5| Timing

Noriko fell asleep while waiting for a response. She had sent out a few messages to a few different Yosukos hoping one of them would be the boy in the uniform. It wasn't long before she was back at the doorway. This time the young man already suspended from a rope. There were at least 5 guards in between them. As the young man struggled, Noriko knew she had to act fast. The first thing to pop into her mind was a punching glove in a box. She closed her eyes and imagined in. As the boxed appeared she quickly winded it until the punching glove popped out. The punching glove flew through the air expanding in size as it knocked out the men in one swoop as the glove continues to extend past the young man's feet.

Without a battle cry, Yosuko took the opportunity to swing from the flag and jump onto the spring. As he ran along the spring he yelled to Noriko, " Sword!" Noriko was in awe as Yosuko appeared in a cool manner until he yelled at her. She almost dropped the boxed as she produced a sword and threw it at him. He caught it and cut the rope in a swing swoop. As he caught the young man he saw the guns. " Here ", He held as he spun around and threw the young man at her. Noriko panicked and dropped the box to catch the young man in jello. That's when she heard Yosuko get riddled with a spray of bullets. She screamed but tried to remain tough. She pulled the young man out of the jello and carried him out the front door. As she struggled to run across the field with him they were both shot by the watchman on the roof.

Noriko woke up upset. They were soo close. She cried into her hands utterly frustrated until she heard her phone go off. She wiped her tears and picked it up. " Damn it we were so close", said Yosuko in an angry tone. " I know....but This time we can plan.....because we found each other," She said in a hesitating manner. " Yes, we can. So tell me how do you start?" Yosuko asked.

The two did not get any sleep as they spoke on the phone for hours of the many ways they could plan something but the biggest issue was how was the young man be to torture. Each torture method had a different amount of guards. However, what stayed the same was how they started, Chez the villain, the guards had guns, and the lookout men. They knew one was on the roof and two were on the side of the building just past the crates. after much debating, they decided that they would use their cellphones to communicate. Since it was something they both carried on them. They saved each other's contact info on their phone and hoped the next evening would be more successful.