Taking the boss home!

Youyuan Leng was having a great day. He had finished work early, no women came to bother him this morning, and his favorite lunch spot wasn't crowded today! Good fortune seemed to be abundant until Tang Fei that annoying woman called him asking for a date. "No." he promptly responded.

"But I have some important details for you to look into!" Tang Fei whined.

"Then talk to my secretary" Youyuan Leng impassively stated. Why was this annoying woman always trying to hang around him. His eye began twitching remembering what she first called him. When she gracefully walked through his office doors he was almost impressed until she shouted out Mr.Hot guy.

"But I want to hang out with you Mr.President! Secretary Wen is too boring." Tang Fei retorted. Is it that hard to go on a date? No one ever told me romance was this hard! Is this because the one she is courting is King Yama*.

*King Yama- The King of Hell and a wrathful god said to judge the dead and preside over the hells and the cycle of afterlife.

"....Fine" He finally agreed to the date to get her off his back. Though for some unknown reason he did do a once over of himself before he drove to the restaurant.

Tang Fei had set up the date at Palace Gardens, a restaurant well known for its delicious food and beautiful outdoor garden. While waiting for her male god she decided to check out the famed garden.

With exquisite flowers in colors ranging from red to violet and breeds that were so rare that even using money it was hard to get, the garden was full of life and beauty. Since it was nighttime multicolored lights had activated giving the appearance of fireflies surrounding a sacred place. Taking a deep breath and smelling the roses Tang Fei felt intoxicated. What a wonderful garden I must show this to Mr.President! Tang Fei resolutely decided to visit here again sometime, hopefully she and Mr.President may be together by that time.

Arriving back at her table Tang Fei found the boss waiting for her. Resting his head on his hand he gave an aura of someone with no worldly desires simply watching everyone else from above.

"Boss did I keep you waiting?" Tang Fei casually asked as she made her way to her seat.

"Not really." he answered. Taking a look at Tang Fei's simple black dress that gave a vibe of elegance without showing too much skin he approvingly thought that at least she didn't dress to 'immodestly' like other flies that had vied for his attention. Remembering seeing her appearance when he arrived as she admired the surrounding plants his opinion of this annoying woman improved slightly.

Ignorant to Youyuan Leng's evaluation of her Tang Fe went straight to business. " I think you may have a mole Mr.President."

"Really" he calmly responded.

"Yes the movement of the perpetrator doesn't seem like they have the ability to steal the info and I don't believe that the big fish behind them would risk exposing themselves for it. Meaning they most likely have someone on the inside shipping the data." Tang Fei seriously reported her findings.

"That is true Ms.Tang though like I have originally said we must be careful when conducting investigation as not to quickly alert the mole of our movements. Though currently our most important move is to pull out the roots of this 'big fish', and persecute them thoroughly to cripple them and compensate our losses. Overall, I'm impressed Ms.Tang." Youyuan Leng calmly evaluated. It turns out this annoying woman is more competent than I thought. His impression was once again reconsidered promoting the annoying woman to competent annoying woman.

"Well then I'll leave the investigation proceedings up to you then we can unearth the big fish and decide the extent of the persecution. But for now let's eat!" Tang Fei replied. Grabbing the menu she almost salivated over the choices before remembering the presence of her male god. "I'll have the Mapo tofu and Kung Pao Chicken please. Tang Fei rattled off her dishes to the waitress then let her male god decide what to eat.

"Sichuan Pork" Youyuan Leng placed his order.

"Your dishes will be prepared. There is also a couples special tonight if the miss would care for four seasons ice cream. It's a tradition we do every winter where couples can share four seasons ice cream in the garden!" The waitress remarked before heading back to place the order.

Tang Fei felt her face turn hot at the assumption of her and Mr.President being an item. "Can we get the ice cream?" Tang Fei pleaded.

"But we're not a couple. That would be deceiving." Youyuan Leng remarked. "Bring it up again and I'll leave."

"Yes sir." defeated Tang Fei simply pouted until the food arrived. Smelling the aroma wafting from the food she didn't hesitate the fill her mouth completely forgetting the presence of her male god.

Watching Tang Fei attack her food reminded him of a fly ruthlessly biting and landing on any food in site. Albeit this fly was...kinda cute.

After finishing a lovely meal and adequate conversation Tang Fei and Youyuan Leng began to part ways, until thunder came and a fierce storm appeared from the heavens. Having had Secretary Wen drive him here Youyuan Leng prepared to call him again to pick him right back up.

"Mr.President don't you think it would be cruel to have Secretary Wen drive out in this weather? You could just ride with me." Tang Fei suggested.

Taking one long look at her he finally agreed praying in his heart that the competent annoying woman wouldn't have any ulterior motives against him.