Getting ready for the mission...

"Tsk, if only Lady Ice is here, she will kick their asses," said the voiced one.

"Right, but it was already had been 3 months after she went into seclusion and didn't return yet," replied by someone.

"Do you think, her advancement had failed?" Asked the former voice.

"No way, that's impossible!" Exclaimed the later voice.

"Right. As talented as her, there is no way for her to fail her advancement," the former voice agreed.

"Yeah. But unfortunately, she's not here. Now we can't even accomplish our quest. Those fuckers from the other academies won't give as breathing even in our own hunting grounds," the later added with a lack of enthusiasm.

Some of the loafers inside the barracks were conversing about someone and something in bitterness, which caught in Yman's ears. Their voices have a lack of vigor. He really was wondering if why the atmosphere inside the barracks was kinda gloomy.

He wanted to ask the clerk man. But he decided not since they were seemed to be busy at the moment, and other fledgling trainees had started to arrive one after another.

Bob said goodbye to Yman and Chloe after they exited the barracks, which they understood. They already knew that Bob's CE was at the peak. He needed to seclude himself for meditation while absorbing the MM.

"Ummmp!" Yman stretches his hand higher. If not because of his healing magic, for certain, his body would be aching all over now from those hell-like training. Although he felt like his strength, stamina, and speed had increased a little.

Yman and Chloe walked on the street with their deities.

Even though the place was a city but it seemed not so bustling with people.

"Yman, what do you think is the reason for those weird atmosphere inside the barracks?" Chloe who was walking beside suddenly asked him.

Lately, Chloe was able to converse with him casually, which made him happy about it. It also helps to get rid of the awkward atmosphere between them whenever they were side by side just like now.

Yman side-glanced at her before opening his mouth. He noticed the doubt and worry that was written on her face, "Hmm... I'm not too sure. I also was wondering, maybe something had happened? (sigh)" He said with a furrowed brows, then he followed his words with an uncertain question before he sighed.

Two days of consecutive training already bullying his fatigue. Now he could feel his body started to turn sluggish. He wanted to take a bath and fall asleep at the moment. But he could only wait until he returned to his apartment. And also, he was worried about his sister being alone at the moment.

After hearing his reply, Chloe also glanced at him. Then opened her mouth.

"Mhm, it seems like that. R-Regardless, what you are planning to do with your quest?" She nodded and asked him about his mission.

She really wasn't expecting for Yman to acquire such a quest. After all, rats were a very hated pest. They were gross and scary. Yeah, they have fluffy fur, but they were not cute to pet.

Well, depending on rats though. Since there were rats also that looks cute like a highbred hamster. Highbred hamsters intentionally bred for petting purposes. But the thing was, Yman took the quest about the Evil Rats!

Those Evil Rats were hideous looking with the body as big as normal pigs. And their mouths were dripping with greenish saliva that contains poison. And those pointed teeth outside its mouth, well, scary and gross when it bites you.

However, the most problematic part about rats was their dwellings. They usually gathered inside the tunnel and any other nasty places.

While thinking about it, Chloe felt a chill running down her spine, and her body pores were opening.

Yman on the other hand forced a tired smile. He knew why Chloe asked him about his mission. But, it's the only mission he had the chance to accomplish.

While they were conversing, Sistela and Jazz were also conversing with each other. For some reason, Sistela was patting Jazz who was seemingly afraid of rats also. Looks like, she and Chloe were both scared of rats.

The two of them were floating in between Yman and Chloe.

Yman and Sistela also parted with Chloe and Jazz when they arrived at the crossroad. He needed to buy a weapon and other items that might be helpful in his quest.

After saying their good lucks, the group parted to each other.

Yman with Sistela first went to the weapon shop. He needed a new weapon to hunt for rats. He already broke his wooden sword.

Now that he accumulated some GP, he believes he could buy a decent weapon. He really was thinking to buy a magical gun. But he had two problems. First, his GP wasn't enough. And second, his dexterity attributes still very low.

Someone who was planning to become a ranged combatant should have high dexterity attributes. Because it would be a waste if one lacks it since a person who had low dexterity would be having bad aiming ability.

After 15 minutes of walking, he finally arrived at the front of a 2 story building. Above the close glass door, the name 'SARSMITH WEAPON WORKSHOP' was written in bold fonts and in blue paint color and having the design of shield, sword, and gun.

Yman pushed the glassed door, then he together with Sistela stepped inside the workshop.

They were greeted by the smell of metal that invaded their nostrils, although Sistela doesn't have it. However, she could read the data surrounding her. After all, she was a super high-end system who was capable of five senses.

The inside was illuminated by yellow brilliance from the big circle lamp on the ceiling.

Inside the weapon shop, different types of weapons were lined accordingly. Some were neatly hung.

In their Cyber Screen, there was also an Auction option in the Market Section. Where some people posted their items for sale in there. And after you bought it, it will be delivered to you at a later date.

But Yman doesn't trust that auction, because sometimes, what posted their usually different from the item they delivered to you. They only looks better in the picture that was posted, but in reality, they were trash!