
"Exactly. Here, let me demonstrate." he turned towards a tree "Watch closely, after the first two steps of training you get this." he held out his hand, formed a Rasengan, and shot it into the tree, leaving a large spiral mark "Then, once you've mastered the third step, you'll get something like this." he formed another Rasengan, only this time it grinded against the tree and left a hole in it bigger than Tatsu's head "If you can keep that small typhoon the size of your palm then the energy won't be able to disperse, it'll spin faster and faster and it's power will be more and more compressed and its destructive power will reach its max."

'Well, I'll give it a shot.' he focused on the balloon and generated his chakra 'Okay, this feels about right.' he rotated it a bunch of different ways 'Now keep it going Tatsu, keep it going, keep it going, almost got it, almost got it…' then it popped "Well f*ck."

"No cutting corners on this one, get your power and rotation to 100% and then maintain them."

'This is insane, unless I can control my power perfectly it's impossible. I see now, this third step is on a whole other level from the others.'

"I told you before, this technique is A-rank for a reason, a highly advanced ninjutsu."

"Let me give it another shot." Tatsu formed another Rasengan with both hands and slammed it into a tree, but found that it would only leave the spiral mark "Dammit!"

"Good for only your second try, but this is as complex as it is for a reason. Just give it time, you'll get it. Well, gonna screw with the others some more. Later." and he disappeared in a puff of smoke.


5 days passed.

Tatsu looked at the whole in the boulder before him 'Finally, I've got it!'

"Looks like you've made some progress."

Tatsu looked and saw Kakashi behind him "Kakashi."

"Mind showing me?"

"Sure, but first, Shadow Clone Jutsu!" he summoned a Shadow Clone.

"Shadow Clones? Alright, I admit I'm curious. Go on."

"Right." he had the clone rotating chakra in his right hand with both of the clone's hands.

'So that's it. He made the clone to gather up his chakra. Ingenious.'

'Compress the chakra… keep it going… focus… Rasengan!" Tatsu let the clone disappear and slammed it into the boulder in front of him, obliterating it "There…" he let out a heavy and exhausted sigh "I'm gonna take a little nap now…" and he passed out.

'You've really come a long way in the past 4 years, I'm proud of you kid and I know your parents and brother would be too.'


Another week passed, and the Chunin Exams were coming soon.

Iruka and Mizuki received a report from Kakashi "Alright, thanks for the report Kakashi-sensei. How's Naruto doing? Is he getting along okay with the others?"

Kakashi shrugged "He and Sasuke are getting along alright thanks to Tatsu, but Sakura is a fangirl at heart and worships Sasuke like a god and despises Naruto and Tatsu for being stronger than him."

"It's been so busy around here, we haven't seen him since he got back from the mission to the Land of Waves. I'm a little worried about him."

"Seriously though, Sakura concerns me. At this rate, she'll end up doing something stupid that'll drive the team to alienate her or kick her out entirely."


At the same time, Naruto, Sasuke, and Konohamaru's gang had run into trouble with two genin, Kankuro and Temari, from the Hidden Sand.

Kankuro grabbed Konohamaru by his scar "Does this hurt punk?"

"Put him down Kankuro, or you know you'll pay for it later." Temari warned.

"Take your hands off of him right now." Naruto warned, crimson chakra charging in his fingertips.

Kankuro smirked 'So these are the Leaf Village genin. We've got a few more minutes before he gets here, let's mess with these punks huh?"

"Put him down!" Naruto charged.

Kankuro moved his fingertips, causing Naruto to fall to the ground.

"What the- What was that?"

"You're a Leaf genin too? Looks like your village is full of wimps."

"That's it, drop the kid now or I'll tear you apart! You've got that fool?!"

Sasuke covered Naruto's mouth "You're the fool, making threats isn't going to help."

Kankuro was losing patience "You're annoying, all of you. I don't like runts or any other scrawny weaklings, so when a wimp like this starts shooting off his mouth I just wanna break him in half."

Temari sighed "Fine, I'm not involved in any of this okay?"

"First, I'll take care of this little squirt and then I'll waste the other one." he drew back his fist, only to drop it and grip his other hand, which was bleeding rather heavily.

A rock had bounced off of his hand hard, courtesy of Tatsu in a tree above them "You guys are a long way from home and way out of your league, any one of us three could take you out if we put our minds to it."

Kankuro scowled 'Showoff.'

Temari smirked with a pink tinge on her cheek 'Well well, local hottie.'

"Oh great, another wimp to tick me off."

"I should be saying that about you."

Kankuro whipped around and saw Tatsu behind him, shooting him a cold glare 'When did he-?'

"Only warning, get lost and don't mess with my friends again."

"You know something punk, you're the kind of pesky little snot I hate the most, all attitude and nothing to back it up." yeah, Kankuro had more arrogance than brains, and he prepared to unleash something called the Crow.

"Kankuro, back off." a new voice cut in "You're an embarrassment to our village."

Tatsu looked and saw a red-headed figure with a gourd on his back standing upside down on a tree next to him 'This guy's on a whole other level from these two, from what I can sense his power's off the charts. I didn't even notice him show up, he didn't make a sound. From what I know, only jonin like Kakashi are that smooth.'

Kankuro was sweating bullets "Hey Gaara."

The figure, now known as Gaara, glared coldly at Kankuro "Have you forgotten the reason we came all the way here?"

"I know. I mean they challenged us, they started the whole thing really. See, here's what happened-"

"Shut up, or I'll kill you."

"Right, I was totally out of line, I'm sorry Gaara."

Then Gaara turned to Tatsu and the others "I'm sorry for any trouble he caused."

Tatsu studied Gaara for a moment 'This guy has an evil look in his eye.'

Gaara studied Tatsu in return 'He stopped Kankuro and broke his hand with only a pebble and made it look easy, this guy is someone to keep an eye on.' Gaara suddenly de-materialized into sand and rematerialized on the ground "Let's go, we didn't come here to play games."

"Hold up." Tatsu appeared on the ground in front of Naruto and Sasuke "From the look of your headbands I'd say you're from the Hidden Sand Village in the Land of Wind, am I correct in assuming you're here for the Chunin Exams?"

"Yeah, see for yourself." Temari held up a passport "We have the permission slips right here, see for yourself. Of course you're correct, we are Hidden Sand genin. Our home is the Land of Wind and we are here for the Chunin Exams."

"Good to know. Now then, identify yourself."

"You mean me?" she sounded rather hopeful.

"Your name's Temari, it said so on your passport. I'm talking about the guy with the gourd on his back and no eyebrows."

Gaara stopped and turned to face him "My name is Gaara of the Desert, these are my brother Kankuro and my sister Temari. I'm curious about you too, who are you?"

"My name is Tatsu Kamikaze, the blonde with the stupid look on his face is Naruto Uzumaki and the one with the blue shirt and duckass hair is Sasuke Uchiha. I look forward to seeing you all in the exams." he turned around "Alright guys, let's go."

"Come on." Gaara took off, with Temari and Kankuro in tow.

"I'm sure you guys sensed it." Tatsu shot looks at Naruto and Sasuke looks "Temari and Kankuro are alright, but Gaara's power is off the charts. At this rate, even I might not be able to beat him."

Naruto and Sasuke shared a look.

"That said, I'd definitely give him a good fight. After all, I've got a few tricks and surprises up my sleeve. Speaking of which…" he looked up in a tree "You guys can come out now, I know you're there."

Sure enough, three ninja appeared, each with a music note on their headbands "So you noticed us. Impressive."

"Judging by your headbands I'd say you're from the Hidden Sound Village."

"That's right." the girl in the team held up a permission slip.

"Okay then, welcome. I'm Tatsu Kamikaze, this is Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha."

The bandaged figure stepped forward "I'm Dosu Kinuta, these are my teammates Kin Tsuchi and Zaku Abumi. I look forward to seeing you in the exams, it might be a good challenge." and they left.

"Well it looks like this exam is gonna be pretty interesting."

"I haven't heard of the Hidden Sound Village." Naruto commented.

"Not surprising, they're a new village that formed not long ago." Sasuke told him "Anyway, I'm gonna go practice my Sharingan. You guys do whatever." and he walked off.

"Okay, now that he's gone…" Tatsu leaned in to Naruto "I wanna talk to Kyuubi about something."

Naruto blinked "But he's-"

"In your gut, I know. But there's a way to do it; meditating into Limbo, the plain of existence between this world and the next. We'll do it tonight."


Through meditating, Tatsu appeared in Limbo, a black void with only a single light.

Kyuubi soon appeared before him "So you've come…"

"Naruto is your jinchuuriki." Tatsu pointed out "He's your shield against enemies who'd want your power, and you're his sword."

Kyuubi was actually caught off guard by this "Yes…"

"I think for that purpose, it would suit you best if Naruto becomes strong and doesn't fall under anyone's influence or else your power would simply become someone else's tool."

Kyuubi studied Tatsu for a moment, trying to uncover his aim "So that's it… Protect my jailer, is that it? If he falls under a genjutsu then I can dispel it, if someone enters his mind like your little Yamanaka girl then I can drive them out, if he's in danger then I can give him chakra, and all of this is for my own self-interest. But that's not all is it? It's not just that. I could tell the boy things to turn him against the village, against you, but what would be the benefit of that? Humans are weak alone, the more allies he has like you and the Uchiha boy the more people to stand between us and people who desire my power. Well, that's what you're betting on. Alright, I'll help the kid out. You've got guts I'll give you that. Now then, onto important business."

"For starters, Gaara."

"That boy is a jinchuriki like Naruto, he holds the one-tailed Shukaku inside of him. Be weary of him, there's a chance that even your level of power would be unable to defeat him."

"There's more to a fight than power."

"True, but be weary nonetheless. Next, onto the Tenseigan. You awakening the Tenseigan that day on the bridge has granted you a boost in power when they're active, but there's a drawback when using their full power."

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

"Exactly. The longer you keep your Tenseigan Chakra Cloak active or the more emotionally distressed you are when using it, the greater the risk, so don't keep it up for more than 5 minutes at a time, or even all of my power might not be enough to stop your rampage. If it gets out of control, I'll have the kid use just enough chakra to match it."

"Alright, fair enough."

"Now then, there's one more thing you should know, but I'll leave that up to him."

"Up to who?"

"Me." a new voice cut in.

Tatsu turned to see a blond figure wearing a white haori with red flames "Hold shit… the Fourth Hokage…"

"Language, and call me Minato."

"Alright, so what'd you want to tell me?"

"Well first off, I'd like to thank you for looking after my son."

Tatsu blinked, then formed a Shadow Clone "Give it a minute…" the ball of chakra appeared and the clone vanished "For the father of the year!" and he shoved it into Minato's gut, sending him spiralling into a random boulder "What the f*ck man! Why the f*ck would you seal that gigantic mutt in your own son?"

Minato got up and spat out some blood "First of all, language. Second, great job on mastering my Rasengan and the Shadow Clone's a nice touch. To answer your question, I thought it would save him against powerful opponents. I believed he would be able to overcome the worst enemies to ever attack Konoha."

"You don't know what the hell Naruto's been through, everyone in the Leaf was a complete and utter ******."

"I know, it was selfish on stupid."

"Emphasis on stupid." Kyuubi said dryly "Also, am I the only one who's going to deal with the fact that you said "Language"?"

"...Deal with that later." Tatsu said slowly "Anyway, I'm guessing that since Naruto's your son you thought he could do it."

Minato nodded "Exactly."

"So why are you here anyway?"

"Because there's something I'm going to trust you with: the true reason behind the Kyuubi's attack. That night, it didn't attack of its own free will."

"Hey! I'm not an it, I'm a he!"

"Sorry. Anyway, he was being controlled by someone."


"Who's strong enough to control the Kyuubi?" asked Tatsu.

"Madara Uchiha." was all Minato said.

"Wait, as in the Madara Uchiha? Founder of the Leaf? The one who fought Hashirama Senju at the Valley of End all those years ago?"

"That's the one."

"But that was over 100 years ago, how could he still be alive?"

"I wish I knew. Anyway, a masked man claiming to be Madara managed to sneak into the Hidden Leaf. He attacked while my wife Kushina was giving birth to Naruto, and he managed to separate me from her and broke the seal holding the Kyuubi inside her. Then he unleashed him on the Hidden Leaf while controlling him with his Sharingan. Fortunately, I was able to use a contract seal to break his control over the Kyuubi. Then, with no other options, I used the Reaper Death Seal and used an 8-signed seal to seal half of the Kyuubi inside me, and the other half inside Naruto."

"Wait, you're talking to me from the Reaper's stomach?"


"What's it like?"

"A lot roomier than you'd imagine."

"Anyway, why tell me all this?"

Minato put a hand on Tatsu's shoulder "Undoubtedly, Madara will try again to get Kyuubi. When he does, I want you and your friends and allies to do everything you can to make sure he doesn't get Naruto."

"You have my word. Me, Sasuke and everyone will make sure of it."

"Good. Also, can you not tell Naruto about me being his father just yet? I want to tell him myself when the time is right."

"I understand, you have my word."

"Thank you." and with that, he vanished.

"You know the 4th Hokage took 3 years to master the jutsu you perfected in a week, if this were in Limbo it would've been a mere fraction of the time. 6 hours in here is actually 1 minute in the real world."

Tatsu blinked "Cool, Kazuma never told me that."

"He probably didn't know it himself."

"Alright, and Kyuubi… thanks."

"Call me Kurama. Anyways, get out."


At the same time, Sarutobi had gathered all of the village's jonin to announce the Chunin Exam and the participants.

Kakashi recommended Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura for the exams, and put Tatsu in as a 4th member, to which Sarutobi agreed.

Kurenai recommended her squad.

Asuma recommended Ino and the others.

Guy even recommended his squad, which wasn't much of a surprise since he held them back a year to give them a better chance to prepare.

Iruka was still skeptical, so Sarutobi decided to hold a pre-test.


Sakura finally lost her temper "Why why why?! It's always the same, he sets the time and then we have to wait hours for him! What about my feelings? I rushed here so fast I didn't even have time to blow-dry my hair!"

"Shut up Sakura." three voices chorused simultaneously- wait, three?

They looked and saw Tatsu sitting atop one of the red torii gates above them "Hey guys, what's up?"

"Tatsu, what're you doing here?" asked Naruto.

"Well the short version is that Kakashi recommended you three for the Chunin Exams, and I'm with you guys as an extra member." he held out three pieces of paper "Here's your application forms but this is all voluntary. You don't have to do it, you can wait until next year if you want. I know another guy's squad who did that."

"Alright!" Naruto wrapped Tatsu in a hug "You rule man!"

"No, Kakashi rules. He's the one who recommended you- Don't slobber on me! Anyway, whoever wants to take the exam sign the application and come to room 301 at the academy at 3:00 PM 5 days from now. Later." and he vanished in a puff of smoke.

"Yeah!" Naruto cheered "One step closer to becoming Hokage!"

Sasuke inwardly smirked, while a chibi-version of him was jumping for joy in his head 'One step closer to killing Itachi.'

"YES! IT'S ALL THANKS TO SASUKE!" Sakura screeched.

Naruto and Sasuke sweatdropped at Sakura's stupidity.


Nightfall came.

Tatsu looked back at a cloaked figure behind him "Alright, how'd it go?"

"They all did like you said." the cloaked figure disappeared in a puff of smoke, revealing Mizuki in his place "Although Ino has one hell of a right hook. She, Naruto and Sasuke are all definitely the most impressive. You're a good influence on them. So how'd your test go?"

"I saw through Iruka the moment he tried a pathetic sneak attack from behind and punched him out."

"I told him a sneak attack was a bad idea. Still though, the Chunin Exams can break just about anyone."

"I know I can take it no sweat, and Naruto, Sasuke and Ino shouldn't have much of a problem either. As for the others, it could go either way."


Guy's genin team, Neji, Tenten and Lee, were in the middle of training.

"Did you hear?" asked Lee "We're getting 3 squads of rookies in the exams. First year genin, that hasn't happened in 5 years."

Tenten scoffed "No way, I bet it's just some jonin trying to boost their egos."

"No, there's more to the story than that. 3 of them are from Kakashi's squad, along with an extra tag-along."

"Interesting." Neji admitted.

"But not very." Tenten hurled a kunai at a target.

"Either way, it's too bad for them."

"I wouldn't be too sure Neji." said Lee "I know one of them that might give even you a run for your money."

"Please, as if fate would let me lose to an underclassmen."


The day came.

Sakura met the group outside the academy "Hey Sasuke."

"You're late." came the chorus.


Sasuke studied her for a moment 'What's with her? She's different.'


Apparently there was a ruckus outside the exam room.

Two genin were pushing around Guy's team, who were pulling an act "You're taking the Chunin Exams but you can't even get past us? Why don't you just give up now before you get hurt? I think I hear your mommy calling you."

"Please let us through, we're supposed to go in there." Tenten pleaded.

They knocked her down too "Get real punk, the exams are going to make this look like a picnic. Some of you won't survive the exams, others will be wrecked for life, and some of you may go crazy. For Chunin, it's always like and death. You think it's a joke? Chunin are qualified to lead missions. The lives of your squad members are in your hands, so you better be tough enough to take the heat. Delicate little girls don't belong here. We're just thinning out your herd, you won't pass anyway so go home and play with your dolls."

"Real nice speech assholes." Tatsu led the group to the front "Now if you wouldn't mind stepping aside and letting us through. Should've known these guys would try and weed out the weaklings-'

"And release the genjutsu while you're at it." Sasuke blurted out "We can see through your illusion anyway. We're going to the third floor but we've only gone up one flight of stairs. We're only on the second floor."

'Dammit! Well, might as well go along with it. Alright guys, drop the transformations too. You're supposed to be proctors not actors, and for the record Kotetsu there's no way that's your real nose."

"So you guys noticed." they released the genjutsu, revealing that they were in fact only on the second floor "Well aren't we the smart ones? So you noticed an illusion. Now let's see you deal with this!" Kotetsu aimed a kick.

Lee blitzed in and blocked it, as well as Tatsu's counterattack "Now's not the time to fight with each other."

'He stopped Tatsu's kick, he must have some chakra in his arm.' Sasuke noted.

"Hey, what happened to the plan?" asked Neji "I thought you were the one who said to keep a low profile and don't let anyone see our skill level."

Lee shrugged "Sorry, but I couldn't let this one do anything stupid before I could get my shot at him."

"I see." Neji looked over to Tatsu "Hey you over there, what's your name?"

Tatsu remained unfazed "It's common courtesy to give your own name before asking for someone else's."

"You're a rookie aren't you, how old are you anyway?"

"About 6 months younger than you guys, not that it's any business of someone like you. A prodigy with a stick up his ass, you're like how Sasuke used to be." then he looked back "Alright guys, let's go." and he led his team up the staircase 'Well it looks like Lee is as fiery as ever.'

Neji studied Tatsu intently 'Tatsu, the last of the Kamikaze clan. So he's the one Lee was talking about.'

"He's pretty bold, you gonna challenge him?" asked Tenten.

Neji just walked without a word.

Tenten was about to follow, but noticed that Lee wasn't moving "Lee, what're you waiting for? We're supposed to check in."

Lee shook his head "You two go, I'll catch up in a minute. I've got something to check on." and he left.

"What's that about?"

"I have no idea." Neji kept walking without looking back.


Tatsu led the group on their way "Remember guys, no matter what you can't underestimate the team from back there."

"Hey you, with the blue gi. Hold on." a voice cut in.

Tatsu looked and saw Lee above them "Well you're as fiery as ever Lee, so what's up?"

"You know what, I want you and I to fight right here and now."

"Fine, but first, introductions. These are my boys Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, and the banshee is their teammate Sakura Haruno."

"A pleasure, my name is Rock Lee." he turned back to Tatsu "Co-Rookie of the Year Tatsu Kamikaze, my old friend and rival, let's see just how much you've improved." he got into his combat stance "Come on."

Tatsu got into his own combat stance "Alright, let's go."

"Very well." Lee disappeared faster than Sasuke or the others could see.

Tatsu followed him easily and blocked a kick to the face.

Lee retreated and broke away, and then he charged.

Tatsu kept up with him easily, despite gaining some minor bruises from the occasional punch or kick that landed.

Lee jumped back, then ran up again in an attempt to kick Tatsu in the face.

Tatsu dodged by leaping upwards, falling right into Lee's trap.

Lee suddenly appeared behind him "You have improved Tatsu, but you still let your guard down."

"Dancing Leaf Shadow, eh? Not bad, I should've expected as much."

"Now then, it's over." he was about to unravel the bandages on his arms.

"Alright, that's enough!" a pinwheel stuck the bandages to the wall "Lee? Get down here!"

Lee dropped to the ground, revealing his heavily bandaged hand, and bowed to a turtle with a Leaf headband. "You were watching us the whole time?"

"Of course. That last technique is forbidden, you know that."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to…" he flinched under the glare "I wasn't planning to use a forbidden jutsu, but I was in the middle of a fight and-"

"You're a disgrace! You think you'll get away with a bunch of lame excuses like that? A shinobi never reveals his techniques unless it's absolutely necessary. It's such a basic rule, you should know it by now."

"Forgive me sir."

"Are you prepared to take the punishment for your actions?"

"Yes sir."

"Alright then, please come out Guy-sensei!"

Then Guy came out "Hey, what's shakin' everybody? How ya doing, like treating ya good?"

"N-O." Tatsu appeared in between guy, cut Lee's bandages with his sword, then grabbed Lee's hand and led him away "Alright Sasuke, Naruto, let's go."

"Right." they followed, with Sakura in tow.


They soon arrived at 301, Lee having gone ahead to meet his teammates.

Kakashi stood outside the door waiting for them "Glad you came Sakura, for your sake and the others. Now you can all formally register for the Chunin Exam."

"Why, what do you mean?" asked Sakura.

"You see, no groups of less than 3 are allowed to apply for and take the exam. That's the way it's always been, and it's why Tatsu joined your squad for it."

"But sensei, you said the decision to take the exam was up to the individual."

"That's right, I did."

"Was that a lie?"

"Sort of, it is an individual decision but it affects all of you, and I didn't tell you before because I didn't want the other guys pressuring you. At the same time, I didn't want you feeling obliged to participate, because of any feelings you might have for Sasuke, or for Naruto or Tatsu. I wanted you to come to a decision of your own free will."

"Wait, do you mean that if the others had decided to show up but I decided not to come with them-"

"It would've been the end of the line, if you hadn't come along I couldn't have let the others in. but it's a moot point, you're all here and for the right reasons. Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke and Tatsu. I'm proud of you, I couldn't ask for a better team." he stepped aside "Good luck."

"We won't let you down Kakashi, and a Kamikaze never goes back on his word." and with that, Tatsu led the team through the door.

Kakashi found himself alone 'They'll be something great, I know it. Tatsu, give them guidance and all of you please be careful.'


Why did I give Tatsu the Rasengan? Well it was an idea that I recycled from the previous version of this fic, and I didn't exactly want to part with that idea in this one either.

See, I mentioned in the summary that there would be Sakura bashing involved, and this is where that truly begins, but this is nothing in comparison to what I plan to do with her in the next chapter.