
When Yman's hand landed on the smooth screen surface, he felt a little chill on his skin.

He also noticed some evidence of nervousness from those who came before him. Looks like some droplets of sweat stayed on it.

He could hear the noise from his surrounding but he had to disregard them. Their murmurs were not of help to him. He needed to concentrate his mind to summon his densest mana.

Like what the others did, he also did what he needed to do. His hand slowly envelopes by white brilliance. Although the other's mana was of bright green color, only his that was of white.

And everything happened like a dream...

Night came pretty fast to someone unaware and happy. But for Yman, he had a lengthy day!

Right now Yman was sitting on the sofa while facing the window of his room from the inside and was looking towards the distance outside.

Wearing an old t-shirt. His thin shoulders dropped down at a certain angle.

In his hand was a glass of cold water. He felt like, he had the longest day of his life. He was remembering what happened this morning.

Before he placed his hand on that screen surface, it's not like he expected a great result to begin with. The truth was, he really had expected a little great result! But sadly, he could not muster any mana and could only rely on his channeling magic.

He sighed.

|My mana capacity is of the lowest because it only comes from my channeling magic. And don't ever ask me about the color of brilliance inside the bulb. For some odd reason, I could only manage to make it glow a little. That glow not even enough to produce any brilliance. And the color of the bulb remained a hazy black.

Not even the elders had any idea.

Well, truth be told, I already expected that results. Maybe I'm not cut out to be a magician in the first place.

I had to force myself on believing that the reason why I'm different than others was that I am special. Or is it what called as —



Or self encouraging?



That hazy black...might also mean — I do not have affinity in any elements.

.....I don't even want to remember what happened after that. Just another wave of laughter which I'm so used to. Rather than that, after the test, the initial training had started.

And that's the reason why I felt so tired as of now. We were required to do some basic exercise.

A basic exercise.

About running 20 kilometers in an hour, 100 sit-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 pull-ups and etc.

For how many times I passed out — Welp, I could not even remember.


Meh, I want to forget that hell of a morning.|

Yman sighed after thinking about what happened this morning.

"Big bro, are you okay?" Yana who was laying on the bed asked him worriedly when she noticed her brother sighing several times already with eyes that fixed looking at the distance and with an exhausted face.

Hearing her worried voice, he glanced at his sister and forced a smile. "I am — just fine. Just a little tired from some basic exercise this morning, haha." Yman forced a laugh at the end of his words.

"Is that so?" She asked.

"Mhm!" Yman nodded then placed the glass with cold water onto the table. Then he walked towards his sister's side.

He was thinking about how to earn money while he was training in the academy. Of course, he needed some source of income.

Morning comes pretty fast to those people with great responsibility...

Yman came to the academy early for the morning training. They needed to run 20 kilometers again, repeatedly running around the 10-kilometer training ground of the academy for 2x. It would be followed by push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups and etc.

Yman once again collapsed for many times. His body wounds could easily be heald by his healing magic. But not fatigue.

Bob was physically fit and Keremi had high stamina for being one of the Elites who took his training at an early age. While Yman as a channeler, always spends some of his stamina in using magic. So, Bob and Keremi would be the one who would carry him to the infirmary.

A girl was watching him from a distance with a pity expression written on her pretty face.

Holding a piece of paper in his hand, he was searching for a certain room section while walking like a zombie. Written on the paper were his results on yesterday's test.

Name: Yman Talisman

Mana Capacity: Rank -D

Magic Power: Rank -D

Magic Type: Channeler

Magic Abilities/s: Mini Heal(Self Healing Magic),

Rapid Leap.

Element/s Affinity: ?

Year: 1st(Fledgling Trainee)

Section: Bronze

The academy building formed like three squares if looking from above; with inner, middle, and outer layer. Each building was 3 stories long. And other small buildings which 3 stories long converged to the outer layer to form like eight sun rays. Just like the logo of Middle Region Magic Academy, which represents the Innerworld, the Outerworld, and the Sun.

There was a long and wide pathway connected to the centermost of the inner building from the outermost towards the academy gates, which people used to pass.

In the innermost building, it was for the senior trainees, the middle building was for junior trainees, and outer building for fledglings.

It accommodated like this because there's always a high number of fledgling every year. The next year, the number would be lowered for the junior since many dropped outs and some would choose to transfer. Then lowered again in the following year.

Those sunrays-like buildings were for academy staff: like faculties, principal office, even the canteen, gym, and etc.

Good thing that Yman easily found his classroom. It was located in the fifth classroom of the first floor in the outer layer square building. It was on the left side when facing it from the gate.

When Yman opened the door of the classroom of year 1 section Bronze, all the students that already inside stared at him. And they murmured that he was the guy who always collapses at the training grounds.

Yman without minding them continued walking to look for the vacant seat.

"Yman Bro!"


Suddenly he heard familiar voices from someone. It was from Bob and Chloe. Yman smiled to see Bob and Chloe in the same section as him.

He wondered why Chloe in the same section as them. If he remembered correctly. She had good results in that test.

The three greeted each other.

After a trivial chatting, he saw a vacant seat to the backmost near the window. Before sitting on it, he looked left and right to see if this seat was taken. But it looks like, no one owned the seat yet.

Not long after Yman took the seat that their adviser entered the classroom.

Yman was surprised to see the figure of their adviser. He was staring with wide-eyed as she wrote her name on the blackboard.

"You can call me Ms. Pai Magnum. I will be your adviser starting today. Let's get to know each other first. You first..." she pointed on the girl at her right side who seated at the first seat of first row.

The girl stood up and presented her name, age, and hobbies. Then the girl next to her followed after her until all of them were able to present their names. Ms. Pai was a little bit surprised too to see Yman at the section where she was going to teach.

Before she left, Ms. Pai just gave them some pointers and collected all the papers with their test results from yesterday. It looks like she had something she needed to do.

After the class, Yman, Bob, and Chloe went to the cafeteria. They directly lined to order some foods.

The cafeteria wasn't so noisy when they arrive. Only some of their classmates were lining to buy foods. Maybe because they were the first section who had a break time at the moment.

After getting their foods, they quickly found themselves a vacant table. Near the window. Some of their classmates were talking noisily at the different tables around them.

After their break time.

Yman and the others had to get a mission from the barracks. They needed to complete a mission at least once per week to increase their grades and points. Every mission has a level of difficulty. Any of the trainees should complete the mission via solo.

Or they could recruit mercenary to protect them and help in their mission. Although, recruiting the mercenary comes with a price.

Anyone could apply as mercenary but they needed to accomplish some special trials.

Yman, Bob, and Chloe went into the barracks together to take their first mission.

Inside the barracks, there was a counter and some clerks were checking some files and writing on the paper while the others scrutinizing the drawers below. About five clerks who busied themselves by doing something.

At the sides of the counter, there was 2 wide screen which Yman assumed was where the missions displayed.