The Jailing Crypt Pt.2

I had come to the conclusion that this whole cavern had the sickly sweet smell of death. As I explored this city house by house I found snippets of books, messages, and other communication devices hid away for finding of some other person. All of these stories and personal narratives however seemed to start the same "Day 1 in prison, Day 8 in prison, and on and on the messages went. It made no sense to me. How could a whole village be a prison. Or for that matter, what even were they prisoners of.

Reading through the most recent entry I had found hidden away it seemed that a young girl was writing this. Looking at the small skeleton in this corner of the room, I almost got up and ran outside to face off against the creatures that lurked this place of death.

"Dear Diary:

My mofer said this was day 7 that we were in priswon. What does priswon mean, is that why we can't go out of the tunnels. My mother promised me we would see a fourist one day today. I can't wait to go."

Tears fell down my eyes as I read the innocent little girls words. She was so young, she hadn't even learned to fully spell yet. Going through the house I came upon a picture of a small girl and her parents. Picking up the picture I brought it to the skeleton on the ground and layed it next to it, seemingly settling some burden I had within me.

Going to the kitchen, I finally found a large kitchen knife that I could use. I had found none in any of the previous houses I had visited. Maybe they had been raided, now that I thought of it. But why was this one not raided. Quickly I got my answer as I heard a knock at the door. Immediately I went to the top floor and went to the window to look down behind a blind. Their at the door stood a man smiling to himself holding his baton out in the open.

Smacking it against the door he knocked the door off its hinges and walked in. Climbing out the I made my way down the wall only to noticed at the end of my journey a pile of corpses. Realizing others had done the exact same thing I was doing right now I switched courses and started climbing up the side of the house. Making it to the top I found items seemingly gathered by something to create a makeshift base. Seeing a book I walked up to it and opened it taking a note out.

"Hello there, whoever or whatever you are. Honestly I don't know if this shall ever find it's hands in another human's hands ever again. Still if you are reading this please take in these tips I have sacrificed my life obtaining on the monsters of this crypt.

So far I have run across 3 types of monsters. There may be more, but that could be why I have disappeared. The first monster I like to call Prison Guards. These creatures are one as they seem to share a hive mind. This means if one catches sight of you the rest will come soon. They are also about twice as fast as a regular human, but the most worrisome part is that each and everyone one of them has the build of a behemoth. They each and everyone can lift and throw vehicles, and with their hive mind running into one is synonymous with death.

The second creature I have come into contact with is what I like to call prisoners. These people carry the ability team up with humans and protect them. Although they are not strong, they respawn daily within this world every morning at exactly 3:33 am. I have noticed that the Prison Guards love to beat the prisoners and devour them. Once devoured the guards can gather up what seems to be the consciousness and memories of the prisoners. Using this they form bodies within their own stomachs that have the shape of a young child. This child can be human in shape to a complete and total beast. This leads me to the third type of beast in this world.

I like to call them Fearful Thoughts as they are the beasts that we all hide in our hearts.