Chapter Four

Dmitrei grew increasingly confounded by Elena. As they are lunch across from each other at the table, he once again got the feeling that she had not a care in the world. Yet the occasional waves of pain from her told him that wasn't true.

It was impressive pain to break through the thick barriers he erected against feeling any empathy for anyone. Or, perhaps, he sensed it more because he had begun connecting with her.

Not to mention his increasing attraction to her.

Her dark hair had been swept up into a tidy ponytail bringing more emphasis to her pretty, heart-shaped face and wide, expressive eyes. She wore a light-purple sweater that made her silver eyes reflect lilac and soft looking jeans that hugged her lovely, generous curves.

As she ate her sandwich, babbling to him about things to do with the shelter--upcoming events and the like--he longer to ask her more personal things. Like what happened to her and why wasn't she angry about it. Perhaps, this wasn't the right time.

She set down her sandwich when she noticed he wasn't eating his. She nudged the still paper wrapped sandwich toward him. She looked at him, her eyes soft, "Hey, is something wrong? You haven't touched your lunch."

No, but he was feasting. Feasting on how beautiful she was. All the light and hope she radiated. It was starting to affect the gloom inside him, making the ice less impenetrable.

"You aren't a big talker, are you?" she asked.

He shook his head and began unwrapping the sandwich, "I don't have much to say."

She tilted her head, her soft brown hair spilling over one shoulder. She had no idea how sexy she was. Her voice remained soft and low, forcing him to fight back a shudder. "I'm sure you do. Although, I'm not sure I'd want to hear it. What were you saying about the world going to hell?"

He leaned back in his chair taking a bite of his sandwich, giving him time to think about his answer. The sandwich was fine, nothing tasted good anymore, though. Ann said that was a sign of depression. He wasn't depressed, was he? Just tired of the world.

"You think it isn't?" he asked, genuinely curious.

She rested her cheek on her hand, "I think there are lots of good things in it. Lots of good people. I like most people I meet. Like you, for example."

He nodded, "But what about the TV and everything on the news?"

"They like to focus on the bad," she said.

"Seems like there's a lot of bad to focus on."

She sighed, "Maybe, but the worse it gets, the more important it is for good people to step up and fight for what's right. Bad things happening is a reason for good people to become active, not disgusted."

Active. Like he and the others had been. Still, she was a human. Of course she would feel that way about her race. It was natural for her to see things with rose-colored glasses. She hasn't seen what humans could do to other humans.

"Anyway, if you're so hopeless about life, what are you doing here?" she asked. "This kind of work is so depressing most people can't stand it."

He looked toward the back room, full of cages. "I want to help Sebastian."

"See?" she said throwing her hands up. "That's what I mean. Other people stay engaged with the world for the same reason you stay engaged with the shelter. Because there are people we love there."

Love. There was a word. If he stayed around long enough, would she love him? Maybe not if she ever knew what he was. What he did.

"You're staring again," she said as her pale cheeks flushed a pretty pink. "You keep doing that and I don't get what you mean by it. Are you trying to make me feel awkward? You know, girls like me aren't used to being stared at by--"

He cut her off with a kiss, leaning across the table. Her wasn't sure precisely what provoked the action. Perhaps he wanted to stop the hurt, hesitant words spilling from her lips. Or perhaps he wanted to end that way look in her eyes. Or maybe he sensed somehow that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

The way she melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around him certainly seemed to say as much. He reached up to touch her hair, pulling a few strands free from the ponytail. The softest thing he ever felt. Would her skin be even softer?

She sighed as he trailed his hand down to cup her neck, rubbing his thumb lightly over her pulse. She was special. He could feel it more as he kissed her, touched her. He needed more of her. More and more. He couldn't stop looking at her. couldn't stop touching her. He felt caught up in something that was above and beyond him, for the first time in his life.

He deepened the kiss, parting her lips and diving inside to taste her. He sealed their mouths together in a hot embrace as his other hand came up to cup her face. The shelter disappeared. The modern world disappeared. There was only him and the most beautiful woman in the world and feelings between them that didn't make any sense.

He pulled back, gazing into her dazed silver eyes. He felt as if he were floating down slowly after soaring somewhere higher than he had ever reached before. He looked down at her lips now slightly swollen. She sat back in her chair with a hand over her heart. He knew it was racing--he felt it.

Despite all his promises not to engage with another human, he was connecting with one more deeply than ever before. Even worse, it was effortless. Worst of all, he wanted more. It was stupid, but perhaps it was truly a new world. Perhaps things were possible that hasn't been before. He felt something small and smoldering awakening within him. Something he stopped feeling long ago.


"That was..." she trailed off touching her lips. "What was that?"

He leaned back, the chair under him creaking in protest, "I don't know." But he did. It was claiming. Soothing. It was to show her there was nothing but admiration and caring in his stare, which made no sense to him. As of he could see her soul and it bonded him to her.

He stood. He needed to talk to Elric about this. Was this how he felt when he met Ann?

"I... don't know what to say," she said breathlessly.

He watched her, waiting for a reaction. He made a bold move and he wasn't sure how she might take it now that the heat of the moment was gone. Or was it? His body stirred, still, in anticipation of more. Such an odd feeling to have for a human.

"I... Um... So, uh, what now?" she asked. "I mean, I had no idea you... Why did you kiss me again?"

"I wanted to. I've been wanting to since I met you. Truthfully, I volunteered because I wanted to see you."

She swallowed nervously and smiled, "To see me?"

He nodded.

She sighed and slumped in her chair, "You didn't have to volunteer just to see me."

"I wanted to see Sebastian, too. But I would be lying if I said you didn't play a role in my decision. You affect me in a way no one ever has."

"I don't even know you," she said, her hand flying up to touch her lips.

"You could, if you wanted to," he told her softly.

"How?" she asked.

"Do you ever spend time with people outside of work?"

"Like a date?" she asked.

He cocked his head, unsure what that was. "A date?"

"Yeah, you know, a guy and a girl going out romantically."

Hmm. He was uncertain if that was what he wanted. He definitely wanted to get to know her. He wanted to find out why she had so much zest for life and if she could perhaps being him out of the frozen wasteland he had inhabited for so long. However, he guessed, based on their kiss, that he felt romantic enough for a date.

"Yes, a date. That works," he said.

She rolled her eyes, yet a smile lifted the corners of her lips, "I guess you're really excited."

"I don't know what you mean."

"You know, the hesitation," she said.

"I'm not from around here. Sometimes I'm going to be awkward," he explained.

"Where are you from?" she asked, but he ignored her question.

"How do we arrange this date?" he asked standing and stretching.

"You should probably take my number," she suggested holding out her phone.

Right. Phones. Humans used them for everything. He pulled his out of his pocket and tried to remember the lock code. He tried a few before finally succeeding, then handed it to her. "Could you put it in?"

She nodded doing so with a series of quick taps. "Can I put yours in mine?"

"Of course, but I never use it," he told her.

She smiled warmly, "That'll change as you get used to it."

He doubted it. He could think of a million things to do other than stare at a phone. Unless she called, then he'd stay glued to it.

Oh, hell, what's happening to me? Was it possible she's melting the ice inside him?

"There," she said cheerfully, handing his phone back to him. "Now you can call me, and take me out tonight, if you want to."

Of course he wanted to. He wanted to be with her, take her out, talk to her until he understood everything about her, stay with her until he was inside her soul.

"I want to," he answered her resolutely.

She stood and gave him a hug, wrapping her arms around him. "Well, whatever happens, I'm glad you came in." She checked the clock, "You're off for now. You only had a half shift today. So, just feel free to text me when you decide what you want to do."

"Okay. I will," he said.

He turned to go but his body was reluctant to leave her. He felt frozen in place, wanting to stay as close as possible and protect her. But he needed to go home, needed rest and some advice for tonight. It was crucial he spend more time with her. He needed to find out if she was the key to everything changing inside him or a distraction that would end up in heartbreak again. Like the last time he cared for humanity.

"See you, Dmitrei," she said, snapping him out of his mental fog.

"See you," he replied hesitantly. He walked backward toward the door, not wanting to take his eyes off her yet. Finally, he turned and put himself out into the bright, afternoon sunshine, bringing a hand up to protect his eyes.

He had only spent a day with her, and the whole world already felt different. Gentle or not, she was one powerful human.