"Ready I'm back"

After Chris fit of rage that happened the other day, he was finally able to calm his mind by sleeping for a day in his inner universe, by ruling out taking a shower and regaining his senses he was able to relax and clear his mind, after calming down he returned to the temple to receive the rewards of the third trial and do the fourth trial.

"So, you arrived, I thought you would rest longer due to the time distortion of the imaginary spaces, it has already been more than a week in reality, the mental exhaustion and wounds to the soul that you suffered is not something that can be recovered overnight. said the lady of the lake as if the long months spent in trials had been short.

"I see so it's only been a week in reality"

Said Chris calmly since the second task Chris lost track of time, despite what the Lady of the Lake said, Chris was fighting day and night for a month, due to his battle experience and unique perception of time he could understand that much more time had passed than that, and in that state of constant battle it was unreal, seconds can be hours and vice versa.

"Now tell me what my rewards are," Chris asked, not wanting to delay things any further.

"Very well here you have them"

At that moment 3 bottles appeared in front of Chris each with a different liquid.

"Lady of the lake what is this, because there are only Elixirs to choose from this time" Chris asked confused.

"The function of these substances is different but each one is equally valuable, which one you choose will depend on you"

"So, what are they?" Chris.

"The first is water of life and death, the second is elixir of life and the third is water from the fountain of youth"

"WHAT…?!" Chris said not trying to hide the silly voice that slipped out.

This time the rewards were so extravagant that Chris didn't know which one to choose.

The first elixir can revive a person regardless of the circumstance, despite the fact that there are ways to revive people by other various means, the immediate moment of death has to be done and there are always some secondary effects, but the water of the life and death could revive someone no matter the time that has passed or the circumstances of death as long as the person's soul has not dissipated or been sent to reincarnation could be revived.

The second the elixir of life gave a partial immortality to the person since the soul always erodes with time, once the soul reaches its limit even if the body is intact and in its best condition the soul will be sent to the highest for recover which means death, but the biggest plus point is that it provides the person with a monstrous regeneration factor, unless one disintegrates the person without leaving any safe molecules regenerating back to its original state.

The third and last despite the fact that the water from the fountain of youth, as its name says, will make the person stay young forever both in body and soul, offering immortality to the person.

The difference between the fountain of youth and the elixir of life lies in the regenerative factor of the elixir of life that it gives to the people who drink it. It is said that the only way to kill them is to totally destroy their body so that they do not have anywhere to restore, but it has sequelae to the soul, although the soul will become stronger the more one cultivates and the level of existence of a person rises, if the realm of an Eternal being is not reached in the life time of the soul death It will come anyway, while the fountain of youth offers complete immortality, but if you're not strong enough you can always be killed, piercing your heart or ripping your head off.

Although people can become immortal by entering the Eternal realm making their lifespans eternal, those who can do so are only about 0.01% of the universe's population.

"I choose the elixir of life and death," Chris replied.

After thinking things through the elixir of life was attractive but the side effects were very troublesome, but since he had the immortal god technique eventually Chris would have a true immortal body that even if it is totally destroyed it can be remade.

With the water from the fountain of youth Chris thought of using it as a gift for the girls, but since there are more accessible medicines that allow one to stay young forever like the beauty pill it was not necessary.

Regarding Chris, his body was rapidly changing to a much better appearance than it had when he was still an Eternal being, so he didn't want to take anything that would make him look like a half-grown youth for all eternity, besides Ego told him that he would always look his best and would not age beyond that, so he literally already had eternal life and youth, so these two elixirs were useless to him.

Instead, having life insurance in case he or any of the girls died was the best option since it is not known what would happen later, even though he hoped that he would never have to use the water of life. and death.

"Very well," the lady of the lake responded to Chris's decision, confused as to why she didn't choose the other Elixirs.

At that moment the elixir flew towards Chris and the other two disappeared.

"What is the unique reward?" Chris asked.

"The unique reward of the third and fourth tasks are given together" replied the Lady of the Lake.

"Why?" Chris.

"You will understand when you know what the fourth test is and you will also understand why King Arthur failed the fourth test"

At that moment the throne at the end of the room disappeared and a door appeared.

It could be seen that the door was a portal that led to another part of the temple, but it did not specify which one.

"Where does this portal lead to?" Chris asked the lady of the lake.

"To the true throne room there you will perform the last two tests" replied the lady of the lake as if she was wishing Chris luck.

"Very well then I'm going"

Chris said goodbye and went to the portal.


Once Chris left the lady of the lake, she couldn't help but sigh with a somewhat tired expression.

"I hope you have luck in the last test and I hope you don't die, it's very rare to see such a young deity, I don't know who you are or what you are looking for, but seeing you, you can cause a massacre, as well as progress to the place you go"

Now that I think about it, I never asked him what kind of deity he was, despite having the powers of an asura, I could notice that his body released the divine force of light, life and creation, like someone who has such pure and good powers. it may be an asura, but I could also feel darkness, death and destruction, it is like the two versions of the king of knights, how is it possible that two such contradictory forces form a single being"

*FUSS* *sigh*

"I guess the saying that the devil is a buddha and the buddha is a devil is true in some sense at the end of all things."

Fairies are very sensitive to pure and good powers like light, life and creation as these powers are like second nature to them even if the divine spark of darkness hid almost everything from Chris, the fairies' senses would be more than enough to be able to feel these powers.

When Chris attacked the barrier to enter with the aura of the asuras, the lady of the lake thought to use the self-defense mechanism to repel him, if it were not for the fact that she felt these good and compassionate powers that no bad person could have, she would not have given Chris the opportunity. Chris to enter and perform the tests, if the lady of the lake had still denied Chris entry, he would have been forced to use several of the trump cards he only kept in case of imminent death allowing him to preserve his life, and in the process destroy a part of the temple in the process, although this was the most desperate situation Chris had thought of barely allowing himself to escape, he underestimated the potency he had if he used the power of nihility as an attack he could destroy half of the temple and not just a tenth part as Chris had considered in his luckier calculations.

"You just have to hope it succeeds"

Once the lady of the lake said that she disappeared as if she had never been there.

Then the room that had the three podiums returned to the same shape as it was in the beginning with only one podium and the throne that was in front of it.