Chapter Eight

A dangerous cocktail of emotions whirled inside Dmitrei as he looked down on Elena, this beautiful, angelic person that made him question everything he believed about humanity, even existence itself. Yet, when she smiled, everything melted away. The clouds departed and he could feel warmth again. Happiness, even a small sliver warmed his ice-cold blood. Keeping her hands pinned above her, he came down for another kiss. This time it was hot and erotic. She struggled lightly against his iron grip and then relaxed more deeply into the kiss, melting beneath him like spring snow before the rising sun.

His tongue teased at the entrance to her mouth and she opened, letting him lick and stroke inside her. Her muffled moans only made him delve deeper, exploring her until he knew every sensitive spot, every tiny flick that would make her body move underneath him. When he finally left her mouth, she gave out a long, pleasured sigh, as if this were a new experience to her. Instantly, the thought of another man touching her like this made him want to do it a thousand times more to completely eradicate her memory of anything but his kiss.

Possessively, he moved to her earlobe keeping her pinned with his hands as he moved his body closer to hers, so close that their bodies brushed if she moved a certain way. His skin warmed even at the slightest touch despite their clothing remaining between them. Elena squeaked softly in delight as he kissed and licked and then bit down lightly on her soft skin, intensifying the pressure and increasing her arousal. Yet, the more her body reacted to him, the more he wanted her. Needed her to feel more. More pleasure. More desire. More arousal. More of him.

He freed her hands long enough to help her out of her dress, tossing the soft material over his shoulder carelessly along with the tightly confining bra, leaving her in only her underwear before him. He watched her for a long moment, absorbing the pure beauty of the sight before he went to work on her pleasantly warm, indescribably soft breasts. His right hand kneaded and rubbed her nipple with his thumb, his mouth licked and suckled on the other. Each touch, each lick was amply rewarded by her body's response, letting him know how much she felt and enjoyed it.

"Don't stop," she pleaded, writhing beneath him. She struggled against his grip yet was overwhelmed by the things he did, unable to escape the pleasure he wanted to give her in never-ending quantities.

His tongue explored lower on her body, kissing everywhere on her stomach and finding her belly button as his hand moved along the curve of her hips, her waist, then lower and lower toward the center of her pleasure. Dmitrei found himself torn between wanting to let the build up of tension in her body finally free or pushing her to the limits of her control, drawing out the wait until she could take no more. But with each moan, each quiver of pleasure, Dmitrei was finding it harder to keep control of himself.

She thought he was an angel. That was preposterous. But angel or demon, he would protect her. He would keep her safe and keep her as his, no matter what stood against him. He kissed a small trail along the line of her soft panties, making her gasp in anticipation. His finger finding her center, caressing it over the soft fabric as she squirmed in pleasure.

That was positively delightful.

He stroked up the center of her hips, making sure his fingers found the small nub that made her tremble more and more with heated arousal. As he did, he held her down, witnessing every movement she made, every tiny gasp of air or elongated moan of want, as she came closer and closer to the brink. Finally, Dmitrei felt her come beneath him, her back arching as she cried out in ecstasy. He continued holding Elena, watching in captivation as she rode out the intense release that washed over her.

There really was nothing else like it in the universe, watching his special Elena experience overwhelming pleasure that he gave her.

Even as she relaxed under his grip once again, the incredible sight of seeing her come only made him more insatiable, a kind of lust that could never be slaked. He finally released her arms and she let them rest above her on the pillow as he carefully removed her panties, leaving her totally bare and amazingly beautiful. He spread her legs, watching her go wide-eyed with captivation as he lowered himself over her. The floral scent of her as intoxicating as her touch and those molten eyes of hers.

He licked once against her clit, slow and languorous, savoring every moment with Elena as she writhed in intense satisfaction. When her hands gripped the bed sheets as though searching, begging for something to hold on to, he reached toward them and grasped her hands in his, holding her down as he pleasured her thoroughly.

The more he did, the more he heard the feral beast inside him rumbling. Mate, it demanded. But Dmitrei pushed it away as he focused on Elena. The way her hips bucked if he went too fast. The way she turned her head to the side and moaned when he made circles with the tip of his tongue. Every curved of her body, every blush or twitch she made in response to his onslaught of pleasure was all he could focus on.

He continued to explore, running his tongue lower and thrusting into her. Her heat and wetness were as erotic as they were bewitching. He could practically feel what it would be like to be inside her, to be one with her, and he could tell she was thinking the same thing by the satisfied moan she let out. With one final, tiny flick of his tongue, she came again, even harder. Instead of holding her down, he released her hands, allowing her body to undulate completely before him. Instinct drove her now, she grasped onto him, her nails digging into his shoulder and her legs wrapping his waist as she cried his name in release. As she did, his hands caressed her thighs, watching attentively. She held onto him tightly as every drop of pleasure was wrung from her and he enjoyed the feel of her skin as her body rocked with the throes of release.

She finally began to relax and Dmitrei considered his next move. By now, her body responded to him more acutely with every touch. Desire surged through him to take her, right there and then. To make their bodies come together as once. To experience what he could only imagine would be the purest ecstasy for both of them. And even though Dmitrei was fairly certain he could keep control of his beast, he honestly had no clue how mating for one from his time worked. The last thing Elena deserved after all the unfairness in her life was a decision neither of them were ready to make.

"What's wrong?" she asked, aware of his hesitation despite the haze of euphoria she was coming down from.

"I don't want to stop, but I think we should. I'm not sure what will happen if we go all the way," Dmitrei replied, the beast within him rebelling at the though, but his mind was resolute as to what should be done.

Thankfully, Elena didn't question it, but looked back at him with contentment and gratitude. But, to his surprise, as he sat up to get off the bed, he felt her hands working on the zipper of his pants with surprising deftness.

"Just because we don't go all the way doesn't mean I don't want one last thing," she said with a husky voice as she loosened his belt and pulled him free from the constraining pants he wore.

For a moment, Dmitrei didn't know how to respond as she sat up and kneeled on the bed in front of him. When she ran her soft hands along his length, he found himself unaware what to do now that he was no longer in control. She was, and she knew it, sending him a knowing little grin as she stroked him.

The little minx, he thought to himself.

To start, Elena moved slowly, as though she were savoring the feel of him as he had savored the taste of her moments ago.

"You feel amazing," she said, grasping him tighter and making him nearly lose it at the sight of the pleasure in her eyes. "Why can't we go all the way?"

She sounded slightly disappointed so he put his hands to work, cupping her full breasts and massaging them as she stroked harder and harder along him.

"I don't know," he said through heavy breaths. "I want to be careful with you. Go slow."

"Giving me that many orgasms is going slow?"

"As slow as I can go," he grated out.

As she intensified the pleasure, he did too, pressing his fingers against her nipples as he dipped his head to kiss the base of her neck. Despite his ample control, his entire body felt like fire, white heat building inside him as she moved quicker. He allowed himself to think about being inside her, the image of their two bodies coming together vivid as he felt himself grow harder and harder beneath her touch. Dmitrei brought his finger down between Elena's legs as she eagerly touched him with fevered speed. Then, with a single flick of her clit, she came one last time. Her grip tightened and seized the very last inch of his will past its ability to resist her embrace. Together they came, arms wrapped around each other, his entire body alight with all-consuming fire that wrenched its release through his over and over.

For an impossibly moment, they stayed together, Elena's face nestled on his chest while he kept his arms around her, holding her, not wanting to let go. Both of them said nothing, their heaving breaths were the only sound in the room.

No one had ever made him feel like that. So wanted. So needed. He could barely comprehend his own need for Elena. It was so great and vital as air to breathe.

Yet, as he lay there after the greatest pleasure in his life, something bothered him. The strong urge to be with her, to claim her, felt almost desperate like his need for oxygen. The collar felt like it was strangling him. One claiming with her and he could be free to heal her. Free to be himself again, whoever that was.

Free to own her forever.

He had no clue what that entailed. He had never thought to ask before as it had never seemed possible he would find a human mate. After sharing this with Elena, he knew for sure she was it. He didn't know where to go next and he didn't want to fuck it up. He ran a hand absentmindedly over her hair as he tried to calm the beast pacing within him.

Mate. Mate. Mate. Like a heartbeat and a curse.

It should have been enough just being with her as he had been, and he didn't want to leave her. But having her curvy body against him, so precious and warm, the feelings of need weren't leaving him. Perhaps he needed to cool off before he did something they would both regret. As much as he wanted her, it would be unfair to mate her before she even knew what he was.

He sat up, removing his arm from her reluctantly as she faced him, her skin glowing, her soft, molten silver eyes loving. It pained him to say the words when she looked so beautiful and angelic. As though she were entirely his already.

"I need to go," he said.

Her face fell a fraction and then resumed the normal calm demeanor. She nodded pulling the sheet around her as he got out of bed and began fixing his pants. She stared at him, and he could sense the awkwardness between them.

"Did I do something?"

He looked at her, "No, of course not."

"Then why are you leaving?"

He cocked his head. He didn't have an acceptable answer for that, so he shrugged. Perhaps if he made it look casual, it wouldn't be a big deal between them and they could start over fresh tomorrow at work.

"A shrug? Really?" she looked exasperated.

She was getting angrier. It was time to go. "I'll go out the window," he said quickly. "I have everything with me, and then you don't have to get up and lock the door, okay?" She was still undressed and he didn't want to bother her.

Elena raised an incredulous eyebrow as he walked to the window. He made sure she was covered before opening it and squeezing himself through. He dropped to the pavement below with a thud that didn't bother him in the slightest. With longing he looked back up at the window, but she wasn't there. It had been an amazing date. He had made more progress than he ever thought. But now it was time to go see Elric.