"Where we go?" Chris asked.

After finishing the process of sealing the power inside Le-Fey divine body, because Chris had overdone it a bit, Le-Fey ended up fainting from exhaustion once the process was over, Morgana got upset again for the poor girl. and took her to her room to take care of her, which left only Chris and the current king who is currently leading the way.

"We are headed for camelot," said the king.

"It really exists, I thought it was just a made-up story" Chris asked somewhat surprised.

Chris knew many secrets of this planet and the government, but the existence of camelot was not in his knowledge.

After all the ancient fortress of King Arthur had never been found and was considered to be just an urban myth or was probably destroyed over time, after all King Arthur was known to exist, but like all Myths surrounding the gods were either highly exaggerated or made up into history to get people's attention.

After walking for a few minutes, they reached the innermost part of the palace in a room several floors below ground, the room was made of special reinforced concrete stones no matter how it looked even a mystical realm couldn't get here easily, especially since also in the whole area could be seen that large magic circle full of runes and parons had been written that protected this area and further strengthened the structure.

"We arrived"

At that moment the king opened the room which was empty with nothing inside.

"This is" at that moment in which they entered, as happened with the space of the sanctuary that Freya created, Chris's god eyes were activated and he could see how the natural energy was concentrated in front of him forming an independent space, which normally they were known as secret kingdoms.

At that moment the king said nothing and continued walking towards the wall crossing it as if it were a simple illusion unlearning the place.

Chris didn't think about it and walked towards the wall too.

Crossing the wall, Chris view underwent a radical change, unlike Freya space, which was just a sanctuary, this space was the size of an entire region, in the center there was a fortress castle, it was much more splendid than the one outside in the capital of Welsh.

Next to the castle was a huge pure and crystal-clear lake, but still the bottom of the lake could not be seen.

Chris used his perception throughout the world and used his spatial powers to scan the entire dimension and noticed that in addition to the one they entered through there were 3 more one in each cardinal point.

I also review the castle and notice that apart from the castle servants all the people in this space are people from the royal family of Wales as they all had the same unique bloodline, due to the aura of life of being people was old with the youngest being at least 500 years old it is evident that they are the past generations of the royal family before the current king.

"Why are there so many Welsh family members here?" Chris asked.

"As a thousand-year-old family, each of our descendants must at least reach the divine realm even if they don't become the next king, although we keep this hidden and only the strength of the person who is revealed to the world. will occupy the throne of the next generation, while the other brothers and relatives remain hidden, if we expose our strength so freely even if the world is unified they will see us as a threat to the balance of the planet, so after each generation the people who advanced to a higher realm abandon life in the world this rivers and come here to farm and only come out in case of an emergency, the people who live here are the last generations of the family who decided to spend their whole lives farming, since that the natural energy of the environment is many times denser than the outside is the best place to stay, but for your information they are not retained since they can leave at the moment whatever they want but they must keep their identities and strength hidden" explained the king.

"If so, why doesn't Morgana stay here after all? The thrones aren't limited and they can go into seclusion anytime they want, because she's still in the outside world?"

It was the question that Chris wanted to ask as he could see Morgana's enormous desire to pursue magic and become stronger, with Morgana's talent and this space in 5 thousand years it is very likely that she has entered nirvana, when Chris examined the Morgana's level of existence noted that it was only 16 million barely halfway to death rank even if Morgana didn't go into nirvana at least she should be at the pinnacle of death rank.

"After the death of the parents of the older Morgana and with the birth of her younger sister, although she was still diligent with her practice, she prioritized her sister more than anything, so she did not stay in camelot and lived with her sister in the outside world for about two thousand years, the eldest took care and trained her sister, when lady Ada went out to explore the world alone, senior Morgana wanted to follow her but since she didn't want to betray her sister's trust she let her go alone, so that senior Morgana isolated herself in camelot during the years that her sister was away but left one of her loyal servants to inform her when her sister returned, during the 90 years of isolation she advanced more than in the last two thousand years reaching 2 throne, once Lady Ada returned, Senior Morgana stopped her cultivation once again and took care of Lady Ada's risky pregnancy, if it wasn't for Senior Morgana's care and effort, young Le-Fey wouldn't have been born."

At that moment the current King of Wales stopped for a moment as if he was making a prayer to Morgana's parents and sister who had already left the world of the living and continued.

"After Lady Ada's death, even though she was devastated she took it upon herself to protect young Miss Le-Fey with everything she had, especially when the symptoms of debilitating illness appeared, at which point Senior Morgana stopped cultivating. and began to look for doctors or miraculous medicines to try to cure Le-Fey, but all the doctors and tests that were done to him were the same that he could only live at most up to 30 years in the best of cases, as I do not know found no cure the only option that senior had was to go to the upper worlds and have luck in search of a cure, unexpectedly a deity appeared in our world giving hope to the senior, I'm glad he found a way to save Le- Fei".

At that moment the king stopped after saying those words with great respect in his voice and stopped leading the way, he turned and looked at Chris as if he wanted to thank him, but what came out of his mouth was something that even Chris was not expected.

"No matter how much you look like a human being or act like one, in my hundreds of years as king I have managed to understand the character of people and I can tell that you are not human from the moment I saw you" said the king in a manner calm.

"And how did you come to that conclusion?" Chris asked, somewhat interested, he never considered himself a human since he never was, but Chris understood that the king was not referring to his race.

"Your look says it all, you can be a peaceful person, but the arrogance you exude is not that of a powerful being but of someone who is above all others as if the other creatures were only ants that you can step on at your convenience, too I can't feel any genuine emotion from you, even when you saved Le-Fey I couldn't see pity or pity in your expression just a bit of interest to satisfy your boredom, but even if something big happens in the whole universe your attitude is like if it has nothing to do with you, even though you were faking a serious expression, but on the inside you probably think it's a bother, that's why I can say that you're not a person" replied the king.

The sincere answer of the king left Chris speechless, he knew that everything he said was true and was surprised by the sharp look of this person.

"It may be true that I am not a human being as you say, but I do have emotions and desires, and following my emotions and desires is what all existences do whether they are gods or mortals regardless of race or status we all do same and we aspire to something, what differentiates us is if we can achieve it or not, that is where the important thing lies if you will succeed in what you want or fail in the attempt, do it or not do it, since there are even beings who decide to abandon their desires even before trying"

Chris responded to the king's statement since he was aware of his actions and did not consider himself a being neither good nor evil, but just another existence that pursues what he wants, Chris really did not care what happened to Morgana and Le-Fey only helped them out of her belief that their good deeds will be rewarded in some way in the future like it was with the old man and Yuna.

Sometime later they reached the lake that was next to the castle.

"The rune that has the inheritance is at the bottom of the lake with your strength you should be able to reach it easily" said the king.

(author's note: I use the word people or existences to refer to all races in general, whether gods or demi-gods or mortals, since I can't bring myself to mention race by race like humans, elves, vampires, dwarves, and the many races of beastmen, etc).