Chapter Two

Elena blinked in shock. Men like this didn't come in here every day. In fact, the only one she had seen this hot was Elric, the dark-haired guy who had brought his friend in. Aside from their size and relative gorgeous looks, the two were as different as day and night.

The man's hair was a darker, ashen blond, shot through with gold and streaks of white. His features were classically handsome with a hard jaw, defined cheekbones, full lips, and thick, arched brows that were the same ash blond as his hair revealing to her it was naturally those shades.

His eyes distracted her most of all. They were every color of sapphire, from the darkest midnight on the outer edge to a bright Caribbean-blue in the center, contrasting his pitch-black pupils. And they were always changing, like dye in water. Yet, there was something in those eyes that struck her more than the colors. Loneliness. Maybe even something worse.

He was staring at her, making Sebastian purr and relax when he had never been at ease with anyone but her, and she realized the eccentric, gorgeous man just asked to volunteer.

"Wait," she said, even thought the thought of working alongside a guy like him for even a few hours a week seemed like a dream come true. "I need to know your experience and I'll need to do a background check on you."

He frowned, "I can get them, but as you are not paying me, is it truly necessary?"

Elric appeared from behind him and walked forward with Elena conspiratorially, "Do you think we could just not worry about it? He's kind of going through a rough time, just been through a big overseas move and his stuff is everywhere."

"Do you have any experience with animals?" she asked. Dmitrei shrugged and she frowned, "You're going to have to be more helpful than that."

"I… am a quick learner," he said quietly. "And I do like animals."

She swallowed. It was against their rules, but strangely, she had a good feeling about him. And they did need the extra hands. Free help with those kinds of muscles wasn't exactly knocking on their door every day. He would be so useful for moving crates, heavy food, cages… and as eye candy. She turned to put Sebastian back in the cage, hiding her blush. She long ago stopped thinking about love, let alone with a guy that looked good enough to grace a movie screen, not do manual labor around her shelter.

She still felt tingles in her body from when he had been so close to her, touching Sebastian and invading her space without realizing it. With the nearly constant pain she was in, it took a lot to distract her for even moment. But he had done it. Was it because he was so hot that her body went haywire? Or had there actually been some sort of soothing presence emanating from him? She wasn't sure. She didn't have a lot of experience with hot guys. Her days were all work, and at night she was exhausted and tired of dealing with people and wanted to stay home snuggling her cats. One thing she was sure of was there was something odd about this guy. Something that made her want to see more of him.

Literally, she thought to herself, blushing again.

She looked up to see him watching her intently. He didn't look at her like any other guy would. Often, people made comments about her weight, or sneered at her, or dismissed her entirely. They had no idea what her life had been like. What she had fought or overcome. All they saw was an overweight woman they could judge. She liked her body. She was at home in it and grateful for it, and she wouldn't change herself for anything. All she would change was that critical look in people's eyes that said there was something wrong with her.

Except the handsome man in front of her didn't have that look in his eyes at all. In fact, if she hadn't been imagining it, she could swear she saw his eyes sweep over her, checking her out, and a slightly appreciative nod of his head. But that was stupid. She was just daydreaming, because a man straight out of a superhero movie, with the most beautiful eyes she had ever seen, happened to be staring at her.

She took a deep breath and made up her mind. She would hire him, damn the consequences. She seriously doubted Patty or Jenna would have an issue with their new volunteer once they laid eyes on him. An unwelcome pang of possessiveness passed over her at that thought. A need to protect him for any gaze but her own. Which was ridiculous. No man on earth had ever looked less like he needed protection. Yet there was something vulnerable about him. Wounded almost.

She bit her lip, "When do you want to start?"

"And I can hang out with Sebastian?" he asked.

"Sure," she said, touched by how much he had bonded with the little cat no one else gave a second glance.

"And if he were to get better, could I adopt him?" he asked with hopeful blue eyes.

A rock formed in her stomach. The last thing she wanted was for this man to grow attached when there was no hope. It wasn't a matter of "if" for Sebastian, just "when."

"He's not going to get better," she said quietly. "But I'm sure he could use a friend."

The tall man cocked his head thoughtfully, but didn't see to let the information sink in.

"Injection site sarcoma is aggressive," she said. "I'm sorry. I want you to work here, but I don't want you to get your hopes up for nothing."

He sighed as he straightened and stretched, "I have had worse hopes before."

What does that mean? she wondered.

Ann, Elric's kind, gentle wife smiled at Elena, "He's an odd one, but, I think, you can trust him."

Elena laughed, "You think?"

Ann nodded, "I mean, no one's a sure bet."

Elena turned to the giant man and tapped his arm. An electric shock zinged between them and he raised an eyebrow pursing his perfect lips at the contact. She pulled back, "I don't even know your name. And we'll have to at least fill out an application. Well, you can take it home and bring it back with you."

"I'm Dmitrei," he told her flatly.

She lead them back to the front office and grabbed a packet out of a drawer. When she went to hand it to him, she could swear his fingers lingered a little bit longer than necessary on hers. Just the slightest hesitation.

"You can start tomorrow," she said softly, struggling to speak when her throat had gone dry over how hot he was. Over the realization that he was actually coming there again.

"And you will be here?" he asked tucking the folded application in his pocket.

Her eyes widened, "Yes."

"Good," he said with a small smile that made her heart flutter. Then he walked over and out with his friends, pausing only to look over his shoulder and give her a quick wink. So quick, if she had looked away, she could have missed it.

Holy Hell. Is this walking blond god actually into me?


Though Dmitrei told himself he was only going back for the little, mangy cat, Elena's silver eyes were the foremost thing in his mind as he got ready for his first day at the shelter. Elric and Ann had been surprised by his impetuous move to apply, but they were all too eager to get him out of the house. He touched the collar around his neck feeling the cold iron chain. Perhaps it was good his beast was sealed. If it wasn't, he would likely already be getting into trouble. Getting too involved. As it stood now, he could get to know humans and be out in the world without worrying about either side of his powers coming out.

On the one hand, he could be warm, caring, soothing. Able to heal and bring down rain. But on the other side, the one that felt much closer to the surface since he had awoken, was devastating with icy blasts. Hard skin. Frozen projectiles. Blizzards. Both should probably stay hidden for now, perhaps buried for the rest of time.

It was ironic that Elric was the one who had managed to function in the human world and convince them to continue the experiment, waking up Dmitrei. Because Elric had never cared for humans in the time he had been alive originally. Then again, he had never killed them either.

That was more than Dmitrei could say.

Shame moved through him as he tied a tie over the dress shirt he had found in Elric's closet. He was unsure of the dress code, but he wanted to look nice when seeing Elena again, so he looked for the dressiest clothes.

"That's going to be overkill," Elric said leaning against the door frame with a frown.

"I care not. I am going for the cat," Dmitrei said.

"Right. The cat," Elric said raising an eyebrow with his cocky, lopsided smile. "Sure." He straightened and walked to his dresser before pulling out a different set of clothes, tags still attached. "Here, try these. You will fit in better."

Dmitrei reluctantly changed into the light blue sweater and dark jeans, sighing at how casual he appeared. He would never get used to modern clothing.

"Better?" he asked.

"Yes," Elric replied stepping into the room to look him over. "The 'cat' will be pleased. And anyone else you might be aiming for…" He raised a questioning eyebrow.

"I do not know what you are talking about," Dmitrei said sharply, messing with his hair, which wanted to stick in all directions.

"It looks fine," Elric told him, shaking his head. "You're making it worse."

Dmitrei stopped abruptly, "Are you here for a reason?"

"Just to make sure you don't look or act stupid out in the human world when I will not be there to supervise you."

"No one was around to supervise you," Dmitrei said flatly.

"Ann sort of was." Elric grinned, "I got lucky there."

"Yes, you did," Dmitrei agreed "But I will be fine on my own. I have been on my own a long time."

"Except you won't really be alone at all, will you?" Elric asked, a knowing gaze in his eyes.

Dmitrei's stomach twisted, "What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about. The little receptionist you were making eyes at."

"Making eyes?" he asked.

Elric sighed, "Ogling. Eye fucking."

"I beg your pardon," Dmitrei said, disturbed and a little shocked.

"You found a human you like," Elric said nudging him with a shoulder. "Good for you."

"It is irrelevant if I like her. Humans are not for mating," Dmitrei said.

Elric frowned, "What about me?"

Dmitrei straightened his cuffs, "You seem to be making the impossible, possible. Which is, by the way, the epitome of irony considering the fact you hated humans as a whole species long ago."

"The world is different now. Give it a chance," Elric said.

Dmitrei's eyes darted to the television, which was covering another shooting. Always another shooting or fire or fight or war. "It does not seem so different to me."

"You are different, too," Elric commented. "Perhaps not in a good way, but you are definitely different."

He gave Dmitrei a swat on the butt and the tall man jumped back, glaring at him, "What was that for?"

"To loosen you up," Elric said striding to the door with his hands behind his head. "Now go get your mate."

Dmitrei shook the thought from his head. He was going to stay uninvolved with humans. Sure, he could admire Elena, enjoy her company, but that was it. Anything further spelled disaster. Yet, a little, uneasy part of him wondered, if she was not going to be his mate, why did he feel so obsessed with seeing her again? He had never felt that way about any creature. Looking at Elric, perhaps the expectation in this world was that gargoyles would take human mates.

Something that never would have been considered in his day.

He did know, if he could pick one, someone like Elena would be just his type. Elena herself, if possible. Aside from her outward kindness, however, he had seen no sign that she returned any of the attraction he felt. She had only given him a smile and averted her eyes. Too bad he wanted her to look right into him.