Chapter 7


I woke up in a bed with my vision blurry. I looked around and noticed I was in the same room I was when I first woke up here. I looked around and saw my dad and brother sleeping on either side of me. As I stirred they both sat upright.

"Are you okay?!" my dad asks as he reaches over and shakes me gently.

"Yeah, I seem to be fine on the outside but I am really shaken inside." I said confused as to what's happening. I look over at my brother.

"Are you okay?" I ask, feeling very worried. He looks at me and nods.

"Just a little tired and besides I'm more worried about you." he said looking into my eyes. I look at dad only to see him sleeping again.

"What happened?" I ask. My brother looks at me tiredly, he then explains.

"You started to change into a dragon, but I changed before you. It ended up hurting us both." he said, falling asleep sitting upright. I look around, shaking. Why are they so tired? I thought.

"You guys go sleep." I say, laying back down. Lucifer woke back up and smiled.

"Alright, but you need to go back to sleep. We can do the ceremony in a few weeks." He said yawning. Lucifer got up and walked over to father shaking him.

"Lets head to bed, she's fine." He said, stretching. He then walks out of my room.

"I will be back first thing in the morning Luna." Father told me, getting up out of the chair. He walked out of the room, closing the door.


I woke up to a Wolf licking my face. I push off the wolf and sit up looking around. Oh, that's right, I am at Fathers.

"Good morning Luna, I hope you slept well." Father said, walking up with a plate, "You should eat."

I look at the food he brought me and smiled. He brought my favorites! I thought. He brought me 3 scrambled eggs, 2 big pieces of ham, 4 sausage links, and Pancakes.

"You remembered!" I laugh, as I grab the plate.

"Of course I remembered." He laughs, and sits down on the side of my bed.

"How's Luci?" I ask, remembering the old nickname I used for him. Father sighs and stands up.

"Would you like to go see him?" He asks, serious. He walks towards my door and looks back as if waiting for me to follow.

"Uh, sure. Can I get changed first?" I ask, as I stand up going over to the closet.