"Disappeared" Chris.

(If you attack them that way it would be weird if they didn't cut the connection, but the real question is who was watching us) Nerea.

"There are ways to generate a bond without one realizing it in order to use that crystal" Chris.

(No, that's impossible, after all, a link unites two parties who agree to create a connection between the two) Nerea.

"Then who were those people, *Fuum* let's just leave it at that" Chris.

Chris had an idea of who those people could be, but if that was the case, his mind would become unstable and he would not be able to control his emotions, so Chris decided to leave it for another time.

He had already received the third matrix key due to the government looking for it from Chris and they were looking for the fourth.

It was only one day until they left, but before that, Chris wants to hire his third spirit as soon as possible and increase his strength.

Wasting no more time, Chris put away the clothes he made for Elaine and Nisha, spread his wings and flew away as fast as possible, but he didn't go to the matrix, but went in the opposite direction.

The earth was full of treasures left by the gods that even he would not believe he could take them all and if this was discovered the greed of the upper worlds would send disaster to the earth and this is one of the reasons why he wanted to leave this planet. As soon as possible, if Chris stays long, he will attract the curious glances of the people and eventually they will know the value of the land, causing a battle far more horrible than the one that happened two thousand years ago to break out on the planet.

When he left the lake temple, Chris got a revelation of a chance, as well as the location of another inheritance that would be of use to him so he decided to go first before the matrix.

Chris had already arrived in the eighth damned, but that place was just a rural village, he could see the farmers growing rice and other agricultural products, but there was nothing unusual.

"Please, someone help us"

"What's going on?"

Seeing the poor man whose ragged clothes were cut all over his body as he came out of the woods, he attracted the attention of the farmers who rushed to his aid.

"Hire to help us, an evil spirit attacked us"

"What do you mean explain yourself"

After the farmers calmed down the poor man, it was finally possible to understand more or less what happened, this man was a hunter from the village, he and his bell ringer went out to find the game of the day, but they found an old cabin In the forest, when they entered they found rare objects that could be of value, so they decided to bring them, but when they were about to leave they were attacked out of nowhere, their partner stayed to give them time to escape and then they ended up like this when they reached the village .

Chris left in search of a god's inheritance, although it is said that it was left by a god Chris did not expect much, after all the inheritances of the earth only a small number of them were useful to Chris, but when he arrived, he realized that in the forest there is a haunted cabin with evil spirits that attacks the villagers, even if he was an idiot, he could connect the dots of what he was looking for.

Chris no longer wanted to continue listening to the ramblings of the poor hunter so he headed towards the direction where the cabin was.

"This is" Chris.

Arriving at the area, Chris noticed that it was covered by a barrier, but he wasn't blocking people from getting in or out, rather it seems like he wants whatever is inside to stay there.

The hut in the center of the barrier, if he looked closely, looked more like a dojo than a hut.

Upon entering, Chris confirmed that it really was a dojo, whether the tatami on the floor or the worn facilities were those of a dojo, he did not know what kind of martial art was taught, but the design of the building was the most basic for a dojo.

The floor was full of decorations and other objects, probably when the two hunters tried to run away, they threw everything on the ground.

"This is" Chris.

In the center of the place there was a person lying on the ground, only based on his clothes you could see that he was a hunter, he still had a pulse so he was still alive, but in the hunter's hand instead of a bow or arrow Characteristic of the hunters was a sword, more specifically a katana, but the katana was old and rusty, it looked so fragile that it seemed that it would break just by wielding it and trying to make a cut was just a joke.


Guided by his instincts, Chris curved his body and dodged the cut of the sword, where the old katana passed, he could see how an insignificant black line appeared much smaller than a hair, but for Chris superior view, the expert's averages wouldn't have noticed, much less seen her.

(Spatial power, not even though space was cut he didn't feel the power of space and to think that the hunter had that power was even more ridiculous, he could only think of the katana as responsible for that cut that cut space) Chris thought.

The very edge of the katana cut the space, to control the space and the dimensions one needs to have affinity with the spatial attribute and be able to control it, but it does not mean that the space is invincible if one has enough strength, it can tear the space apart.

The current Chris has enough strength to crack space in the lower worlds like earth since their laws and rules are weak, but if he went to an upper world unless he used space magic it would be impossible to even scratch him. space.

Without holding back any more, a black sword appeared in Chris's hands and he counterattacked, not towards the hunter but towards the katana to destroy it and he had noticed that the spirit of the sword was controlling the hunter.


When both weapons collided, the sound of something being cut could be heard.

When the dust cleared Chris was several steps back as a line of blood slipped from his mouth.

In Chris's hand the black sword that should be indestructible had been cut in half, after being broken the sword turned into a beam of energy and returned to Chris's body, having a connection with all his swords Chris received part of the damage even though he was able to dodge the katana in time.

Even with the destruction of the infinite sword, Chris's expression remained the same, even if his swords had the durability and strength of the mystic range which is the maximum point, they can reach he wouldn't be surprised if they were destroyed, it wasn't the pinnacle after all. Of the weapons, even Caliburm, Niad, and Wennan could destroy their infinity swords if they tried.

"Okay I guess I'll have to go with something more serious" Chris.

(Don't even try) Carnwennan.

"What's wrong Wennan" Chris.

(That katana is a weapon of a god superior to us despite being weakened by the passage of time if two weapons of that level collide this planet could be divided in half so you should not use any of us) Carnwennan.

"Then how do I fight something I can't touch?" Chris criticized angrily.

(Use your divine energy and create a sword with the power of nothing even if that thing can cut everything it shouldn't be able to cut nothing, your duty is not to destroy it just take it from that villager if it doesn't have a host that possessor will be harmless, worst case scenario you just have to kill that hunter) Carnwennan.

Taking Carnwennan's advice, a sword made of energy appeared in Chris's hand similar to the one he intended to create in the second lake temple trial when Chris faced an entire army of knights.


In the next clash the hunter was repelled instead of Chris, the katana in his hands that was surrounded by a blood red aura fluttered as if he wanted to say something or just couldn't believe that he didn't cut the energy formed sword, incredulous that was repelled.

Taking the opportunity Chris closed the distance and attacked the hunter's hands to make him drop the sword even if his hands were cut off, using high level healing magic he could regrow the limbs.

The hunter's posture changed as his grip on the katana increased and waiting for Chris to get closer, he brandished the katana, it looked like a simple sword technique, but Chris despite not studying much KenJutsu or any technique that requires Prana (also known as Qi) and his entire physical fighting style was self-taught, they could feel the danger in the blade of the Katana, Chris immediately changed his direction opening space between the two, as a blood-colored light cut passed him.


When reviewing where the beam of light passed, Chris could see that everything had been cut off from the wind, space, including reality that was confirmed by all laws, was cut off.

When reviewing the hunter that attack, despite not being perfect and it was only an imitation of the technique, he used his life force as fuel, since the hunter was someone who did not cultivate the forced use of his life force should have shortened his useful life by several years. if he keeps using that technique he will die in no time.