I hate horror movies!

"Welcome to our humble abode Mrs.Tang." Mei Leng gracefully ushered Tang Fei into the house.

"Thank you for inviting me to stay." Tang Fei responded. "I really do hate to be intruding on you like this!". 'Of course earning time to spend with my male god is nice too.' Tang Fei felt a burst of excitement at the thought of staying at her male gods house even if it was only until the storm lessened up.

"Not at all with having my ice block of a brother as company all the time you're a breath of fresh air!"

Mei Leng then gestured to the living room.

"By the way I was just about to watch a movie would you two care to join me?" She asked taking a seat on a black cushion.

"I'd love to." Tang Fei excitedly agreed as she positioned herself near Mei Leng.

Meanwhile the ignored Youyuan Leng who has been forced into watching a movie with his annoying sister and a woman out for his tofu was ruthlessly pulled by aforementioned sister in between her and Tang Fei.

Watching Mei Leng flip through the catalog Tang Fei wondered what type of movie they'll be watching. 'Maybe it will be romance or comedy maybe even action! I'm still so excited I get to watch a movie with a new friend and Youyuan Leng!'. But as Mei Leng stopped on a certain movie Tang Fei's face began to pale.

It was the newly released horror movie that depicted a family living in a house full of deadly secrets and multiple ghosts. Apparently it had been nominated as one of the scariest movies of the year!

'Noooooooooo!' Tang Fei internally screamed. If I watch this I'll have nightmares nightmares! Of course she still had to smile and turn to Mei Leng to confrirm her suspicion.

"Will we be watching this tonight?"

"Yup!" Mei Leng cheerfully smiled. 'Friend you will surely thank me for this my brother hates horror movies. Use the suspension bridge effect* to your advantage and conquer!' Mei Leng gave herself a pat on the back for her genius strategy oblivious to Tang Fei's internal conflict.

(*Supension Bridge Effect- to make the one you love easier to fall in love with you by you two share the experience of feeling anxieties and fears.)

"Can we not." The ever silent Youyuan Leng finally spoke up his face white as a sheet displaying his obvious reluctance and fear.

'Please male god convince your sister to let us escape this predicament!' Tang Fei prayed that she would not be subject to this torture today.

"Nope!" Mei Leng quickly replied. "Unless you want me to give your fan girls your address!" She sweetly smiled betraying her vicious words.

Youyuan Leng dared not respond for only he knew the true power of his "fans".

'Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy QAQ' Tang Fei cried at her bad luck. 'I absolutely hate horror movies!'