The different levels of magic were created in such a way to measure the power of the spell, but they also exist to measure the ability of the magician.

The level 1 which was for basic magic is for magic that everyone can use and consumes almost no Mana, so even if a person can use all level 1 magic, they are not considered a wizard or sorcerer and are only go like a spell caster.

In the case of level 2 intermediate magic, it takes more Mana and practice to use this magic, but users of intermediate magic are also not considered full magicians, although it takes a lot of study and understanding to use level 2 magic, as long as one studied properly or was taught systematically would reach this level, so these people are usually called quasi-wizards.

Only at level 3 advanced magic can one be considered a magician, while at level 4 it is the outstanding magicians or the elite, since at this point it depends a lot on the talent and attitudes of the magician, so the Mages who reach this level have already specialized in a specific type of magic.

Beyond level 4, it's the magics that can only be used by ancient beings, Eternals, and gods, so it's hard to gauge the strength of a mage, in Chris's past life despite reaching the pinnacle of an Eternals being. , he could only use up to level 6 magic.

"I can't take it anymore" Chloe.

"My Mana is not enough" Maya.

When the matrix that formed on the floor was going to complete, Chloe and Maya were already at their limit, they only had 10k Mana of their original 600K.

"Wave of Darkness" and "Wave of Light" are both very powerful superior magic that could even cover a large area, so their consumption was not small, but for the array not to be completed after receiving so much power from these two.



Without them noticing, a warm hand touched the backs of Chloe and Maya.

[Energy Transfer]

Wasting no time, Chris used the "Energy Transfer" which was Advanced magic, to pass the Energy from him to the two of them.

"It's very warm" Chloe.

"I feel very comfortable" Maya.

On the other hand, Chloe's and Maya's face turned red, they could feel a warm sensation pouring into their bodies, it was very comfortable and pleasurable as if they were receiving a massage, making their bodies slack from the pleasure and comfort it brought. they felt as their bodies recovered.

Unlike basic Mana transfer magic, Energy transfer not only causes magical power (Mana) to flow to another person, but also Transfers all the energies one possesses (Prana, Mana, Reiryoku, Miasma) as well as the stamina.

So it is a magic that not many use, since, when using it, one could be totally defenseless if they are not careful.

"Don't lose focus" Chris.


As if awakened from their reverie by Chris's scream, Chloe and Maya let out a silly noise, making them look cute for how careless they were.

After that the two went back to concentrating on their spells, but their faces were still red.

As time passed, the restlessness on their faces could be seen, while the reddish color of their cheeks became pink, while they moved their legs as if they wanted to go to the bathroom.

Chris had been watching the two girls all this time using the eyes of god, so all these changes were noticed by him, he could also see how a large amount of fluids were accumulating in the lower abdomen of the two girls. .

Chris was aware that Chloe and Maya were about to cum at any moment, usually he would be responsible for things like harassing Le-Fey in his treatment or taking advantage of Morgan, but this time it had nothing to do with For him, the aphrodisiac effect was caused by his energy or to be exact some of the effects of the aphrodisiac he absorbed from Nanci seeped into Chloe and Maya through his Mana.

"I can't take it any longer" Chloe.

"Me neither" Maya.

The two girls whose legs were already shaking seemed like they were going to fall at any moment.



Although Chris would love to let these two girls come and witness an embarrassing moment and then tease and push them down, he had priorities too.

An icy aura of ice Reiryoku (spiritual power) was transferred to Chloe and Maya's body, causing the effects of the aphrodisiac to wear off.

(Why does her mana have this kind of effect?) Maya.

(She wasn't doing it on purpose, was she?) Chloe.

Chloe and Maya asked each other these questions, but because of the embarrassment they couldn't ask them and they only thought about it, so they concentrated on continuing to transfer power to the pillars, while their faces remained pink.

(Really, I've had bad luck with women these past few days) was all Chris could think about, as he felt annoyed that he couldn't attack these two girls.


"A Barrier" Chris.

Once the array was finished the three were trapped in a barrier.


Chris attempted to split the barrier with the space lord's power from his asura physique, but he couldn't do it.

[Unknown power reading detected, speeding up transfer]

A mechanical voice like that of a machine could be heard by the three of them.

"Starting transfer"


Once the voice said that they disappeared.

*** ***

"What is this place?" Chloe.

After being transported, they were in a space-like dimension causing the group of three to float in a vacuum.

[Void Destruction]

Chris unleashed the power of his divine physique ability asura lord of space and destruction.

Thinking that they were in a closed dimension, he tried to destroy it, but instead of destroying space not even a space tear was formed.

"How is this possible?" Chris tried to feel the laws, but he couldn't even feel them as if they didn't exist.

This was impossible, as there is space, if there are no laws, this place would be the same as being in nothing, but that would kill Chloe and Maya, but they were perfectly fine.

On the other hand, Void Destruction was one of the ten abilities of the lord of space and destruction, how could he not break this space.

When Chris found the asura devastation he also found a secondary book which was an Art called space lord and destruction, after studying the asura devastation he understood that this technique could only be practiced when he refined his divine physique, the lord of asura space and destruction has ten levels and in each level it has a very powerful ability, even though this Secondary Art does not increase its energy, the abilities are very useful in battle, besides that for the asura divine physique to evolve to the Emperor class it is necessary for the lord of space and destruction to reach level 3, but currently Chris was only at level 1 close to level 2, so it would still take time to understand the different levels.

[Interesting hasn't formed as an elemental essence yet, but that power is quite large]

"Who is it?" Chris.

The mechanical voice from before could be heard once more.

[Dear guest, please allow me to introduce myself, I am the artificial intelligence system that manages this place]

(An Ai that explains the machine voice, but still it's this place) Chris thought.

[I imagine they are wondering what this place is]

(This thing can read minds) Chris.

[Just in case you're wondering, I don't have the ability to read minds]

(Are you sure about that damn machine) Chris.

"I am not a machine, I am a high level AI, you could consider me more of an operating system than a computer"

"Instead of reading my thoughts you could have answered the question of what this place is all this time, you didn't think so high level AI" Chris said mockingly.

[You really are quite a nasty person] he said the AI, though his voice was still as flat as ever you could feel the reluctance in his voice.

"Chris" Maya.

"What's up Maya" Chris.

"Maybe you haven't noticed, but in this space all our thoughts can be heard"

Maya said, Chris could hear his voice very clearly, but at no time did his lips move.

(That means my earlier conversation was overheard) When Chris thought about this Chloe and Maya showed an approving smile answering her question.

Chloe and Maya always thought of Chris as a high-status noble person with a serious personality, making them think that they were beings from two totally different worlds, after all they also belonged to powerful families on earth, but still that was not. nothing compared to Chris, but seeing this childish side of him made them realize they weren't as different as they seemed.

Making his nervousness and worries lessen.

When Chris saw this, he felt happy, although he has manipulated people, motivating people with low self-esteem is not his strong suit, it is likely that if he was the one trying to comfort someone, he would probably only depress them even more.

"Hey Ai, what is this place? I can't feel the space, but it's not nothing either, where are we?" Chris.


The AI snorted upon hearing Chris, but didn't answer his question.

"This AI, could you answer Chris's question, I also want to know why I'm here."

Chloe, as if she were trying to mediate between the two, tried to speak on behalf of Chris to get him to answer the question.

[Alright, if you're so kind I don't mind answering]

The AI, seeing Chloe's innocence and kindness couldn't be angrier anymore and began to speak.