Two spheres of energy, one white and one black, appeared in front of Chris.

"Master what is that looks nice"

Elaine said as she looked at the white sphere with emotion while Nisha looked at the black one in the same way, but she didn't say anything.

"These are techniques, once you learn one you can make it more powerful" Chris.

"We can learn too" Elaine.

"Don't worry I was going to teach them anyway" Chris.

The excitement in the two girls increased as expectant expressions appeared on their faces.

At that moment Chris transferred the two techniques, the white version for Elaine and the black version for Nisha, Chris planned to try each of the techniques on the two girls and see which one suited them better, but when he saw how he looked at the energy orbs, he knew that it was not necessary since they themselves had already decided.

A large amount of energy had already accumulated from the outside and Chris began to guide it inside the girls forming the power source of the techniques in each one as they recited the verses.

At first Chris did all the work, but little by little the girls learned how to guide their energy slowly, doing the shekels themselves.

"A little more and the power source of both techniques will be finished in ways… you wait what is this?!" Chris.

At that moment Chris noticed an imperceptible change in his being.

Inside it you could see two energy cores, one blood red and the other gold which were linked by a pass like connecting circuits, these were the source of the power of the immortal god and the devastation of asura.

"It can't be" Chris.

At that same moment, two new power nuclei were formed, one black and the other white based on the patterns and shape that Chris recognized since he had created them moments ago.

They were nothing more and nothing less than the base of the power of the king of knights, both the white and the black versions.

Once they were formed, they connected to each other in the same way as the red and gold cores, after they connected the four cores to each other.

Chris couldn't take it anymore and released his consciousness returning to the real world, the first thing he did was release the aura of the king of knights, effectively in each of his hands an aura of black and white color could be seen.

"You already woke up that was fast... wait that's it" said the lady of the lake, but she couldn't finish her words when she saw something that shouldn't be possible, from her point of view, but she couldn't bear the harshness and asked "Is that the power of the king of knights, but how come you have both?"

At that moment, as if he had an idea, Chris joined his hands and effectively the black and white aura combined and a gray aura covered Chris.

When separating his hands, the gray aura separated in two, becoming white and black again.

"I can really do this kind of thing," Chris said, as if he understood something.


"This time it's happening" Chris,

Chris immediately went back inside her to see what was happening, ignoring the lady of the lake, leaving her in total show.

"If you're leaving, at least say something before you go" Shouted the lady of the lake, somewhat annoyed.

Inside Chris, the black and white nuclei slowly approached, only when they were about a millimeter from colliding did, they stop and begin to rotate as if they were the Yin-Yang symbol.

The black and white aura came out of these two nuclei if one looked closely there was a moment when the two auras converged and turned gray.

Unlike the immortal god and the devastation of asura who, despite being linked by a pass, kept away since they were independent on their own and released their respective auras.

But in the case of the two versions of the king of knights, despite being able to be independent, he preferred to stay together as one.


"Another pass is being created but this time with what" Chris said unable to understand the unimaginable changes.

This time the black and white nuclei each released a connection circuit to form a pass, but now what they wanted to join was not any of Chris's powers.

Each time the pass grew, but once Chris saw where he was going, he was shocked.

The white source pass into Elaine and joined her source, while the black headed for Nisha.

Immediately another pass forms between Elaine and Nisha, forming a triangle connection between the three of them.

Upon review it was noted that to simultaneously practice the powers of the king of knights all 3 had to do it at the same time and that explained why Chris could practice the technique as well or should it be said that he was forced to practice.

If he looked at himself objectively it's as if he was practicing 3 techniques simultaneously, as the two versions of the king of knights within Chris were resonating as one.

When testing, Chris noticed that Elaine and Nisha could not only use the first ability of their respective technique but also that of their opposite version and the more their forces grew they could use all the abilities and powers of both versions, even if Elaine and Nisha practiced. a single version, the fact that they are one being with Chris was unifying the two versions as one.

What Chris, if I notice that differed, is that they could only have one of the two auras of the king of knights, Elaine only had a white aura while Nisha had a black aura and this was what Chris differentiated with them, since he could use both auras or merge them at will.

But that was good since he could see that Elaine was not very compatible with black aura and Nisha was not very compatible with white aura, also the fact that they just started cultivating were only in the first rank of the mortal realm, since either using both auras or combining them as one would consume more stamina than normal causing them to deplete faster.

Another important discovery is that Elaine and Nisha are unable to use any of Chris's powers or abilities, exempt from racial passives, as the girls did not have the asura aura or the aura of the immortal god coming from them (Elaine and Nisha).

With nothing else to do Chris split his concentration in two and left a part of his consciousness inside him instructing Elaine and Nisha.

This would expend enormous amounts of mental strength for a person, but with hyper-focus for Chris accelerating his neural activities and performing parallel thinking was a piece of cake, plus practicing the methods of absorbing natural energy, refining it and assimilating it either when sleep, breathe, eat and walk, had become second nature to Chris, so he didn't need to think to do it and he could nurture Elaine and Nisha with no problem.

Unless he was facing an enemy that he must put all his concentration on, he could maintain Elaine and Nisha's indefinite state of cultivation.


"So, you've finally woken up"

When the lady of the lake noticed that Chris had woken up, she didn't give him a chance to ignore her and hit him on the head.

"Why are you hitting me" Chris.

"That's for ignoring people"

Listening to the lady of the lake, Chris remembered that he had rudely ignored her more than once, even though it was because of the shock that Elaine and Nisha caused him, it was no reason for him not to say a word to her. to wait for him a bit, until he finished seeing the changes he was undergoing.

"Sorry about that, I was very shocked by the changes in my body" Chris explained to defuse the situation.

"That's exactly what I want to ask why I feel the aura of the king of knights coming from you."

Chris really did not want to answer that question, but seeing how he had already seen Elaine and Nisha, he could only tell him how he was experienced with the technique and that he was suddenly able to cultivate it, generating all the changes that the lady of the lake saw, although it was all a lie, intertwined with a small part of truth.

"So that happened"

Despite Chris's convincing explanation, the lady of the lake knew that she was hiding the main reason of how she did it from her, but since she was able to verify that most of Chris' words were true, she decided to let it go despite the great curiosity of her.

"Tell me know what you will do, will you continue practicing for a while longer or will you retire at once"

Chris had already stabilized his cultivation so he didn't need to stay longer, plus he had other things to do.

"I'm leaving, I have to take care of other matters so I can't take any longer" Chris.

"Very well, in that case I hope you have good fortune on your way."

Thanks Chris.

Just like when he went out to face the tribulation, Chris came out of the lake temple once more.