
After a very long night in her male gods arms, with panda eyes Tang Fei bid the two farewell in the morning.

Yawning as she drove home in her baby she thought about work. Since Youyuan Leng should be starting his investigation in the company I should compile the evidence we have on the main offender since I can't yet get the big fish behind them. Oh yeah I should probably call Yaoyao I forgot to last night! Pulling into the parking lot of the firm she dialed her best friend who immediately responded.

"Where were you last night! We're you getting together with your male god? Or were you kidnapped!" Her friend anxiously asked.

"It was storming really hard so I got to stay over at Youyuan Lengs place." She winced slightly at her friends loud tone.

"Ohhhh.. so were you just staying over or were you getting to something more?" Nan Peiyao suggestively asked her forever virgin friend. The only boyfriend her single friend had had was one in 1st grade who helped her carry books. Despite having many suitors until now Tang Fei had never pursued anyone.

"Nooo well I mean we slept in the same bed, but nothing else! Get your mind out of the gutter!" Tang Fei quickly shot down her friends guess. Feeling her face turn red she sighed at her friends perverted jokes. Suddenly she spotted Gan Mei hurriedly running to the side of the building out of the corner of her eye. It wouldn't have been suspicious if she didn't have such an anxious expression as if she were on deaths door. It was ..really weird. "Yaoyao I'll call you back I have something to do!"

"Wait wait wait you slept together! Hey where are you going you little rascal! I'll get you later!"

"Yes yes I know. Bye see you later." Tang Fei hurriedly hung up before slowly exiting her car. Walking along the concrete path to the side of the building she saw Gan Mei anxiously conversing with someone on the phone.

Pressing up against the corner of the building she optimized the power of her hearing to listen in. This is eavesdropping for potential information. Potential information from a subject of suspicion not looking for drama! Tang Fei reaffirmed her goals in her mind as she tuned in to listen.