A win is a win

While Crimson and the others steadily go towards the western part of the Empire. 

His scout bee transmitted something to his vision that piqued his interest.

His mouth extended into a smile.

"Rea, I have something needed to do back there." He said while beckoning at the back. To where they come from.

"What do you mean? We will go back?" She asked.

"No, I mean I will go back alone. I will follow after you when I am done."

"Ehh? Then how will you go there?" Rea was puzzled. Wondering what this person was talking about. He wanted to go back alone…'Wait! Will he be going to throw us off of the Transport Bird?!' Rea knitted her brows at the thought. She opened her mouth, but before she could voice out what was in her mind, her mouth was hung open when a big black bird appeared from out of thin air. Probably from his storage, which Miss Cinde told her before.