwent new reforms, all his power was depleted and the divine spark of the god of nothingness underwent changes while he was in nothingness since his original fist size of a baby is now 3 times larger while the other 20 Divine Sparks, although a slight improvement can be felt, were still the size of a newborn's fist.

After exhausting himself, Chris used all the strength he had left to reopen reality, come out of nowhere and return to where he was, but due to his exhaustion he ended up in some random place in the city of stars since he couldn't specify his location.

*** *** ***

"What happened here?" Mana said.

"He's nowhere, can someone track him down" Kaguya asked.

"I can feel his deity aura, but it's so strong and it hasn't calmed down, since it's scattered all over the city, I can't track it" Visia.

"It's the same for me. I can't find him because of his life force since there's a lot of interference" Astrid.

An hour ago, while everyone was practicing the energy density of the environment in the entire city changed radically as the energy was so dense that even a low rank upper world would seem inferior to earth.

Visia appeared a short time later and said that this event was not strange since this always happens when a god is present somewhere, if this event happened it is the same as saying that Chris was successful in creating the Divine Spark from him.

But when they went to look for him, they only found a completely destroyed patio and Chris was nowhere to be found.

"Could Chris have gone somewhere else?" Lillia asked.

"Impossible the process of creating a divine spark is extreme and puts an immense burden on the person's mind and body, after finishing he should be in a weak state even with his powerful recovery abilities, recovering in a short time is not possible" Visia.

"He's in town so we can look for him shouldn't be that hard" Kira.

"Looking for it won't be a problem; the problem is the secondary effects that a god suffers when entering a weakened state" Kaguya.

"What effects" everyone asked.

"You'll see" Kaguya said mysteriously, worse with a mischievous expression.

*** *** ***


At that moment in a dark room a person got up from a bed, that person was none other than Chris.

"What happened"

At that moment Chris remembered how he came out of nowhere and how he ended up in a random place.

The room was dark, but with the eyes of god and divine powers of darkness, being able to see this place was as clear as day, the room only had a bed, a desk and a closet, it was very normal in his eyes, despite having few things was well organized and the colors of the walls and furniture matched which made the room cozy.


At that moment the sound of a switch sounded and the lights in the room came on.

"You're already awake, you're fine"

Hearing the voice, Chris turned around and saw a woman around 30 years old, even though it looked as if the woman was 25 years old, Chris could discern her age by seeing the vital energy in the woman's body.

Chris noticing that he could so easily read the woman's energy and aura, he was shocked even though the woman is just a normal person in the first rank of the mortal realm with about 40 Prana and Mana being trash in Chris's eyes. Whatever, what surprised Chris was his ease in seeing through this person's aura and life energy.

In the past he would have to use his detection magic to examine a person no matter how strong or weak they were, but now he could see through people by seeing their aura and life force with just a glance, this is probably due to the fact of having formed his divine sparks, it must especially be the powers of a god of life.

If he knows he could distinguish the strength of people in such detail just by looking at the person if he uses detection on him the more, he would discover.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tired, I'll recover in no time" Chris replied courteously to the lady.

"I thought you were in danger or that you were attacked by someone seeing you so pale and your clothes are in rags"

Chris now knew how to best use her 6 sense thanks to his ego so she could see that the woman was sincere and that she was trying to be nice to him.

After exchanging words with the lady, they both went down the 1st floor to the dining room. The house was a house that any ordinary middle-class worker could afford, since the government wanted people, especially its young generation, to focus on development, things like a work and housing were supported by them in order to support their productivity.

When they got to the dining room Chris saw a man about 32 years old and a boy about 5 years old sitting at the table eating, Chris knew it was morning so it is possible that the man had breakfast to go to work and the boy to go to work. school since compulsory education always started at age 5 on earth, the man is probably the woman's husband, he was also in the first mortal rank but his magical energy was less than that of the lady, when noticing the child She saw that she had no energy in her body, despite the fact that there are geniuses who can wake her up at 3 years old, monsters like him since birth, the child was very normal and she could see that at the rate she was going she would not wake her up at least in another year more.

"Tell me little boy what to call you and what were you doing in the alley next to our house" asked the man.

Chris didn't think they were bad people so he replied even though he disliked being called little as if he was a child "My name is Chris the reason for my exhaustion is because I was practicing my magical energy and I got exhausted"

"I see, your name is Chris, besides, you are in the first mortal rank, without a doubt you are a genius to achieve such a thing at 5 years old"

When Chris heard the man's words, he felt very strange, 1-rank mortal, 5 years, "What the hell is this guy talking about", is the only thing he could think of, when suddenly he saw a mirror next to him what he saw was a boy with black hair and sapphire blue eyes

Upon confirming again, I notice that it was him, it is without a doubt his appearance when he was only 5 years old, but because he became a child again, Chris felt some fear and hurriedly checked his powers and his body, his Divine Sparks were still and his strength had not only not decreased, but increased as he was no longer at divine rank 3, but was at the end of divine rank 5, one step away from becoming a mystic realm.

After much thought, Chris could only deduce that this was a side effect of excessive exhaustion and his body, now that it is divine as well as being adaptable, took the best form in which it could recover more easily and hope that this was only temporary.

"You're okay" the boy who looked a little younger than Chris interrupted him since he just looked at himself in the mirror and didn't answer.

"I'm fine, I was just thinking about something, I can use the bathroom to take a bath"

"Of course, it's at the end of the hall" said the lady.

After that Chris went to the bathroom to take a bath and used his powers to create clothes for boys since he didn't have any in his space storage.

"Honey, why did you bring a stranger to the house?" the man asked his wife.

"It was just a boy who was unconscious and hurt in the middle of an alley, it's normal to help him"

"But what if you bring trouble"

"What problems can he bring? He's just a child. Anyway, we'll ask him where he lives and we'll take him to his home after eating."

While in the bathroom Chris used his senses to scan the entire city and discovered that he was still in the city of stars on earth, by not setting up the place he wanted to go when he came out of nowhere, he was afraid of ending up on the other side of the universe.

Confirming that everything was fine, he went out and saw the little family eating normally, seeing an empty seat, he noticed that it was for him, so he sat down and ate with them.