*** Chris ***

Clarity returned to my mind, as if awakened from a long sleep.

Opening my eyes, I could see everything around me, I was still in the area around the soul flower which was filled with death aura, but this time I don't feel as heavy as before.

If he used the divine spark of death, this aura couldn't even bring him the slightest discomfort, but right now he was only using the Prana.

But even so he did not feel the slightest obstruction.

Existence Level: Mystic 2 Rank (700K)

Prana (QI) 700,000

Mana (Magic Power) 700,000

Reiryoku (Spiritual Energy) 10,000

Checking my status, Prana and Mana not only entered soul concentration, but are at the pinnacle, plus Reiryoku also made a leap, although I was still far behind, now I could enter spirit transformation and refine myself. slowly until it became a half spirit.

It was currently a combination of various races creating a new existence.

My main race was still a celestial, while my secondary races were Dragon, Demon, Angel and Vampire, giving a total of five races whose abilities and characteristics were absorbed, if I became part spirit it would be six, plus, upon becoming a spirit, my control of Reiryoku, as well as my growth speed would increase.

"You've also improved a lot"

Then I check Yukime soul, the damage had recovered, returning her soul to its original state, the bad thing is that the pressure and suffering she endured for so many years to protect her daughter Xue, exhausted her consciousness, leaving her in a coma , even if her soul is restored to its original state, there is no telling when her consciousness would awaken again leaving her in an uncertain state, she could try to forcefully awaken her consciousness, but she might suffer further damage in the process or even worse losing memories and emotions.

Let Yukime soul continue to rest and she collected the flower of souls, with this she already had all the ingredients to prepare the nirvana pill.

When the aura of death disappeared, I saw the golems and Nanci who were still in the would still waiting for him.

"Okay let's go"


When I spoke no one answered, besides that I could tell that everyone was very still as if time had stopped.

"What's going on"

Checking the sky he could see a flying bird, but it was also still suspended in the air.

"Time magic, I don't feel traces of magic in the environment, nor are there any alterations in the laws"

When checking again he looked at the flying monster again, it seemed as if he was stopped, but when checking better he could see that he was moving slowly, he was moving so slowly that there was no difference between that and being still.

This sensation, was exactly the same as he felt when he used Carnwennan divine speed.

But divine speed was not active.

(So now you realized it, you have finally managed to advance one more step to enter the full mastery of your powers) Caliburn.

(What do you mean Caliburn)

(I'll let Carnwennan explain it for me since he specializes in speed and concealment) Caliburn.

(Leave it to me, tell me you know that people measure their speed in two ways right) Carnwennan.

(That's right, movement speed agility and reaction speed known as perception)

(Correct, your physical body has been extremely strong for a long time, so it could withstand great speeds, but your consciousness could not) Carnwennan.

(Chris, I think you should have noticed by now, but when you fought you always relied on your strength and stamina, regarding your speed you used simple and direct movements this is not bad, but this was because you couldn't fully exploit your speed, since your body was moving faster than you could perceive) Caliburn.

(Even though you possess the hyper focus ability that speeds up your thought process, your mind couldn't catch up with your speed so you suppressed it) Carnwennan.

(Explain it to me in more detail)

(Very good, the speed of reaction has two types, that of your conscience and that of your subconscious) Carnwennan.

(I already know that but what does it have to do with it)

(Let me put it in an example, your consciousness moves at the speed of light 300 thousand kilometers per second, your body can withstand even greater speed, when you are about to receive an attack that exceeds the speed of light your consciousness cannot be put a day, so at that moment your subconscious takes action dodging instinctively, this is your current situation, you depend on your subconscious, which means that you cannot take full advantage of your strength consciously) Carnwennan.

(If that's the case, then because my awareness and reaction speed grew so much, even if my soul changes, it shouldn't influence much)

(Usually, as one's strength increases, their reaction speed and reflexes increase enormously and the body is the one that cannot catch up, but in your case, it is the opposite, your body became so strong that your consciousness cannot could catch up preventing you from unleashing your full capacity, at least until now since you will be able to truly use your full capacity, consciously) Carnwennan.

(What you say is like something new is going to change now)

(So now that your reaction time and movement speed are finally even, you can truly use my movement ability) Carnwennan.

(What do you mean?)

(Your speed has entered something we call the world of speed) Carnwennan.

(World of speed, what's that?)

(That's right, it's a world where your precession and motion are on par with the speed of light, but slower than the flow of time) Carnwennan.

(What change do you bring to enter the world of speed) ask curious.

(The true name of my ability is not divine speed, but God speed, God speed is divided into three levels, divine speed, transcendental speed and God speed, the divine speed you were using since you got me, it's just a downgraded by-product of the 1st tier since at that time you couldn't properly use divine speed, but now with your advancement you can use true divine speed for a short period of time) Carnwennan.

(How long exactly can you keep it?)

(10 seconds, beyond that your body will not support it and you will collapse) Carnwennan.

(If I use the 10 seconds, how long would I have to wait to use them again) I asked wanting to know the details.

(Your physical body is extremely tough and your recovery and regeneration abilities are top notch, I'm not sure of the exact time but once every ten hours should be the limit) Carnwennan.

(Just entering the world of speed allows me to use divine speed, so in order to use transcendental speed and God speed I need)

In my previous life, despite having a speed that surpassed light, I had never entered the world of speed in which, between now, I not only felt like my speed and reaction consciousness had changed, I could even feel more control. of my body.

(The world of speed, it is only the first realm that you can enter and it is the maximum that an ancient being can bear, if they did not have a special body and soul, entering this realm would be harmful for you since you are still a mortal from the first four realms, the second realm is the realm of empty time, only a peak Eternal being can enter this realm and they would barely endure it, this realm allows you to move just like time could travel from one end of the universe to the other another and time wouldn't even have advanced)

A speed that exceeds time, that was absurd, he knew magic to stop time, but this was only limited to a small area, but according to Carnwennan, people who entered the empty time realm, could move even before the time. time did it, then how absurd will the third kingdom be, he was excited, but at the same time scared he couldn't believe that this kind of thing existed without him knowing.

If I had faced an expert in the realm of speed before my resurrection, my expectations of victory are really low.

If you think about it, although I faced people with very high realms of power, I have never faced true experts who have specialized in something by reaching mastery, it is likely that in the previous generation there were people who entered the realm of power. speed of which you are unaware.

(Tell me Carnwennan what is the third kingdom)

(Currently you don't need to know about the third and fourth realms, knowing beyond this could be detrimental to you)

There is a fourth kingdom, the second kingdom was already absurd, the third would be even more so and on top of that there is a fourth, my curiosity was aroused, but fear told me not to ask more than necessary, because the answer is probably something that he was not going to want to listen.

This feeling of not wanting to continue was the same one I felt when I was talking to Ego, who was always throwing one bomb after another at me, with the shocking news about him.