Insanely strong spiders!

Some of the words of Wisp were doubtful to him. Like for example when it mentioned that the scout bee was sucking its Life Force. He wondered if a ghost type creature had it. It prolly meant Essence of Existence.

Though, it was a insignificant matter compared to the current situation. Three big worms with big beaks and a pair of transparent wings were flying in haste towards them.

"Mister, hurry up! Release me!" The wisp screamed. "Holy, they evolved to such an extent!" The wisp added.

Yman's ears picked the words of the wisp. He guessed that these worms weren't like that when the wisp fought one of them.

He squinted his eyes and guessed that the reason for their evolution must be because of the magical plants and herbs they devoured.

The only thing that wonders him was their reason for entering the cave? It's not like there were magical plants inside.

"Could it be they came here because of the bees?" He spoke aloud the words in his mind.