After discovering that the process that happened 16 years ago was more of a resurrection than a reincarnation and that his current body was in fact his previous body.

Chris began to examine his bloodline and noticed that he still had his heavenly bloodline from his original race, plus vampire, demon, angel and dragon all blended together as one creating his current self.

Giving her blood essence to Beatriz would give her a tyrannical body and a 100 times stronger affinity with energy, but if her strange physique allows her to perform the fusion process with the blood essence and manages to pass the entire process without problem or if she has to go through devastating agony in the process, it all depends on luck.

"Tell me what is your opinion" asked Chris once more, he explained the pros and cons of this process as well as if in the future he has to go through some other update of himself the bloodline inside the Beatrice's body would also be upgraded.

This was the biggest problem Chris feared, if a being gives their blood essence and undergoes a change that alters their bloodline, those who received the blood essence as well as the being's offspring will experience the same change, if they are There is no problem with the offspring since, being blood relatives, they naturally do not have any instability and in return they will experience the change without problems.

"No problem, I know it's dangerous, but we don't know when you'll fully recover, besides you shouldn't do all the things alone, you can trust us, we'll also be stronger to take care of you and protect you too" Beatriz said as she hugged Chris despite the fact that her words were said in a way that would make it understood that she was referring to her lover, the scene of a beautiful and mature woman embracing an adorable boy of about 5 years of age which made it seem more like a scene from a mother hugging her son than that of two lovers.

Chris who realized this fact thanking that there was no one around and let Beatriz continue since at least it would not be so inconsiderate as to damage the scene that was happening, although it was quite embarrassing, especially since Beatriz was enjoying it at the same time. see that she was hugging him like he was a cute little animal.

*** *** ***

After letting Beatriz have her way with him for a while.

Chris went to prepare some pills that would help Beatrix assimilate her blood essence, like the blood purifying pill and the body and soul molding pill.

These pills are divine rank level 10 pills that are very valuable in a world like earth, as finding the materials to create them was like asking a mortal realm to defeat a mystical realm in battle.

If it wasn't for her mother sending her a lot of medicine and precious herbs with Mana it's likely that she with only the earth's resources maxed out she could make pills up to diamond rank level 4 at best. cases.

(n.t: pills and medicines such as elixirs are rated in quality from 1 to 10 with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest).

*** *** ***

"All set, so let's get started" Chris.

After Chris spent the whole day inventing break pills, he then gave the pills and a cup with his blood essence to Beatrice.

Right now, they are in the same yard as always.

They thought of awakening Beatrice's divine body in other places, but after considering it, it was better to do it near the entrance of the gate of the sanctuary space to enter as quickly as possible in case it opened upon feeling Beatrice's power awakening.

"Well, in that case now it's my turn" Beatriz.

With nothing more to say, Beatrix first consumed the pills to take effect before consuming the blood essence.

Beatrix sat up and began to circulate her energy to merge with the blood essence.

At first there was no problem, although there were times when Beatriz's expression changed to seem dejected but then she calmed down.

At that time, Chris was checking the condition inside Beatriz's body, he could see how her blood essence was gradually merging with her, just as the vital energy, the magical and divine power contained in the blood essence was slowly spreading throughout the body. of Beatrice.


At this moment when the process seemed to be going smoothly and calmly Beatrix suddenly opened her mouth and vomited out a large amount of black blood.

Chris became alert but after checking the blood he saw that it was just black blood that was full of impurities that was being removed.

When checking Beatriz's body, I noticed that her body was generating new, pure and clean blood to replace the one she had expelled. In addition to that, her body kept eliminating more and more impurities not only from the blood, but also from her internal organs, her skin. , muscles and even her bone marrow was being cleaned, which caused her pores to open and release a black substance full of dirt, while in each interval of time she would spit out more black blood, if it were not because Beatriz was inside a bathtub all the impurities that his body expelled would have already become a layer of dirt and crust around him, but the water in the tub was not saved, since it had turned black and at this rate it would become stagnant water, Chris took out a bottle of he gasped and poured a drop of its content making the water in the tub return to be pure and clear as at the beginning, this process was repeated a couple more times.

The more Chris looked, the more shocked he was, how was it possible that Beatriz divine physique could handle all that energy that would make a person die by explosion upon contact with her.

Chris could see Beatriz going through the fusion process and enhancing herself, but in reality, it was her divine physique that was really keeping all that power at bay.

If people could have this kind of physique that maintains and refines one's energy as well as stabilizes one to prevent harm to oneself, Chris really couldn't imagine the possibilities.

If a person had this kind of special physique, he could be consuming level 10 pills like candy every day and reach the Eternal realm in just 100 years.

Being able to achieve this could only be seen as cheating even for Chris who had the power of Nihility (nothing) could only see this as something very unfair to all people.

Despite Chris's complicated feelings, he left them and focused on Beatriz as she was approaching the most important process of merging and that was to fuse the essence of blood into her bone marrow in order to obtain the complete lineage of the bloodline, and spread throughout the body little by little, in addition to the fact that the body is filled with 90% divine power and even the blood essence retains half of all its power.

If Beatriz manages to succeed or fail, she will decide in the last step.

Little by little, Beatriz, who had circulated the blood essence throughout her body, began to move it towards her bone marrow to finish the process.

*91% * 92% *

Beatriz's body was filled with power in Chris blood as from the bone marrow she released the divine power that was still in the blood essence.

*93% * 94% * 95% *

Beatriz body kept filling with power, but the divine energy had no signs of stopping other than she could see no signs of the divine physique awakening.

*96% * BAAM* 97% *

Just as Chris was going to stop Beatrix suddenly a new divine energy began to appear in Beatrix's body, while the divine sparks of life and death began to react within her body.

Noticing these changes, Chris quickly realized that Beatriz would awaken her divine physique if things continued like this, the question is if Beatriz could endure all that remains of the process and make it.

*98% * 99% *



At the moment when the entire process was going to end suddenly, all the power that was still held in the blood essence was completely released causing Beatrice to suffer a setback.

Beatriz was trying to keep the energy in a controlled manner by spinning it in the same path that the blood essence used so she could keep it under control for a few moments, but at the rate she was going she wouldn't last long.

Just when she was going to totally lose control suddenly a hand of hers touched her back, it was small but warm making her feel comfortable as her awareness gradually returned.

Chris knew that it was impossible to forcibly suppress all the power that was currently running in Beatrice's body and if she didn't do something she would probably be left half dead, not knowing when she would recover or even, she might go into a coma.

Without hesitation, Chris used his energy to make the power in Beatriz body speed up her rotations thousands of times more than she was currently in, causing Beatriz to enter a state of hyper-acceleration, like the one Chris used in his fight against Cease.

Stopping the process was no longer an option so speeding it up and hoping it succeeded was the best thing to do.


At that moment a breaking sound could be heard loudly clearing the area, thinking it was an intruder Chris checked, but found that the door to the inheritance space had been opened.

Chris would not pay attention to this thing and would continue with the acceleration process to save Beatriz, but he could see how the door was slowly closing without knowing if they would have another chance at another time, Chris did not hesitate anymore and carried Beatriz as he flowed his energy in her and jumped in the door.

The moment the two of them entered, the door that was about to close slammed shut instantly, causing the fluctuations in space to return to normal, as if nothing had happened.