I think.. I’m in love...

"Yaoyao I really don't want to go to this party!"

Tang Fei whined while grabbing her best friends hand as she attempted to stop her from reaching the most ominous threat of her life. "Also how did your skin get so smooth?", she questioned feeling the butter like skin of her friend. 'Do all models have some sort of cheat code?'.

"It's called a gala Feifei, and it will help you catch a man and clients! It's a buy one get 2 free deal.", Nan Peiyao refuted.

"Also try XX brand my skin got reborn!", she affirmed while approaching the white marble skyscraper 10 feet away which seemed more like a mile with her friend clinging to her arm.

"But I don't need a man if I have you Yaoyao!", she desperately whined while slowly nearing the building. "I'm unconquerable remember! 'In reality Tang Fei wasn't unconquerable it's just that no man could ever make her heart go "doki doki", so she had lived all 25 years of her life being single, to the dismay of her male counterparts at work.'

"Sweet words but it's to late because we're here.", Nan Peiyao smugly responded as she arrived at the glass doors. "Now let's go!".

"10 Minutes Later"

"I can't believe she left me." Tang Fei mumbled exposing a sour look remembering how Nan Peiyao left her 5 minutes ago talking about how she needed to greet her fellow models, and that Tang Fei needed to greet her future husband.

Looking around at the white marble walls and large glass windows Tang Fei only wanted to quickly leave to bury herself in case work. 'No no no I need to at least make some connections she thought'. Deep in her own mind she only woke up after bumping into a large and firm chest. 'Not bad this person stays fit' she approvingly remarked.

Raising her head to apologize for her blunder, she was shocked as she met with a sharp and handsome face which was currently glaring at her. As she opened her mouth to say a quick sorry she only had one thought. 'I think..... I'm in love'.