"Do not give up"

At the moment that Chris was going to fall a new voice was heard in his mind that urged him to get up.

"Keep going"

The voice did not stop insisting even though his mind was weak due to so much damage that his soul suffered.

"Remember what you have forgotten, there is your intention and your desire"

The moment the voice said those words.

Chris's butt that wasn't responding suddenly started responding.

At that moment, as if all space was frozen, everything stood still as if time did not exist.

*** *** ***

At that moment Chris' consciousness appeared on a new plane.

When I opened my eyes, it was as if he was floating in space, as if he were a ghost.

When he tried to move or say a word or even think about it, he couldn't do it.

At that moment the starry night sky that the saw began to move, as if the stars began to form two bodies that danced with each other.

When Chris saw this, he noticed two beautiful maidens dancing in the middle of that mass of stars and as if the stars guided by them were following their steps.

One of them had dull blonde hair with a pair of hair clips on both sides of her head and her eyes were sapphire blue like jewels, while she wore a black dress that highlighted her beauty.

The other maiden had silver hair and emerald green eyes as she wore a white dress, no matter how she looked she was a beautiful woman too.

If you look carefully at the appearance of the two with the only differences being the color of their hair and eyes, the face of the two women was exactly the same, not only that even the outline of their bodies and physical form was identical, as if were checked using the same mold.

Seeing the two maidens Chris felt that he had seen them somewhere, but he couldn't remember exactly where it was, as if something that had been deep in his memory was trying to come out.


When the two maids noticed Chris, they smiled in a quality way like one give to a loved one, full of affection and affection as if he always wanted to see him.

At that moment the two maidens began to dance together, the dance was beautiful and delicate even someone without knowledge of the dance like Chris could tell that, that dance was not normal, there was a unique power behind that dance.

Seeing the beautiful scene, Chris realized from the movement of their bodies that the dance was totally natural as if it was second nature for the two maidens to perform this dance innately, in the same way they breathed.

The dance of the two maidens could make anyone who saw it filled with happiness and joy as if this dance was a gift to all beings in existence.

But Chris who looked at the two maidens could tell that they weren't dancing for the whole creation, their dance was only directed at one person, as if these two maidens wanted praise from that one person and no one else, even if that dance was not a ritual to bless living beings, but it is a dance that gives the prelude to the apocalypse, even if all things were consigned to oblivion, the two maidens would still dance for their precious one.

Beyond dancing for that person, there was no meaning for the two maidens to dance for someone else, everything else could be erased except that one existence.

"When the divine beasts of sin and virtue dance, the god of nihility (nothing) will be born"

Just when Chris was finally able to speak those words came out of his mouth, as if what was clouding his mind was finally clearing.

At that moment a memory appeared in his mind.

* start of flashback * (flashback)

It was a night, but unlike the normal dark sky you could see how it was full of stars as if they were resonating with each other, making the night sky very beautiful.

In a valley full of flowers of all colors, a beautiful woman with black hair and sapphire blue eyes was giving birth to a child while she was being helped by two maidens.

For some reason the woman who had been fine all day decided to take a walk alone for no reason while enjoying the starlight and by sheer chance found the beautiful valley of flowers that she didn't know existed despite being so close to her. your home.

When she reached the center of the valley, she noticed the two maidens in black and white suits.

The woman she thought it was rare to find two maidens so beautiful, but still since she didn't feel any ill intent or hostility in them, she decided to continue enjoying her walk in the valley.

But just when she was about to return the water broke and the child, she was carrying in her intention was going to be born, because there was no one to help the woman the two maidens helped her with the birth out of compassion for the woman.

When the child was born for some reason the two maidens began to cry as if something wonderful had happened.

"Sister, we found it right," said the silver-haired maiden.

"That's right, inside it has the power of nihility (nothing), and in its abyss I can see the non-existential void, if it were not because we cannot be affected by the Order and we are out of the control of Karma and destiny, it would have saying that destiny works in such mysterious ways that we found him this way after searching for him for so long, this must have been done by him, besides him there is nothing that can attract us to this place unconsciously guiding us "he said the fair-haired maiden.

"Chris, my son could you pass him to me" said the mother of the child who was a little weak after giving birth.

The two maidens smiled and handed the child to her mother.

"Since it is a special moment how about we give him our blessing and dance for the newborn" said the maidens.


The mother could notice the care that the two maidens had towards her son, for helping in his birth and she also knew that there were customs in some places to celebrate the birth of people even in the Caelesti family every time a descendant is born it is due celebrate the arrival of the family member throughout the month for good fortune.

When the two maidens received the approval of the mother, they began to dance together for the newborn, celebrating his arrival in this world.

The dance was becoming more beautiful leaving both the mother and the newborn child mesmerized as she watched the momentous scene.

At that moment the stars, the sky and all things around him, as if the universe itself was celebrating the birth of the child danced with the maidens, all things were terrified, but full of joy for the unique birth of a little boy.

*End flashback* (flashback)

The moment the memory of his birth surfaced in Chris mind; she was able to understand why the two maidens were so familiar to him.

They were the divine beasts of sin and the divine beast of virtue.

For the first time in his life, he could remember why he had such a great desire for power, to the point where it became an obsession, where the word insanity is not enough to describe it.

That great and wonderful moment of seeing the two maidens dance, which without knowing influenced him from birth, the desire to want power, to be able to go to the same stage where those two maidens were dancing, the place where only people transcendental could be the pinnacle of all existences.

It was the motivation that Chris had always had to seek power in his entire life, which he couldn't remember due to being still a newborn but which was unconsciously recorded in the back of his mind and instinctively he pursued.

For the first time Chris was able to understand things about himself that he didn't yet understand, but at the same time many new unknowns about his own existence filled his mind, about his own existence for the first time.

But that was not all, he was also able to understand why he could not create an intention.

His problem wasn't that he lacked the will to do it, nor that he couldn't create a clear image of the intention he wanted.

The real problem was that he had already created the image of his intention, but he had forgotten it.

That is why every time he tried to create an intention and focused on a different image than the one he already had in his mind, he would block it since it was not what he really wanted and in the best of cases he could only manifest his will.