"In that you have the whole truth, for every poison there is its antidote and for every disease there is a cure, but unfortunately your niece does not suffer from a disease" Chris said starting his explanation.

"What are you talking about?" Morgan asked.

"You know what happens when a person is born with a divine body and doesn't wake it up," Chris responded to Morgan's question with another question.

"Wait, you're saying that Fey condition is due to the fact that she was born with a special Physique, but that doesn't make sense, even if she has a divine physique, she should be able to wake him up eventually, right" Morgan spoke again, somewhat altered, but more than all confused.

"Things like Divine Physiques are something difficult to understand even for the upper worlds, the only thing that is known is that people who are born with divine physiques have the same divine power as gods in their bodies, as if the laws and rules of the world A power that only gods and demi-gods can exercise had been engraved inside their bodies, it is also known that one needs to form their own divine body of at least king class for a person to become a god since when this moving forward only divine physiques are able to withstand this power, tell me what do you think would happen if a child has this energy inside him but doesn't have the proper physique to withstand it" explained Chris.

At that moment Morgan was silent wanting to swallow the words that she was going to say, but she still said them. "If someone has a power greater than their body can withstand, they would eventually overload and die by explosion or slowly consume their life expectancy until death, but tell me if Fey has a divine-born physique, why isn't she able to withstand that power? and awaken your potential? Morgan asked confused by this fact.

"If your divine physique doesn't wake up it's the same as having a normal body so it overloads causing you to gradually weaken while your vital energy is steadily depleted, causing your lifespan to shorten, if my calculations are correct, he should only have three to five more years to live" (Chris)

Even though divine power wreaks a lot of havoc on the body it shouldn't cause death, as in the cases of Mana and Beatrix who didn't awaken their divine physiques quickly even though they had pressure it wasn't to the point where their hopes of life were consumed, what is eating away at Fey is the fact that he cannot cultivate which does not allow him to awaken his power and since his existence value is low he does not have enough energy to withstand the pressure of the power on his body his body consumes his life energy as a substitute.

(note: Le-Fey doesn't have a trace of power which means she's not even in the 1st rank of the mortal realm if someone hadn't understood, before I explained that all people have vital and magical energy and you only get the divine one by become gods, but magical energy appears in people by formally entering the path of cultivation if the person is like Le-Fey's case who can't cultivate or hasn't cultivated he wouldn't have magical energy or any other energy above 10 points when its existence value is measured).

"So, to save Le-Fey we have to make his divine physique wake up and everything will return to normal and Fey will be saved?" Morgan asked, a little anxious why she didn't think things were that simple.

"Yes and no, if his divine body awakens, he will already be able to withstand the power in his body, but many years have already passed and his lifespan has been greatly shortened, awakening his divine physique even if it solves the root problem could hurt her during the waking process as she is very weak and could even die" (Chris).

"So, what needs to be done for Fey to be saved?" Morgan asked anxiously the more he listened to Chris he felt that Fey situation was becoming more and more dangerous.

"If it were someone else, the fate of that girl would be doomed to die, but since I am a god I can save her, I just need to seal the divine power inside her body so she would not be in danger since the divine power would stop wreaking havoc inside her and treatment can be performed to recover her depleted lifespan and life force, once she cultivates to the pinnacle of the divine realm, her divine physique can be awakened and the seal released that way your niece can have a normal life" explained Chris.

"Wait a minute what kind of treatment can restore a person's depleted life expectancy; on earth it doesn't exist" said Morgan the earth had developed enormously but the power to restore life expectancy was something that even the elderly elves who lived on earth they could not do.

"The vital energy (Prana) will always be equal to the vital force of people as long as the life expectancy is not damaged, the vital force will recover in the case of your niece, the constant exhaustion has damaged her life expectancy if you want for her to recover, she will have to constantly consume vital energy from an external medium" explained Chris.

"What do you mean by external media?" Morgan asked with a sharp look.

"A senjutsu user could transfer life energy to her on a regular basis and heal her slowly, the other best option is to use the divine power of a god of life to heal her" Chris said he intended to tease Morgan by saying intercourse was an option for Le-Fey recovery but this aunt's overprotectiveness of her niece scared him a bit so he retracted his words.

"Is that all or is there something else?" Morgan asked.

"It's not really about the birth of that girl, it's likely that no one in this world can know, but her birth is not normal" said Chris somewhat disturbed.

"What do you mean by that, the fact of having a divine physique is already strange enough that there could be more too Fey" Morgan said without understanding Chris words.

"When your sister told you that that girl did not have a father, she said it literally since that girl is an artificial birth and not a natural one," said Chris, releasing the shocking news that he had to say.

"Explain" Morgan said, somewhat unstable, what she just heard left her out of place, but even so she wanted to understand everything, she knew that Chris would not say things just because, since I managed to understand his personality a little through these exchanges of words. words.

"For a woman to become pregnant she has to be impregnated with the seed of a man, but in the case of your sister she impregnated herself using magic in other words there was no partner to make that girl, this method allows the woman gets pregnant but in return she puts a huge weight on her body and the chances of dying in childbirth are at least 90% and whether or not she gets to be born the child is even less than that but the child that is born will have a pure blood line that your mother comes from, you could also show the traits of the atavism of your ancestors and have a monstrous talent, only the most powerful women would use this type of method to have their offspring since they are able to bear it" I explain Chris.

This method was very dangerous and no one would use it, unless they cannot find a suitable partner or in case they cannot stain their bloodline with other people's, they would not use this method to have a descendant.

The only person Chris knows who uses this method for their offspring are some goddesses from the god realm, such as Hestia, Artemis and Athena who decided to remain virgins, but wanted to have offspring so he could use this type of method without any problem.

(Note A: these goddesses from the Olympian mythology are just some characters that I will use in the future, but I will not only limit myself to using this mythology, but I will use other gods from different mythologies as well, like when Freya appeared, but her myths will not be exact since I may end up changing them at my convenience as the story progresses).

"Such a method exists in this world and how are you sure that Fey is one of these cases?" Morgan asked somewhat shocked in a state of show, although she wanted to deny Chris words, she knew he would not record anything by lying to her.

"Children born by this method their souls are irregular or to be exact imperfect this defect is corrected when they cultivate to the mystic realm that their souls lose all their defects as Le-Fey has never cultivated his soul remains incomplete, also his line of blood despite being pure at the same level as yours, there are also traces of the magic that was used in her fertilization this should also disappear with the passage of time but it still hasn't because she's still young, the fact that she having a divine physique is a coincidence but having it makes the not-so-obvious flaws show up easier" (Chris).

"But how did this happen?" asked Morgana still unable to believe the situation.

"Instead of asking me that question you should ask yourself how your sister got the information to perform this kind of magic" said Chris

This magic is a taboo in almost all worlds, so it is considered restricted information, making it almost impossible to obtain, as well as the fact that no one would want to use it due to the dangers it entails.

At that moment the atmosphere in the space they were in became uncomfortable and gloomy.