
A beam of light as if it was leading the way came out from the gem that had turned into a plaque-like seal.

"Why did you do that" Le-Fey.

Le-Fey was supporting the exhausted Morgan as he yelled at Visia that he was finished creating the artifact using materials other than the magic seal and mystic god crystal.

Once it ended up in Visia hands there was a metal emblem with a gem in the center in addition to the patterns and runes on the crystal, one could see that there were some on the emblem having seen it as if they were decorations, one could easily use the emblem as a seamless brooch.

"It's not that I'm trying to hurt your aunt, but leaving this with her could be more dangerous, also if we look for Chris while trying to feel her aura it will take a long time, this way it will be faster" Visia replied.

Visia was very intelligent and knew very well that it was dangerous to leave a method to track Chris in the hands of a stranger, besides it had already been said that the seal could be transferred to other people if she did not use it to refine an artifact the discussion of who would get the label would be a problem, with the people currently present.

There was also another problem with leaving the runic seal in Morgan's hands and that would be that if this news got out, the people who wanted to get it would not only be limited to Mana and Astrid who have been desperate for the last 16 years trying to find even a clue of it. Chris in the different worlds, but now with the news of Chris's deification, but the people who currently wanted a way to track him in such a convenient way were not few, but even a bloody slaughter started to get the brooch. in Visia hands, so no one would last to kill Morgan to obtain the runic seal that was the artifact's core.

"Okay now let's go the tribulation should have already started"

Even though they all looked at the emblem in Visia hands, they knew that this was not the time to argue for him, although there was also the fact that no one could defeat Visia if Mana and Astrid, easily stealing the seal from him, had already done so.

Immediately everyone went out in the direction where the beam of light indicated by the brooch extended following the path it currently marked.


"There it is"

"How gorgeous"

At that moment when they all arrived, they could see the sky with the rainbow clouds, as well as the typhoon in the middle of everyone.



The moment they arrived was the same moment that the 3 waves of lightning struck Chris.

"We have to help him"

"We should do something"

"Aunt what's going on"

"Stop" Kira.

Lillia, Aurora, and Le-Fey as the only ones with low realms of existence were alarmed and tried to approach the lightning domain, but were stopped by Kira.

Even though Kira was young she had already faced a tribulation not long ago and she knew how dangerous it was to get close.

"Kira, why are you stopping us?" Lillia asked annoyed.

"In a tribulation no one can intervene, everything depends on him, besides, his aura has not disappeared yet" Kira said calming the group, the fact that none of them who had low levels of existence did not freeze in fear was already a good sign, worse still Lillia, Aurora and Le-Fay, they lost their sanity very easily and were going to do something stupid.


At that moment eight lightning bolts in succession crashed into the center of the typhoon making the domain of thunder and lightning bigger and more terrifying than it was in the beginning.

"This is not normal" Astrid.

"You also noticed" Mana.

"Miss, the young master will surely have a hard time this time." Lulu.

Astrid, Mana and Lulu who noticed the strangeness of the tribulation became a bit serious, but since Chris's presence was still perceptible none of them was alarmed, but their senses were focused to the maximum, to keep a constant monitor of Chris's current state.

On the other hand, Visia and Kaguya seemed to have expected this as if it was within their calculations what happened.

"Could you explain to us what you mean by that"

Meiko asked, interested in the conversation of people with the highest realms and the most knowledge.

Kaguya, in the same way as before, decided to explain to them what happened.


Before he could say a word, 16 bolts of lightning struck again.

"The tribulations are measured by the number of waves of power they have and depending on which realm one is going to enter, there is a maximum of how many waves will fall, the first tribulation that is from the mortal realm to the holy realm has a maximum of three waves, each wave will not only double the amount of lightning, but the power that each lightning contains will double in equal measure making each wave 4 times greater than the previous one"



Just as Kaguya said, this time 32 lightning bolts struck and they noticed that its length was double the previous ones.

At that moment when everyone saw the huge domino of lightning in fear, only 6 waves had fallen, the terrified power they felt was more than enough to decimate several galaxies without the slightest effort.

"What's wrong with that doesn't mean they're just missing…" Lillia spoke but before she finished her words her mouth was covered.

"Silence" Kira her.

Noticing what Lillia was going to say, Kira shut her up, the fact that Chris had to cultivate again from the start was a secret, and right now there were many people who didn't know this secret or any specific details, so that this truth could not be exposed.

"I am sorry"

Lillia, noticing her mistake, apologized, but she asked again anyway.

"So, what's wrong with the tribulation this time" Lillia.

"The weird thing is that in a normal tribulation, every time one overcomes one wave and the lightning dissipates, the next one follows after an interval of time, but in this case the lightning is not dissipating and all the power is accumulated in that lightning dominance, making with each wave the power of the lightning domino increase in the midst of all this they get stronger, so Chris is taking damage for every second that passes, not being able to breathe for a second and has to keep his guard up every second, at this rate even with her recuperative abilities, her energy drains like a waterfall," Kaguya explained.

"That doesn't mean that this tribulation will be many times greater than normal" Kira asked, remembering the tribulation of hers that she faced just in the past years.

"That's right, they're probably 10 times stronger than normal," Visia replied, but even if she said 10 times since the damage was constant every second, she wasn't so sure how dangerous the tribulation actually was.

At that moment all the people present who had already entered the mystic realm remembered the bitter experience of his tribulation, each surge of lightning was no different from a martyrdom, where they thought they would die in the next second.

"Kaguya let me ask you a question how is the tribulation of the mystic realm to enter the ancient realm"

Meiko asked somewhat alarmed after all she would enter the ancient kingdom in a short time and seeing the horrible domain of lightning in front of her made her feel somewhat afraid.

Knowing Meiko thoughts, Kaguya answered her question.

"The divine realm strengthens the body while the mystical realm is the soul, you should have noticed with each rank up the changes that your soul undergoes as you go up each of the various ranks, one must experience them since the names of the ranks are not just for decoration, so it's easier to enter the ancient realm than the mystic realm, what prevents most people from being able to enter the ancient realm is due to the huge amount of power one has to accumulate on top of that of the special conditions that one must fulfill, so unless someone in a higher realm than one helps to break that barrier, the time that one will take will not be short, but that is not everything even if all these are fulfilled requirements, the most difficult when traversing the ancient realm, is to experience nirvana and achieve the comprehension of the ancient essence, to transcend the level of existence from a mortal to an ancient being," Kaguya replied.


Whether it was Meiko or anyone present who was already in the mystic realm, they could only sigh in relief that the next tribulation they would face would not be as complicated as the previous one, but despite the requirements that had to be met, it could be quite tormenting at first. his own way.

Even though what Kaguya said was true and having a more powerful soul would help get through tribulations if one were careless, the seriously destroyed body failing and dying on the spot.

Kaguya could see people's misunderstanding upon hearing her explanation, but she had no intention of correcting the misunderstanding as there was still a long time before everyone present reached the pinnacle of the mystic realm as Meiko, in addition to the fact that if in the future they were still comrades on the same team was uncertain.

After all Chris was recruiting them to see how far they can go with their attitudes, whether or not they meet expectations was uncertain.