Initial stage

"Brother," sitting beside him, his sister suddenly whispered at him.

Yman glanced at Yana while making a "hm?" expression.

"I'm so happy that you don't look lonely anymore."

He blinked his eyes several times as he could not get her meaning.

Noticing his befuddled face, "I mean, my brother has many friends now."

His mouth curved upward. "I see…" 

In his mind, 'So, in Yana's eyes, he looked like that before, huh.' But the reason for his smile this time wasn't for himself.

He was happy that he was able to make his sister happy.

As the only family he had, Yana was very precious to him. So, seeing her having a fun day was godsent for him.

If not because of her, perhaps he was already a deadly weapon at the moment, whose sole purpose was to take human lives. At least, there was still humanity left in him.

"I also noticed my brother was frequently smiling these past days."

"Did I?"