The Golden Finger

"Thump." The sound of a body hitting the ground and a book half a second later reverberated in the cave the man found himself in. The man looking around freaking out found the book that had been brought with him, but looking at it he noticed the obvious differences from before, picking it up hoping it would be a clue on why he was here he opened it up to nothing. Slowly however words started to form on the first page, as if the book had been waiting to be opened like it knew it would be.

"Hello host welcome to the system. I have taken this form as it is one that has heavily influenced the host's mind. System will continue to carry this form even after user's death."

Reading the message I felt a pull on my memories of my younger days reading novels and other short stories. The System based one had always stuck out however. Looking at the start of one of my favorite stories I couldn't help but wonder if I was in that situation.

"Host, you are not important enough for people to read about you. Stop Daydreaming and come back to reality."

That of course dragged me back from my delusions of finally living my childhood dreams. "So what am I supposed to do to get back home."

"Host needs to become more powerful than the one who took you away from the world."

Hearing the answer I got exited once more a bit before my energy all of a sudden dropped at once. Looking at my body that was exhausted from my accident that I had been in when I was younger I started wondering how I even survived the fall down here.

"That would be my power host. I prevented you from falling from to large of a speed that it would severely effect you."

Feeling the magic drain out of the experience I set down steadily and slowly. Feeling myself calm down I started to actually take in what had just happened, and my emotions went crazy. I went from scared at the thought of how close I was to death, and terrified at the thought of some magical being, being at my house and shop, then I grew sad wondering what happened of my employees, the son and daughter of two of my grandfather's friends. My emotions also went to rejoice as I partially believed in the system I had somehow gained as it had already proven to have saved my life, even if it potentially needs me for something.

Putting all of that to the side I wondered what I would do. I knew I needed to figure out this system now so I could actually properly use it. What if it was a cooking system or some other miscellaneous thing after all. My next plan was to grow stronger on my own before I decided to go off and do something stupid and got myself killed. This after all wasn't some story of a main character who has some infinite life span, or plot armor.

Thinking of what else I could do I looked at my body and decided one more thing. This time completely for my own peace of mind. I would this world, and my old one when I returned, if I returned.

Smiling I once more picked up the book and seemingly knowledge fluttered into my mind on what I needed to do. Pulling out a small pocket knife out of my pocket I kept on me for foolish people who came to my store I slightly cut myself for the book and gave a couple of drops of blood. Immediately my book vanished seemingly being nowhere. Feeling more knowledge invade my mind I once more gave a command for the book to come out. Looking at my book I couldn't help but smile. "So this is my Golden Finger." Absorb, and with that the book disappeared just as it had previously appeared.

Starting to walk I knew everything their was to know about the system. It was a system that granted functions depending upon what the host wished to do. If the host wanted to be an actor, it would give a system with many purchasable skill to act better. If you wanted to be an athlete you could select one type and focus and get skills just for it, or you could get a skill for every sport out their making you into a monster at sports. For me my goal was to have a shop and return to my home. So my ability was a multi world travel and a shop that has the ability to sell me anything including every skill within the system. Even if their was restrictions on who certain items could be given to.

Soon, I mumbled to myself. I will come back and let you two experience a shop that actually thrives.