Two Male Gods Are a Light Hazard (Part 1)

Various smells of seasoning and meat wafted from the kitchen as Nan Peiyao gracefully danced around the dishes while Tang Fei stayed on the side to hand over a few spices from time to time. Leaning back on the marble counter Tang Fei sighed. "Yaoyao why won't you let me in the kitchen?"

"Because you can't cook~!" NaN Peiyao sweetly smiled at her bored friend before returning into the sea of food.

"What do you mean!" Tang Fei pouted, she wasn't even that bad! It was Nan Peiyao who simply had goddess level skills. "I would certainly best you with more practice!"

Nan Peiyao simply turned to look at her friend before raising one eyebrow with a slightly mocking smirk. "Says the person who put a plastic pan in the oven when making pastries. I'm afraid even 1,000 years of practice wouldn't let you master the art of cooking!" Arrogantly she looked down at her 170 centimeter friend while ruffling her hair. "If you even want to eat I suggest you exit the kitchen." Spotting a broom that was resting against one of the white cabinets she picked it up and began to ruthlessly sweep out her protesting friend.

"Hey hey don't kick me out of the kitc- OWW! Alright I'll go, I'll go." After getting viciously whacked in the behind by Nan Peiyao's malicious broom she jumped out of the kitchen like a little white rabbit. After being successfully chased out she sat in the dining room lamenting her misfortune. My spirit and behind has been attacked how can I face my male god tonight? Is this my punishment for attempting to enter the kitchen QAQ.

Just as Tang Fei was wondering if she should sneak back in the kitchen for some ice she heard a ding~ from the front door. Oh the boss must be here! Scurrying to the doorway she patted down her hair that had been messed up by Yaoyao earlier. After tidying up she opened the apartment door with a bright smile to see.. a package. "I swear who sends packages this late at night!" She grumbled to herself closing the door. Placing the package on the table she prepared to head back to the dining room, but soon heard another ding~.

"I swear if it's another package I will physically hurt someone." Unhappily she opened the door with a frown to see.. Secretary Wen! "Oh Secretary Wen has Mr.Leng arrived?" Quickly wiping away her frown she gently smiled at the secretary outside. Secretary a Wen nodded with a calm smile "Mr. Leng is right around the corn-"

"I'm here." Leng Youyuan's 190 centimeter figure loomed in the doorway looking especially handsome in a tightly fitted black suit. The male god was certainly a sight for the eyes at all times of the day!

After almost getting blinded by the sight Tang Fei finally spoke. "Thank you for coming over boss it's normally so lonely with only Yaoyao and I. Having you and Secretary Wen join us is delightful!" Tang Fei cheerfully smiled.

"Oh are you sure you want me over?" Secretary Wen anxiously asked. "I'm afraid I would be a disturbance." 'How in the world could I intrude on the bosses time with his love interest. He's never agreed to personally eat with another person before outside of his family and business!' Inwardly sweating Secretary Wen hurriedly declined.

Unaware of Secretary Wen's distorted thinking Tang Fei insisted on Secretary Wen staying. "You've had to so diligently take care of Mr.Leng you should at least have a bit of hotpot and take a break!" Tang Fei felt a bit of pity for the secretary. Did the boss work his employees so hard they wouldn't even want dinner?

"If Mrs.Tang insists I will oblige." Awkwardly laughing Secretary Wen allowed Tang Fei to lead them inside praying he wouldn't die tonight because of his choice.

"I'm going to go help Yaoyao bring out the food." She explained after settling the two men down, but realizing they both had tightly wrapped suit jackets on she decided she might want to stop them from sweating to death first. "Would you mind if I took your coats?"

"Not at all." Secretary Wen politely accepted taking off his beige jacket and nearly handing it to Tang Fei.

"Mm. Thanks." In contrast to Secretary Wen's gentle behavior her boss remained an ever cold stone block. Of course Tang Fei didn't miss the sight of the stone block gracefully removing his suit while unconsciously causing his beautiful back muscles to show themselves.

After taking both coats Tang Fei only felt her throat was slightly dry. Such good fortune to be able to eat Yaoyao's food while being in the presence of two very handsome men, one of which she liked. Forgetting about the previous misfortune of her behind she thanked the heavens while making her way to the coat rack.

After returning to the kitchen she saw Yaoyao who had just finished the hotpot.

"Fei Fei you get the dishes I'll bring out the food." She swiftly placed instructions for Tang Fei before leaving the kitchen. Walking into the dinning room Nan Peiyao was greeted by the blinding sight of male gods. Gently placing the hotpot in the middle of the table she waited for the slightly stumbling Tang Fei to place down the steaming side dishes before pressing her hands together.

"Dinner is served!"